Crime & Fraud


Blaming The Beer-Battered Fish You Ate Before Driving Will Not Make A Failed Sobriety Test Disappear

The thing about eating food that’s been cooked in booze, is that it’s been cooked. And because you usually cook with heat, any alcohol that started out in that liquid is that still remains by the time you eat it is not enough to make you drunk. But basic science didn’t keep one Wisconsin driver from brewing up a boozy food excuse for failing a field sobriety. [More]

(Alan Rappa)

Police Free Man Trapped Inside Mall Wall After He Accidentally Floods Restaurant, Hotel Lobby

An alleged squatter’s paradise inside a Denver mall became a prison Tuesday night, when police say a man hiding in the ceiling fell, tripped a water main that then flooded a restaurant and hotel lobby below, and got stuck inside a wall. [More]


USPS Worker Allegedly Swiped 2,000 Pieces Of Mail Out Of Sheer Boredom

Eating all the candy out of the glass jar on your desk. Spilling hot coffee on your computer while trying to beat your personal solitaire record. There are bad things you can do out of boredom at work, but one U.S. Postal Service worker admits she turned to taking as many as 2,000 pieces of mail she was supposed to deliver just to have something to do. [More]


ID Thieves Use Domino’s Ordering App To Check Stolen Card Numbers

Let’s say you’re a criminal who has just purchased a bunch of credit/debit card numbers stolen from one of the data breaches that occur every day. How do you check to see if the numbers you’ve purchased are any good? For ID thieves in Brooklyn, the Domino’s Pizza ordering app provided a quick and easy way to run through those numbers — and get pizza for people. [More]

(via The Smoking Gun)

New Entrants For Santa’s “Naughty” List Emerge After Neighbor Catches Teens Stealing UPS Packages

Tis the season: While American shoppers have been buying presents for loved ones in a quest to secure a spot on Santa Claus’ “Nice” list, there’s also the “Naughty” side of the population, set on snatching those gifts like the patron saint of holiday swiping, the Grinch himself. [More]

Security Video Shows Thief Apparently Hypnotizing Shopkeeper Before Picking His Pockets

Security Video Shows Thief Apparently Hypnotizing Shopkeeper Before Picking His Pockets

The next time I find myself suddenly without any cash, I’m now going to be convinced that it was a hypnotizing thief lightening my load. Because yes, that can apparently happen: Police in London believe a shopkeeper might’ve been put in a trance by a guy caught on CCTV who then picked his pockets. [More]

McDonald’s Customer & His Cat Pepper-Sprayed By Other Customer

McDonald’s Customer & His Cat Pepper-Sprayed By Other Customer

Anyone who has worked in retail — especially foodservice — is familiar with pesky customers who have to repeatedly be told to leave the store. But one such standoff in Seattle apparently escalated quickly to the point where at least two adults and a cat were all doused in pepper spray. [More]


Police Arrest Kohl’s Shopper Accused Of Wandering The Store While Masturbating

Shopping can already be a stressful experience in the holidays, what with people racing to grab the best deals, filling up parking lots and elbowing each other in the Frozen aisle. But police say one Kohl’s shopper upped the bad shopping experience ante when he wandered around the story earlier this week, private bits out and masturbating as he strolled. [More]

The North Korean government has been openly critical of the upcoming Sony-distributed comedy The Interview, in which James Franco and Seth Rogen are tasked with assassinating Kim Jong-Un.

Report: Sony To Officially Point Finger At North Korea For Huge Hack

Last week, it was revealed that Sony had been the victim of a massive data breach, resulting in the leak of Sony films, scripts, passwords, and sensitive information about employees and business operations. There have been rumors of suspected involvement by the North Korean government in the hack, and a new report claims that Sony will officially name the country as the source of the breach. [More]

(Pedestrian Photographer)

Traveler Arrested For Allegedly Slamming Bag Into Elderly TSA Agent During Carry-On Dispute

Listen, we’re all looking for a little wiggle room when it comes to increasingly more cramped commercial flights, but when airport workers tell you something isn’t gonna fit as a carry-on, that is not the time to turn up the rage. Logan Airport officials say a man was arrested yesterday at a security checkpoint after allegedly slamming his too-large-to-carry-on backpack into a 74-year-old Transportation Security Administration agent. [More]


Walmart Shopper Thinks No One Will Notice 6.5 Pounds Of Cow Tongue Shoved In His Pants

We understand that the very act of wearing pants is kind of like adorning your legs in potential pockets — as long as nothing falls out the bottom, you’ve got fabric fit for carrying stuff. But just because you’ve got room in your pants to spare doesn’t mean it’s okay to shove stolen meat (or seafood) down there, as yet another bad consumer has shown us this week. [More]

In search of a meat nap. (

Police: Man Broke Into Meat Business, Grabbed Some Sausages And Took A Nap

While falling prey to a meat nap attack is not an unheard of phenomenon, police in Austin say a 28-year-old man had the bad idea to break into a local business, steal a couple of sausages and then fall asleep amongst the meat. [More]

(Smacks Well)

1-In-5 Shoppers Has Done Something Awful To Obtain A Coveted Holiday Gift

Because there’s this widely held assumption that people should get the thing they desire most during the holidays, and because a lot of people desire the same things, some holiday shoppers will cross that line between naughty and nice to make sure they check certain items off their shopping lists. [More]


Tourist Fined $25K For Scratching His Initial On Wall Of Roman Colosseum

The thing about the world’s archaeological treasures is that they’re awe-inspiring enough without any kind of extra embellishments. And just in case you are tempted to deface ancient history, perhaps the $24,865 fine one tourist will be paying for carving his initial into the wall of Rome’s Colosseum will change your mind. [More]


Some Jerk Runs Over Guy At McDonald’s Drive-Thru, Grabs Food Before Leaving

It’s bad enough to commit a hit-and-run, but when you’ve got enough time to stop and pick up some grub while you flee, well that’s just a total jerk move. The family of a New York City man who was run over in the McDonald’s drive-thru say they found out the driver stopped long enough to grab his food from the window afterward, instead of calling the police. [More]


Naked Man Falls Through Airport Bathroom’s Ceiling, Allegedly Attacks Elderly Man

Whenever someone is naked in public, there are so many questions: When did the clothes come off? Is there a stash nearby? And why would someone decide to crawl around in the ceiling of an airport bathroom in his birthday suit? State police in Boston have arrested a man who fell through the ceiling of a women’s bathroom at Logan Airport, and then allegedly assaulted an elderly man outside the restroom. [More]


Texas Postal Worker Accused Of Delivering Meth On His Mail Route

While it might be convenient to tweak one job to allow for working a second at the same time, delivering methamphetamine while out on the postal route is the kind of thing that gets you arrested. A Texas postal worker attempted that kind of illegal multi-tasking, police say, dropping off drugs while doing his mail rounds. [More]

Boston TSA Agents Find Dozens Of Credit Cards Under Different Names Stuffed Inside Teddy Bear

Boston TSA Agents Find Dozens Of Credit Cards Under Different Names Stuffed Inside Teddy Bear

Stuffed animals serve a simple purpose: To be cute and cuddly. As such, they’re imbued with a sort of innocence, so far as inanimate object can be, which is perhaps why someone thought no one would notice if a sweet little teddy bear was stuffed chock full of what could be stolen credit cards. [More]