There may still be a Subway sandwich shop on every other corner in every town in America, but they aren’t as busy as they used to be. Is it a case of over-franchising? Is the company still reeling from the 2015 death of founder Fred DeLuca and the ignominious downfall of longtime Subway frontman Jared Fogle? [More]

Which Fast Food Chain Do Legal Marijuana Users Prefer When Hunger Hits?
When the last joint has been smoked, the vaporizer has run out of oil, and the Munchies Monster is demanding to be fed, where do marijuana users go to feast? [More]

Check Your AirDrop Settings If You Don’t Want To Receive Pics Of Strangers’ Genitals
The iPhone’s AirDrop functionality is convenient, allowing users to quickly transfer files between devices. At the same time, a small number of perverts and pranksters are apparently taking advantage of AirDrop to share photos of their “junk” with complete strangers.

Subway Owner Says Police Ruined Her Business By Falsely Claiming Officer’s Drink Was Spiked With Meth
The owner of a Subway franchisee is accusing her local police department of destroying her business and reputation by knowingly making false accusations through the local news that an employee of the restaurant spiked and officer’s drink with methamphetamine. [More]

Subway Thinks New Ordering Kiosks & App Will Help You Forget The Last Few Years
The last few years have not been kind to Subway. Jared Fogle, the longtime face of the company is behind bars. Its founder and president Fred DeLuca passed away in 2015, and after years of substantial growth, the total number of Subway franchises recently began to shrink, as did sales. What’s the solution? Technology! [More]

Crack In The Subway Bubble? Number Of Locations Shrinks For First Time Ever
After years of growth, Subway is beginning to shrink. Sure, the chain remains the most popular eatery in the world (at least in terms of stores), with more locations than McDonald’s. However, the 100% franchised chain reported a net decrease in its number of stores in the United States this year for the first time ever. [More]

Subway Fires Back At “50% Chicken” Claim
A recent report out of Canada claimed that testing of Subway’s chicken revealed that the meat was only 50% chicken with the rest made from soy. Now the sandwich chain is countering that report with science of its own, saying that two independent tests confirm that Subway’s chicken is… well, chicken. [More]

30 Stories We Didn’t Expect To Write In 2016
As a wise internet meme once said, some things are worth waiting for. Often, we end up waiting for them for so long, that when they finally do come to pass, we can’t help but be a bit shocked. And some things… Well, we never expected in the first place. [More]

Subway Worker Accused Of Filming Women In The Restroom
A Subway employee in Seattle is facing charges of voyeurism and possession of child pornography after allegedly filming women in the restaurant’s bathroom without their knowledge. [More]

Burger King, KFC & 14 Other Restaurant Chains Still Earning “F” Grades For Antibiotics Policies
Last year, a coalition of public health advocates released a report card grading the nation’s 25 biggest restaurant chains on their antibiotics policies. An astounding 20 of these chains earned “F” grades, usually for completely failing to address this issue. The newest report card shows that a number of restaurants have inched their way out of the basement, but the large majority of these companies appear to be completely ignoring antibiotics concerns. [More]

Indiana Subway Closes For A Day After Customer Posts Video Of Worker Zapping Bugs
At Subway, you have a choice of topping for your sandwich — cheese, tomatoes, lettuce, pickles, peppers, you know the drill. But itty-bitty bug carcasses? No one is lining up for that extra protein. [More]

Judges In Subway “Foot-Long Fraud” Appeal Ask Why Case Wasn’t Thrown Out Long Ago
More than three years after an Australian teen’s photo of a shorter-than-a-foot Subway sandwich kicked off a series of lawsuits against the fast food chain — and nearly a year after those suits were settled — the matter is still pending before a federal appeals court. Not because the plaintiffs are asking for more or Subway is trying to wriggle out of the deal, but because a third party is saying the case was so frivolous there should have been no settlement at all. [More]

16 Companies That Started Out Life With A Different Name
They’re names you probably come into contact with every day — Walmart, McDonald’s, Nike, and more — but they were once newcomers on the scene, with names they shed years ago. [More]

Taxis Still Provide More Rides Than Uber In New York City
Since bursting onto the transportation scene, Uber has served as a contentious rival for traditional taxis, with the industry arguing that the ride-hailing service has taken away business and depleted driver’s take-home pay. But a new report suggests that simply isn’t the case, at least in New York City, where traditional cabs continue to dominate the streets. [More]

Subway Giving Out Free Breakfast Sandwiches For The Month Of May — But There’s A Catch
In what seems to be an effort to carve itself a share of the fast food breakfast market, Subway is offering customers a free breakfast sandwich throughout the month of May. Getting that “free” food won’t be as easy as simply holding out your hand and saying “gimme,” however: you’ll either have to be the kind of person who likes to eat sub sandwiches before 9 a.m., or have a refrigerator to stash one until lunchtime, because the Subway deal is a buy-one-get-one situation: customers will get a six-inch savory breakfast sandwich “with the purchase of any of their favorite handcrafted subs” at participating locations. [Subway] [More]