While they say you should try, try again if at first you don’t succeed, that familiar maxim should not apply when what you’re trying to do is open the exterior door of a commercial jet flying several thousand feet above the ground. [More]
don’t do that

United Airlines Passenger Arrested After Allegedly Trying To Open Door 3 Times During Flight

Police: Hard Rock Hotel Guest Used Ice Machine As Toilet
The thing about hotel rooms? They contain all the facilities people have at home — a bed for sleeping, a closet for your clothes, a bathroom with a sink, shower and toilet for hygiene maintenance — meaning you don’t need to go looking elsewhere when nature calls. Unfortunately for fellow guests at one Hard Rock Hotel, someone allegedly went rogue in that last area. [More]

There Must Be Something In The Water: Yet Another Tulsa Shopper Accused Of Masturbating In Walmart
What’s going on in Tulsa, OK? Is there some kind of aphrodisiac in the water, or are the Walmart stores there just inexplicably attractive to the public self-pleasuring set? In the second time in a matter of months, a Tulsa shopper has been accused of getting down to business in the middle of a Walmart. [More]

United Flight Diverted Because Passengers Aren’t Supposed To Charge The Cockpit
What should have been a few-hour flight from Houston to New York City on Saturday evening turned into an 8-hour slog with a long stopover in Memphis for passengers of United flight 1435, which never made it all the way to its intended destination. All because a passenger decided to rush the cockpit. [More]

Florida Man Claims He Shot At Walmart Shoplifter’s Car So Cops Could Find It Later
In New York City, subway riders are used to the phrase, “If you see something, say something.” The key word there being “say,” not “do.” That advice could apply to a number of situations, because while vigilante justice is a noble theme in comic books, police likely won’t approve if you open up fire on your fellow shopper for shoplifting. [More]

Passengers Tackle Man On Flight Because Grabbing Ladies Just Isn’t To Be Tolerated
Committing acts of harassment in a confined public space is going to lead to one inevitable outcome: You’re gonna get caught because there’s nowhere to go. That’s what happened to a man on a flight from Chicago to Orange County, Calif. when his fellow passengers tackled him for behaving aggressively and grabbing women while in the air. Getting away is not an option when you’re at that altitude, people. [More]

Guess What? 911 Doesn’t Want To Hear About Your Unsatisfactory Experience At Skyline Chili
How many times do we have to say it? People, 911 is not your personal complaint line, whether it’s a call about a sub-par sandwich or the service you received at your local Skyline Chili. Cops say one Cincinnati man got a bit tipsy and called 911 about 10 times after an unsatisfactory experience at the restaurant. [More]

Mom Ordered To Stay Away From Nordstrom For Leaving Kids In The Car To Shop
Endangering your kids to check out some great shopping? That didn’t fly with a judge in the San Francisco area. A new mom has been ordered to stay away from Nordstrom after leaving her 11-week-old twins inside her SUV while she was visiting the store in February. Once again — never leave your kids in the car, no matter the season. [More]
Screaming Child On Plane Prompts Man To Trigger Emergency Slide
Lots of crying kids today, folks! While we know it can be annoying to sit next to a child bawling his or her head off on a plane, that doesn’t mean it’s okay to trigger the emergency slide. One man on a Vietnam Airlines flight did just that in response to a crying kid. [More]