The gifts have been opened, the whiskey has been added to the eggnog, and all you want i to stop talking to everyone who’s been getting on your nerves all day. Here’s to hoping you’ve got access to a streaming subscription service, and your father-in-law finally figured out where he put the piece of paper with the WiFi password on it. [More]

20 Photos Of Kids Who Absolutely Cannot Stand That Santa Claus Guy
It’s a truth universally acknowledged, that despite the fact that millions of kids worship Santa Claus and his present-bringing powers, many of those children are terrified of meeting the guy. And when they do, their parents are often treated to some truly fantastic meltdowns (which are then captured on camera for posterity). [More]

Reminder: We Want Photographic Evidence Of Your Kid’s Mall Santa Claus Nightmare
Have you been to the mall recently with your adorable, usually well-behaved offspring, to visit a certain jolly bearded fellow? If you caught some hilarious results on camera, we’d like to remind you that you’ve still got time to submit your photos. [More]

Bank Branches, NFL Player, Random Strangers Keep Paying Off Layaway Tabs
Stories of layaway angels, or ordinary shoppers who pay off strangers’ layaway tabs in the weeks before Christmas or the beginning of the school year, proliferate in the news at this time of year. They make the legend of Santa Claus—someone who gives gifts while asking for nothing in return—literally come true. [More]

A Few Pen Strokes On This McDonald’s Coffee Cup Give “Warmest Greetings” A New Meaning
There are some things that, once seen, cannot be unseen. Like when someone draws hands on a pair of mittens on McDonald’s McCafe cup, and changes innocent outerwear into, well, something not quite so innocent. [More]

Filling Your Stocking With Chocolate May Be Cheaper This Year
If it’s not visions of sugar plums you see dancing in your head at Christmas, but images of chocolate Santa Clauses and reindeer, you’re in luck: cocoa prices are falling, which means chocolate is getting cheaper. [More]

‘Santa B’ Strikes Again: Layaway Angel Pays For $50K Worth Of Gifts At PA Walmart
It’s that time of year again, when we’re happy to hear about shoppers performing good deeds and random acts of kindness. Some of those warm-hearted folks we know better than others, including Pennsylvania’s “Santa B” layaway angel, who has now covered the cost of Walmart shoppers’ layaway items for the third year in a row. [More]

Ho Ho Whoa: Christmas Tree Prices Hit Up To $77 — Per Foot — In NYC
Yes, Virginia, there is a city where $1,000 Christmas trees are real. Where, you ask? In — where else? — New York City. [More]

’Tis The Season: We Want Photos Of Your Kid’s Mall Santa Claus Nightmare
It’s that time of year again, when parents inform their offspring that they’re being taken to meet a mystical bearded stranger who, if they’ve been good, has the potential to make all their dreams come true. Instead, these children find themselves face-to-face with a red-suited nightmare from which they want desperately to escape. [More]

Mall Of America Hosts Its First Black Santa
Normally, “very large mall hires additional Santa” is not a news story, let alone an interesting one. At the Mall of America near Minneapolis, however, it is news, because one of the country’s relatively few African-American Santas is coming to the mall for a four-day visit. [More]

Reminder: You Might Not Want To Display Empty Christmas Present Boxes Prominently On The Curb
There you are, happily and cozily ensconced in your house, playing your new PS4 (as long as it’s not a piece of wood) to your heart’s delight, warm with the Christmas spirit that brought you this shiny new toy. But if you want to keep your new pricy electronics and nice clothing, it’s not a good idea to tip off any would-be thieves of what’s hiding in your home by advertising it with empty boxes. [More]

27 Photos Of Kids Who Are Totally Ticked Their Parents Made Them Hang Out With This Weird Santa Guy
It’s a pact as old as Old St. Nick himself: in exchange for years and years of presents “magically” appearing on Christmas morning, to the youngsters’ delight — without being able to take credit for it — parents offer up their offspring to Santa Claus. In turn, they get the reward of gleefully sharing photos of the momentous event for years to come. This might be the only time it’s considered appropriate to find humor in a child’s fear, and that’s why we like to share your photos of kids being totally freaked out by Santa every year. [More]

Is Shopping On Christmas Day The Next Big Thing In Retail?
For better or worse, we’ve come to a point where shopping on Thanksgiving day is no longer a fringe case. But what about Dec. 25? With the exception of some vital retailers — drugstores, the occasional supermarket, gas stations, and, most importantly, movie theaters — most stores don’t even mess with the idea of opening on Christmas. But a new survey says that a not insignificant number of shoppers would be willing to buy stuff after they clean up all the wrapping paper. [More]

N.J. Mall Decides Not To Charge Admission To Santa’s Lap After All
When something is free one year and then comes with a fee the next, you better believe there are going to be customers who notice. As such, the management company at a New Jersey mall has backed off its experiment to charge visitors for the privilege of meeting (or even seeing) Santa Claus after parents complained that access to St. Nick’s lap should be free for everyone. [More]

AAA: Gas Could Fall Below $2 Per Gallon Nationwide Just In Time For Christmas
While we’re not sure how Santa Claus will be able to bring this present down the chimney, everyone with a car could be getting something very special this year: AAA says the national average for a gallon of gas could fall below $2 just in time for Christmas. [More]

Should Malls Charge Kids For The Privilege Of Visiting Santa Claus?
UPDATE: Later on Monday, the mall’s management group announced it had decided to make visiting Santa Claus free after all. [More]

Shoppers At Simon Malls Do Not Want Santa Claus Living In Some Sleek, Modern Version Of The North Pole
His belly will always resemble a bowl full of jelly, he will always drive a sleigh pulled by flying reindeer and Santa Claus will always live at the North Pole. And according to disgruntled shoppers at Simon Malls, his polar home at the mall dang well better be in the traditional style we’re all used to, and not some futuristic, modern place with nary a poinsettia in sight. [More]