
Another Chicago Uber Driver Accused Of Sexually Assaulting Passenger

Another Chicago Uber Driver Accused Of Sexually Assaulting Passenger

While Uber claims to have recently bolstered its security and safety policies, reports of drivers allegedly assaulting passengers continue to make headlines. [More]


Uber Promises To Share Trip Data With Cities While Guarding Customer Privacy

On the one hand, the more information about how its traffic works a city can get, the more material it has to improve parking, or transit in that area. But on the other, customers who use ride-sharing services like Uber might balk at the idea of information about their trips being shared outside the company. Uber is pledging now to both share data about rides with U.S. cities as well as safeguard customers’ privacy. [More]

(Ken Shelton)

Uber Promising Seasonal Cuts To Prices In 48 Of Its “Newer” Cities

Maybe you thought you were special, living in a city that’s had Uber longer than others. Perhaps at one time you were different, but now the newbies are getting the special treatment. Uber says seasonal ride prices will be going down in 48 of its “newer cities” on the U.S. map, while still guaranteeing earnings for those driver. [More]

(New England Oddities)

Going Out On New Year’s Eve? Plan Ahead So You Don’t Get Hit By Surge Prices

Don’t want to be like that person shocked to find she’s paid out a huge chunk of change the night before due to Uber’s surge pricing? Start the New Year out right and make a plan to avoid those fee hikes, before you hit the bubbly and decide money is immaterial. Your 2015 self will thank you for making the right choice, I promise. [More]

(So Cal Metro)

Los Angeles Mulling Idea Of Uber-Like App To Make Taxi Industry More Competitive

Two weeks after Los Angeles and San Francisco sued Uber for an array of issues, one of the cities is mulling the idea of making their own taxi system more like the ride-sharing service with a mobile app that would allow customers to hail and pay their fare with the press of a button. [More]

(Brian PDX)

Uber Agrees To Suspend Service In Portland For 3 Months

Marking the first time the ride-sharing company has voluntarily agreed to suspend service in a city it’s already established in, Uber has agreed to pull its drivers from the road in Portland for three months as part of a deal with the mayor to work on new regulations. [More]

Uber Reportedly Revamping Security, Won’t Say Exactly What It’s Doing

Uber Reportedly Revamping Security, Won’t Say Exactly What It’s Doing

Following several accusations of Uber drivers behaving horrendously and a lawsuit regarding the company’s vetting processes for potential vehicle operators, the ride-sharing company is reportedly trying to make it up to future customers by revamping their focus on safety – although the company failed to provide many specifics. [More]

Uber's first take on the hostage situation? Surge pricing.

Uber Realizes Charging Surge Prices During Sydney Hostage Situation Isn’t A Great Idea, Offers Free Rides

As of Monday morning, there is a hostage situation in Sydney, Australia, where a suspect has been in a standoff with police since Sunday morning, holding a reported 13 or so people hostage inside a cafe in the city’s central business district. And while others in the area tried to flee from the scene as quickly as possible yesterday, Uber customers were finding $100 minimum charges and up to 4x surge prices to get a ride somewhere safer. [More]

Uber’s Response To Complaint About Driver Who Offered Oral Sex: Here’s $31

Uber’s Response To Complaint About Driver Who Offered Oral Sex: Here’s $31

How is one supposed to react when an Uber driver offers to pull the car over and demonstrate his prowess at oral sex? And how is Uber supposed to react when that passenger files a complaint about the incident? We don’t know the answers to these questions, but the ride-sharing service valued the passenger’s discomfort at around $31. [More]

San Francisco, L.A. Sue Uber For Allegedly Misleading Consumers On Drivers’ Safety, Other Issues

San Francisco, L.A. Sue Uber For Allegedly Misleading Consumers On Drivers’ Safety, Other Issues

After hearing several tales of consumers being mistreated or accosted by Uber drivers, one might begin to question the company’s “industry-leading” practices when it comes to screening drivers. It appears two California district attorneys are doing just that by filing a civil suit against the company for a number of issues including allegedly misleading consumers on its background checks for drivers. [More]

(Darren Sethe)

Portland Sues To Get Rid Of Uber Just Days After Car Service Arrives In The City

The city of Portland, OR hasn’t just avoided putting out the welcome mat for ridesharing service Uber, no siree. Portland is so set against the company setting up shop there, that only a few days after Uber opened up for business there, the city is suing to ban it from operating. [More]

(Lady Madonna)

Uber To Start Testing Carpooling Service In NYC This Week

Remember that awkward feeling of being in the verysame car as John Blohn, the guy everyone had a crush on in seventh grade, but knowing that you’re only carpool acquaintances, and not real friends, as he may have not so nicely reminded you at the last Big Dance when you cornered him near the bleachers? New Yorkers will soon be able to recreate that feeling with strangers as Uber starts testing its carpool service in the city this week. Just great. [More]

(courtesy NerdWallet)

How Many Fares Do I Need To Pick Up To Make A Living As An Uber Or Lyft Driver?

I don’t have a car (and I don’t feel like getting arrested) but if I did, what would it take for me to earn enough money as a driver for Uber (or Lyft or Sidecar) to pay the bills? To earn $50,000 a year, I’d have to pick up anywhere from 12 to 17 fares a day, depending on which service I drive for, according to one new report. [More]

Uber’s Latest Privacy Problems: “Ghost Texting” Drivers’ Contacts, Collecting Android Users’ Data

Uber’s Latest Privacy Problems: “Ghost Texting” Drivers’ Contacts, Collecting Android Users’ Data

Controversial car service Uber, already under fire recently, has a new pair of privacy concerns this morning. One has to do with drivers’ accounts, and the other is for anyone who uses the Android version of the app. [More]

Uber Investor Ashton Kutcher Sticks Up For Executive Who Wanted To Look Into “Shady Journalists”

Uber Investor Ashton Kutcher Sticks Up For Executive Who Wanted To Look Into “Shady Journalists”

If you’ve been on the internet at all this week, then you already know that Uber has found itself in hot water after an executive discussed the idea of digging up dirt on journalists critical of the company. Well, things aren’t looking much better for the ride-sharing company today after actor and investor Ashton Kutcher Tweeted his support for the executive in question. Uber has also updated its privacy policy to ease the minds of users, but it could still allow the company to track riders. [More]

Look how much fun these good-looking people wearing sunglasses are having!

Uber And Spotify Pair Up To Allow Riders To Choose Their Own Tunes For The Drive

“What do you mean when you say you ‘have no Janet Jackson’??!?!” at least one car full of people has gaspscreamed at at least one car service driver (sorry, guy). That outraged reaction could be a thing of the past for Uber customers, as the company has joined forces with Spotify to offer Spotify Premium account holders the ability to play their own playlists and control the music during some Uber rides. [More]

Is A $362 Charge For A 20-Minute Uber Ride Ever Acceptable?

Is A $362 Charge For A 20-Minute Uber Ride Ever Acceptable?

On the one hand, paying almost $400 for a 20-minute ride home sounds a bit absurd, even on Halloween. But if you know ahead of time that a car service’s rates have rocketed and accept the ride anyway, can you justify complaining about the price later? [More]


Uber Will Bring A Kitten To Your Door Today (If You Live In The Right City)

In the need for a furry snuggle to brighten up your day? We live in an age where you can get anything delivered to your door, and today that includes kittens for the lucky residents of Austin, Chicago, DC, New York, Phoenix, San Francisco, and Seattle, with UberKITTEN, which is returning once again after the masses clamored for more cats last year. [More]