Looking For Love In All The Wrong Places? Try Walmart

Are you tired of heating up a microwave dinner for one? Is there an empty spot on the pillow beside you just waiting to be filled? Do you need to stock up on toilet paper? Perhaps you need to head to Walmart for some love at first sight action. A study claims that the big box retailer is the most popular place for people to meet and fall in love at first glance, so what do you have to lose?
While you might be scoffing, if researchers say it’s true, it must be, right? Psychology Today (via CNNMoney) says Walmart is the winner when it comes to couples laying eyes on each other and getting all melty and swoony.
In a study of 15 states and their “missed connections” posts on Craigslist, Walmart was mentioned the most among lovestruck people hoping to find the object of their affection again.
The states included ranged from West Virginia, to Texas to Idaho, and analyzed posts in those states. But of course, where there are fewer Walmarts there are fewer missed connections reported there: New York City’s most popular spot was the subway while in California, the land of tanned fitness devotees, 24 Hour Fitness claimed lovesick victims most often.
Age matters — the 20-something set often spotted a potential love in an ice cream store, those in their 30s see romance at bars and if you’re over 40… well, it’s probably going to be a strip club or adult bookstore. So romantic.
My esteemed Consumerist colleague Laura points out that the song “Debra’ by Beck is a pretty fitting ode to retail love. Check it out below if you’re so inclined.
More people look for love at Wal-Mart [CNNMoney]
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