It’s already pretty difficult to return an item without a receipt at many retailers, but when a guy left behind a sheet of counterfeit money in the printer he was trying to bring back to Walmart, police got wise that something was shady. [More]

Hey, You Left Your Counterfeit Money Inside This Possibly Stolen Printer You’re Trying To Return!

March Recall Roundup: This Garlic Slicer Prefers Human Fingers
In this month’s Recall Roundup for consumer goods, crossbows fire at will, snorkeling masks buckle under pressure, and garlic slicers are out to slice your fingers instead. [More]

Walmart Worker Stops Woman From Wiring $2,100 To Fake Stranded Grandson
With all the news of scammers out there stealing money from unsuspecting folks using the lowdown, dirty “Help, I’m your grandson/niece/other close family relative!” act, our hearts are warmed all the more when observant customer associates stop those scams cold. Here to brighten the day comes the tale of the Walmart employee and the loving grandma. [More]

When Your Coupon Gets Rejected, Don’t Pull A Gun On Walmart Staff
We know that some people like coupons and take their use very seriously, but don’t take things to extremes. For example, there’s the Florida woman who was so enraged that her local Walmart wouldn’t take a coupon that she printed out online that she rammed a manager with a cart, then retrieved her handgun from her car and threatened employees with it. [More]

Looking For Love In All The Wrong Places? Try Walmart
Are you tired of heating up a microwave dinner for one? Is there an empty spot on the pillow beside you just waiting to be filled? Do you need to stock up on toilet paper? Perhaps you need to head to Walmart for some love at first sight action. A study claims that the big box retailer is the most popular place for people to meet and fall in love at first glance, so what do you have to lose? [More]

Florida Man Claims He Shot At Walmart Shoplifter’s Car So Cops Could Find It Later
In New York City, subway riders are used to the phrase, “If you see something, say something.” The key word there being “say,” not “do.” That advice could apply to a number of situations, because while vigilante justice is a noble theme in comic books, police likely won’t approve if you open up fire on your fellow shopper for shoplifting. [More]

Couple Foils Their Walmart Crime Spree With A Marital Screaming Match In The Parking Lot
The couple that shoplifts together, stays together — unless marital disputes get in the way, perhaps. A husband and wife team reportedly had a successful crime spree at an Illinois Walmart, allegedly boosting $2,400 in stolen merchandise without any store employees noticing a thing. But they sure paid attention when the two started a screaming match in the parking lot. [More]

Walmart Features Pick A Price, Any Price For Pop Up Bowl Microwave Popcorn
Good afternoon, class. It’s time for yet another lesson in “Do The Math Before You Pick Which Package Of A Product To Buy.” Today’s example comes from Consumerist reader Brian, who spotted various price options at his local Walmart for microwave popcorn. Three identical products in three different options, but which one to buy? [More]

It Is Our Journalistic Duty To Ask You If People Are Seriously Peeing On Stolen Pregnancy Tests Right There In The Aisle
We came across something today on the ever-surprising Internets that has our brains doing whatnows and ohnotheydidnts all over the place, and we need your help to get a handle on the situation. Specifically — ahem — are people really stealing pregnancy tests and peeing on them right there in the aisle? [More]

You Think You Can Just Scoot Into Walmart & Set It On Fire While You Shoplift? Nope.
Apologies for the headline because of course you are physically able to ride a motorized shopping cart into Walmart and set stuff on fire as a diversion tactic while boosting items, but you should not do so and will likely be caught. Just like the guy who is accused of trying that same stunt in Ohio. [More]

Walmart Worker Treated Store Shelves As Personal Snack Pantry For 4 Years
Most workers like to take a break in the middle of their work day and have a meal or a snack. That’s a nice idea, as long as it’s your break time. You’re not supposed to help yourself to snack food from the shelves of the retailer where you work, but a woman who has worked in maintenance at Walmart stores in two different states has been caught after a seven-year on-the-job crime spree. Now she’s been charged with a felony after getting caught on camera munching Oreos. [More]

How I Turned A Walmart Gift Card Into An EA Game Preorder By Way Of A Kitchen Appliance
Reader O. wanted to preorder a new game from 2012 Worst Company in America champ EA, and he wanted to use some money that he had on a Walmart gift card. Fair enough. What he did have was a $50 Walmart gift card and some cash. Walmart theoretically carries EA gift cards, so he should have been able to visit his nearest Wally World, pick up a card, take it home, and pre-order a delicious Crysis 3 download. Indeed, he was able to do that, but only after he took a pocketful of cash across the street and bought his desired EA gift card at GameStop. You can use a Walmart gift card for anything that the store sells…except prepaid debit cards. [More]

Walmart VP Calls February Sales ‘Total Disaster’
It might be easy to imagine Walmart executives swimming around, Scrooge McDuck-like, in rooms full of gold coins, while throwing bricks of cash on a fire, but really it’s just like any other business (except really frickin’ huge), where a few bad weeks of sales can lead to panic. [More]

Walmart Consultant Caught On Camera Bad-Mouthing Town Council
If you’re near a live camera and microphone, it’s good advice to be on your best behavior, even when you think no one is watching. Just ask the consultant for Walmart who was recently filmed referring to a Springfield, MO, city councilman as “a dipsh*t.” [More]

Some Walmarts Still Short-Changing Customers On Gift Receipt Returns
Nearly two years after Walmart stores were first caught short-changing customers who returned items using gift receipts, and following numerous later reports that the practice was continuing, it looks like some Walmarts have just not gotten the message. [More]

Shoplifter Apologizes For Beating Up Walmart Greeter
We’ve posted a lot of stories over the years about Walmart greeters who have been on the receiving end of punches, slaps and other forms of assault, but we think this might be the first time we’ve heard of the attacker trying to apologize for his actions. [More]

This Antifreeze Is Defective: It Froze Solid
We don’t have any car experts on staff here at Consumerist, but even we know that antifreeze is generally supposed to stay liquid. Yet that’s not what happened to the gallon bottle that C. bought at Walmart, intending to top off his kids’ car. He stored it outside and found the bottle frozen solid when it came time to use it. That would make things difficult. [More]

Did The Recession Create A Dollar Store Bubble?
Seven years ago, we were flipping houses with loans we received for passing the “Are you currently breathing?” underwriting requirements. Then it all collapsed and we transitioned from shopping at Neiman Marcus to the local dollar stores, which have ballooned in numbers due to a misguided belief that people will remain thrifty. [More]