Well, that really didn’t last long. The promising $35-per-month price for AT&T’s DirecTV Now streaming bundle was always billed as “promotional” and time-limited, but that time appears to be short. Super-short. As in: ending on Jan. 9, in just over a week. [More]
that escalated quickly

Home Depot Customer Sues For $250K Over $28 Late Fee
Earlier this year, Home Depot charged an Oregon customer a $28 late fee for allegedly missing a payment on his store line of credit. The subsequent dispute over that fee resulted in more fees, a 100-point drop in the customer’s credit score and now a $250,000 lawsuit against the retailer. [More]

Passengers Boo American Airlines As Woman Is Kicked Off Flight For No Apparent Reason
When an unruly, obnoxious or otherwise disruptive person deserves to be booted off a flight, that’s one thing. But American Airlines passengers were pretty ticked off recently when a woman who says she did nothing wrong was ordered off the plane. And they let the crew know — booing and voicing support for their fellow traveler. [More]

McDonald’s Customer & His Cat Pepper-Sprayed By Other Customer
Anyone who has worked in retail — especially foodservice — is familiar with pesky customers who have to repeatedly be told to leave the store. But one such standoff in Seattle apparently escalated quickly to the point where at least two adults and a cat were all doused in pepper spray. [More]

Size Of Adobe Hack May Now Be Larger Than Population Of Most Countries
Ah, the quaint days when it was believed that only a paltry 2.9 million users’ accounts were affected by the hack that went unnoticed for several weeks. Then things got uglier and that estimate blew up to around 38 million. Now The Verge Reports that one group claims that there were upwards of 150 million accounts involved in the hack. [The Verge] [More]