If you’ve been waiting for the Nexus One to hit Verizon, you can stop waiting. The HTC Droid will take the place of the Nexus One on the Verizon network, Google announced via a blog post Monday. It’s supposed to support better multi-touch sensors, so, win? Perhaps given the customer service issues that arose after the initial Nexus One launch – they didn’t even offer any phone support at first – Google decided it would be better to get out of the retail business. [Google via PhoneScoop] [More]

Verizon Rubs Comcast's Face In Worst Company Win
For anyone who thought that mammoth megacorporations behaved anything like adults, they should just check out the Twitter account for Verizon, who saw fit tonight to have a little fun at the expense of Worst Company In America winner Comcast. [More]

Buncha Peoples' Droids Randomly Deleting All Their Text Messages
Maybe they are sentient after all, just like the commercials suggest, and they’ve decided it’s time for you to move on. A slew of Droid owners are reporting that their cellphones will sometimes randomly delete all of their text messages. That’s every picture of your baby your wife sent you, every hilarious exchange between you and your best friend, and every must-have address you’ve got stored as a text message. [More]

The $7,865.84 Verizon Bill
Yowza! David’s eyes popped out his head when he saw his $7,865.84 bill from Verizon. [More]

I E-Mailed The Verizon CEO And Got A Free Month Of FiOS
Mike was having trouble getting Verizon to actually show up and install his FiOS. He wasted two Saturdays and a Sunday waiting and fruitlessly calling Verizon customer service. But after a nice e-mail to the CEO, Mike says his FiOS was installed immediately. [More]

Why Won't Verizon Show Me My DSL Bill?
Consumerist reader David recently made the switch from Comcast internet to Verizon DSL because he figured if he was going to get slow web access, he might as well pay less for it. David also works for a company that will reimburse him for a portion of his internet cost, so long as he provides them with a copy of his bill. One catch — Verizon doesn’t seem to want to show him his bill. [More]

5 Secrets To Get Better Verizon Wireless Customer Service
Here’s 5 things you might not know about Verizon Wireless that could also help you be more successful when dealing with customer service and customer service issues: [More]

Verizon CEO Won't Confirm Or Deny iPhone Reports
The rumor winds have been stirring for months about AT&T seeing an end to its iPhone monopoly with Apple set to launch a model that could work on Verizon’s network. Today, Verizon’s CEO would only admit that his company has expressed an interest in being able to offer the iPhone to its customers. [More]

Reach Verizon Wireless Executive Relations
For some reason, people just seem to like sending us phone numbers for Verizon Wireless Executive Relations these days. So here’s yet another number you can use if you have an impossible issue that regular customer service has not been able to solve: [More]

Worst Company In America: AT&T VS Verizon
It’s a battle of the telecom titans today, as AT&T — better known as the company that didn’t think New Yorkers would actually get iPhones for Christmas and the ones responsible to those ads that made us dislike Luke Wilson — takes on Verizon, home of $350 ETF and those ads that make us want to give the FiOS guy a swirly in the boys room between classes. [More]

Reach Verizon Wireless Executive Relations
Here is another arrow in the quiver for your quest to resolve an impossible Verizon Wireless issue if normal avenues have failed, the a numba for a fella in Verizon Wireless Executive Relations: [More]

Report: AT&T Beefing Up Network To Prep For iPhone Battle
Following up on yesterday’s news that Apple is preparing to start production on Verizon-compatible iPhones, the Wall Street Journal now says that AT&T has been working since December to improve their existing networks to remain competitive when the inevitable battle for iPhone market share begins. [More]

Report: iPhones For Verizon, Sprint Coming As Early As September
It’s been rumored for months that Apple iPhones would soon be able to be used on U.S. mobile networks other than AT&T, and a new report says the company is finally set to begin mass production on the phones as early as September. [More]

Verizon Already Has Too Many Compliments, Doesn't Need Yours
Dave wanted to leave a compliment for a an especially helpful Verizon customer service representative. However, Verizon’s own system thwarted his good deed: Verizon’s customer service compliment line has a full voicemail box and can’t accept any more praise. [More]

Buy Stuff Online With Your Verizon Wireless Account
If you’re wary of using your credit card to buy things online, especially “virtual goods” on social networking sites or web-based games, Verizon has announced a new service that allows their customers to have those charges go straight to their mobile phone bill. [More]

Reach Verizon Wireless Executive Customer Service
Got a Verizon complaint wireless complaint that’s not getting anywhere? Live in the Northeast? Monica is your gal. [More]

Verizon Accuses Cablevision Of Patent Infringement On Cable Boxes
Just as it’s finished its battle with ABC, Cablevision looks like they’re about to lock horns again. This time it’s with Verizon, who have accused the NYC-area cable company of infringing on several of its patents for set-top receivers. [More]