Crime & Fraud

Hungry Buffalo Residents Steal Chips Off Doritos Truck Abandoned In The Snow

Hungry Buffalo Residents Steal Chips Off Doritos Truck Abandoned In The Snow

Just like a lovely sea creature perched upon the rocky shoreline, a Doritos truck abandoned in several feet of the snow that’s currently blanketing the Buffalo, NY area proved too tempting to resist for some hungry residents. After its driver apparently left it behind when Mother Nature dumped six feet of snow on it this week, people were spotted brazenly boosting chips from the back of the rig for their own eating pleasure. [More]


Police Searching For Lane Bryant Shopper Accused Of Letting Her Dog Urinate On Store’s Clothes

There are bad consumers, and then there are shoppers who allow their dogs to do their bathroom business inside the store. And we’re not talking a little “oops” of a light sprinkle, but New Jersey police say one Lane Bryant shopper let her little pet pee on $2,000 worth of store merchandise. [More]

(Alan Bruce)

Authorities Arrest Owner, Six Employees Of Debt Collection Group That Scammed $4.1M From Consumers

We’re no stranger to the shady tactics that debt collection companies use to pry money from consumers. But the latest scam to be shut down by U.S. authorities might be one of the most egregious we’ve ever seen. [More]

Seems legit.

Terrible People Create Fake Amazon Pages, Convince Walmart To Price-Match Them

It seemed like a great victory for consumers when Walmart announced that it would price-match select online retailers, including However, because we’re not evil, we didn’t foresee how some people would misuse the price-matching privilege to scam Wally World into selling them video game consoles at cut-rate prices. [More]

(Alan Rappa)

If You’re Going To Ask A Cop For A Ride To Burger King, Don’t Have Pockets Packed With Pot

This isn’t one of those stories where an incapacitated person makes silly fast food demands of the police and ends up getting arrested. But alas, while it’s nice to know there are cops out there willing to drive your average hungry citizen to Burger King, bringing along your drugs for the ride is not going to go over well in your new carpool. [More]

Students Arrested After Allegedly Stealing $7.5K Ronald McDonald Statue, Completing Drive-Thru Order

Students Arrested After Allegedly Stealing $7.5K Ronald McDonald Statue, Completing Drive-Thru Order

We all know you’re not supposed to return to the scene of the crime, but another good way to get caught is to spend as much time as you can in front of surveillance cameras while committing an unlawful act. Heck, four students accused of kidnapping a Ronald McDonald statue from an Illinois restaurant stuck around long enough afterward to finish going through the drive-thru and pick up some eats. [More]

(Poplar Spring Animal Sanctuary)

Just Because It’s Legal To Mail Live Birds Doesn’t Mean You Should Send 15 Baby Chicks To Your Ex

It might sound crazy to some that it’s actually legal to send live birds through the mail (with some strict conditions), but what sounds even nuttier is that a guy reportedly mailed his ex-girlfriend 15 baby chicks in some kind of prank/misguided statement about their break-up. [More]

(The Longmont Times-Call]

Man Stuck Inside Department Store Wall Freed After 3 Days

Whenever I hear a plaintive voice calling to me from nowhere, I always just assume it’s ghosts. It’s a good thing I’m not a worker at Marshalls, where a man who was trapped inside the wall for up to three days was finally rescued after employees heard some odd noises. This, after the man apparently tried passing notes to the outside about his predicament. [More]


Man Maced By Woman In Movie Theater After He Asks Her To Turn Phone Off

So you’re at the movies and the person in front of you has her phone on and is tapping away merrily. It’s the previews, so who really cares? And now the movie has just started, still annoying, but okay. Five minutes in, however, is kind of pushing it. That’s when witnesses at an American Film Institute screening of Mr. Turner say one man in the audience politely asked a woman to put her phone away. She allegedly responded by spraying Mace in his face. [More]

Chris Rief aka Spodie Odie

Middle Schoolers Defeat Teenagers Trying To Steal Their Wagonload Of Girl Scout Cookies

Don’t be fooled — age is nothing but a number, and you do not want to cross a youngster protecting her business. Or rather, two middle schoolers who managed to fend off a pair of older, would-be robbers allegedly trying to steal their Girl Scout cookies out from under them. [More]

Not the violin involved. (thart2009)

Guy Accused In Theft Of $5M Stradivarius Violin Sentenced To 7 Years In Prison

What do you get for taking a $5 million, 300-year-old rare violin that doesn’t belong to you? The man who pleaded guilty to stealing a Stradivarius violin from a Milwaukee musician was just sentenced to seven years in prison for the crime. He’s probably hearing violins of his own right about now. Teeny tiny ones. [Associated Press] [More]


Report: Breach Of USPS’ Networks Compromises Personal Data Of 2.9M Customers, 750K Employees & Retirees

Let’s all pick our jaws up off the floor because, and I know you won’t believe this, yet another security breach has compromised the personal information of millions of people. The latest in what has become an unfortunate trail of hack attacks has hit the U.S. Postal Service computer system, officials say. [More]


Researchers: iOS Bug Allows Malware To Replace Your Phone’s Real Apps

We’ve said it before and we’ll say it again — don’t download apps from third-party sites, or do so at your phone’s peril. Security researchers say they’ve found a particularly sneaky bug in Apple’s iOS that allows hackers to replace real apps with fakes, that can then steal log-in credentials and gain access to a treasure trove of your information. [More]

An email supposedly from  Pizza Hut actually contains malware.

Fake Pizza Hut Anniversary Email Won’t Give You Free Pizza, Just Malware

Emails for free pizza might be few and far between, so when one shows up in your inbox you might be tempted to ditch those dinner plans for a few cheesy slices. But even the promise of free pizzas can be too good to be true, that was certainly the case this week when an email purported to be from Pizza Hut didn’t end in free pizza, but dangerous malware. [More]

(Maguis and David)

Florida Man Accused Of Pilfering 11 Truckloads Of Fruit From Tangerine Grove, Reselling It

Maybe it’s just that thing where once you hear about something you never really thought about before, you start noticing it more often, but it seems like there’s been quite the rash of food thefts lately. Joining the ranks of pilfered produce like pumpkins, corn and onions is the theft of a bunch of tangerines from a Florida grove. [More]

(Julio Marquez)

Google Study: Email Users 36 Times More Likely To Get Scammed If Friends’ Accounts Get Hacked

So you think your job is done — you’ve secured your email against hackers by thinking up the best password in the entire world. You’re safe, or so you think. But a new study from Google says that if your friends and email contacts have already been hacked, you’re much more likely to get scammed, too. [More]


Bodega Customer Accused Of Using Stolen Credit Card Allegedly Tried To Set Clerk On Fire With Axe Body Spray

While there are those who find the smell of Axe body spray offensive (as anyone with a teenage brother/son going through that phase can attest to), using it as a weapon is an entirely different, more dangerous move. Police in Brooklyn say a bodega customer accused of using a stolen credit card fought back, biting a clerk on the arm before trying to light him on fire with Axe. [More]


Police: Woman Admits She Hit Walmart Shopper With Her Car After Losing A Parking Spot

We’ve all been there: The parking lot is crowded, your errands are pressing, the day has been long and oh hallelujah, there it is, a parking spot that’s about to open up. So you wait, patiently. And then, right when you think everything isg king to work out and you’ll be sitting pretty any second, another car swoops in and asides into the spot destined for you. Sure, you’re probably going to be ticked off. But despite any negative feelings toward your fellow shopper at that moment, violence is never the answer. [More]