Food & Personal Care


USDA Workers Will Eat What The Department Preaches With New Fryer-Less Cafeteria

Do you want fries with that? If you work for the United States Department of Agriculture, even if you do want a side of fries to go with your meal, you’re not gonna get it. The department’s cafeteria launched a new, healthier look today, which includes a menu devoid of deep-fried items. After deciding last year to go healthy, the USDA nixed deep fat fryers in both its cafeterias and will offer more healthful options for its employees. [More]

(Paxton Holley)

Pizza Hut Delivers Too-Small Pizza Missing 4 Toppings, Shrugs

WC ordered a large and very delicious pizza from Pizza Hut. It was a huge Panormous pizza with four toppings. The pizza arrived with one of the toppings, no mozzarella cheese, and in a much smaller size. Well, no problem: a case like that means that he’ll get a refund, a free replacement pizza, or maybe even both. Right? [More]


Decidedly Un-Adorable Salmonella Outbreak Linked To Pet Hedgehogs

We’ve heard the usual caveats to avoid salmonella — wash your hands after handling raw meat, cook your food thoroughly, etc. — but how do you ward off cuteness? The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says there have been 20 outbreaks of salmonella in the last year that were all linked to pet hedgehogs. Say it ain’t so, Sonic.  [More]

The winner.

A Quest To Find The Best $1 Fast Food Burger

You’re hungry. You’re stranded in suburbia. You only have a few bucks in your pocket. Which fast food dollar-menu burger should you choose? To find out, you’d need $6 (plus tax) and to drive all over town taste-testing the dollar offerings from every chain. Do you want cheese? Bacon? Flavor? Two patties? Fortunately, someone has done the legwork for you, without setting foot outside of his car. [More]

(Kitty & Kal-El)

Doritos Planning Taco Bell Chip Flavor: We Get It, You Guys Love Each Other

You know the couple — they start all cute, engage in a little PDA, one of them launches a line of wildly successful tacos using the other’s flavor, and then all of a sudden they’re all over Twitter, gushing at each other in public and making the rest of us cringe. The news of Frito-Lay creating a new chip in a “Taco Bell” flavor is the last straw. Get a room,  you guys. And also, what does a Taco Bell taste like? [More]

Get in our bellies.

Taco Bell CEO Makes Everyone’s Day With Doritos: “We’ve Got Cool Ranch. That’s Coming.”

Ever since Taco Bell learned that putting this together with that would result in millions of smiles, with “this” being nacho flavor Doritos and “that” being taco shells, we’ve been waiting and hoping for a Cool Ranch version of the Doritos Locos Taco to show up.  We got a hint a few weeks ago and now the company CEO himself has confirmed our greatest (or second greatest) hope and desire. [More]


CDC Report Details Which Foods Make The Most People Sick, Tells Everyone To Stay Calm

First of all, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention don’t want you to get all freaked out about the foods you eat, just because it’s releasing a report on the foods responsible for sickening the most people. It’s just an attempt to help regulators improve food safety. That being said, leafy greens like lettuce, spinach and kale are the most popular culprits, dairy products were responsible for the most hospitalizations and the most deaths were linked to poultry. [More]

Veggies? How dare you?!?

Taco Bell Pulls Ad That Says Everyone Will Hate You For Bringing Veggies To Gameday Parties

Taco Bell is such a mean girl. At least according to customers who complained that the fast food chain was being way harsh on vegetables and making fun of them for being the most unpopular snack at any gameday party in a new ad. The company decided to pull the ad yesterday after people got up in arms on Twitter for the veggie smackdown. [More]

(Morton Fox)

Funeral Procession Takes Trip To The Burger King Drive-Thru For One Last Meal

Honoring the memory of the loved ones we lose is all part of the funeral ceremony, the ritual of bidding farewell and laying that person to rest. And the best way one man’s family could find to honor him just so happened to include not only the normal funeral rites, but about 40 Whopper Jrs. by way of a trip through the Burger King drive-thru for the funeral procession. [More]

(Morton Fox)

Subway Crosses Its Heart, Swears To Die: From Now On, All Footlongs Will Indeed Be 12 Inches

Whether it’s because of the way bread rises and how it’s baked or there’s some nefarious conspiracy afoot, perhaps now everyone can simmer down about Subway’s Footlongs not always being in fact, a foot long. Subway is telling the world that honest, guys, we never meant to make a sandwich 11 or 11.5 inches, so please believe us and stop being so cranky. Not in so many words, but that’s the gist. [More]

(Morton Fox)

Ex-Subway Sandwich Artist On Short Footlongs: You Still Get The Same Amount Of Ingredients

Unless you’ve been hiding under a gluten-free rock, by now you’ve heard about Subway customers who are enraged, simply enraged, to the point of suing, that their so-called Footlong sandwiches are measuring only 11 or 11.5 inches. But while some might point to an evil corporate conspiracy at work, one ex-sandwich artist says we should probably relax, as the amount of ingredients in each sandwich should be the same. [More]

(Paxton Holley)

Survey: Top Brands For Buzz In 2012 Were Subway, Amazon And… Cheerios?

When you think about popular fast food chains, Subway is certainly among them. And is without a doubt the leader in online retail. But apparently the U.S. brand with the third-best “buzz” from consumers in 2012 was a cereal we’ve all been eating since the dawn of time. [More]

(Morton Fox)

Give’em An Inch Or They’ll Take A Mile: Two Customers Suing Subway Over 11-Inch Footlongs

Who knew that taking a ruler to a Subway Footlong sandwich would spiral into such a hullabaloo in less than a week? People are serious about their sandwiches, enough so that two New Jersey men are now suing Subway for advertising footlong food and handing out 11- or 11.5-inch sandwiches instead. [More]


Burger King Decides To Not Take The Chance Of Horse Meat Ending Up In Its Whoppers

Burger King has decided to end its relationship with a meat processing company in Ireland that, last week, was among those found to be churning out some beef products containing small amounts of horse meat. [More]


Mother Probably Less Concerned With Size Of Subway Sandwich Than The Glass Shards In It

Today’s news is all shards and we haven’t stopped cringing: First it was the potential for metal shards in pizza and now a mother is claiming her three-year-old daughter ate pieces of glass that were allegedly inside her Subway sandwich. Kinda makes all those complaints of 11-inch Footlongs seem a bit less important because hey, at least they’re shard-free. [More]


Annie’s Frozen Pizzas Recalled Since Metal Shards Aren’t The Tastiest Topping

Pepperoni, onions, mushrooms, sausage, heck, we’ll even take some anchovies on my pizza over say, a crunchy metal shard. Annie’s is issuing a recall of its Annie’s Homegrown Frozen Pizza because it’s possible that a few varieties could have fragments of “flexible metal mesh.” Apparently a faulty screen at third-party flour mill is to blame for this extraneous topping. [More]

(Scorpions and Centaurs)

Truckload Of Flaming Cheese Shuts Down Norwegian Highway

For five days, hot toxic gases filled the air near a highway in Norway after the contents of a truckload caught fire in a tunnel. The hot temperatures were too dangerous for highway personnel to approach: one told reporters that the material could be “almost like [gasoline] if it gets hot enough.” What was in the truck? Carmelized goat cheese. [More]


6 Food Items That May Be Padded With Ingredients Not On The Label

It’s one thing to look at the ingredients on some packaged foods and be befuddled by the presence of certain ingredients. It’s another thing when the makers of those products are using unlisted adulterants to provide filler to the products you buy. [More]