While the telecom industry is fighting the bad fight against net neutrality through the legal system — the way such matters are supposed to be handled — some in Congress want to ruin the FCC’s Open Internet Order by using good ol’ fashioned pork-barrel politics, slapping riders that will undercut the pro-consumer regulation onto the omnibus budget bill now being compiled on Capitol Hill. [More]
hands off

Kickstarter, Tumblr, Etsy, Others Ask Lawmakers To Not Use Budget To Ruin Net Neutrality

Tourists Suspected Of Adding Their Initials To Walls Of Rome’s Colosseum, Taking A Selfie
What is it about a 2,000-year-old famous structure that makes tourists think it isn’t yet complete without their initials joining the blood, sweat and tears of gladiators past on the walls? After a Russian tourist was fined $25,000 for carving his initial in the wall of Rome’s Colosseum last fall, two American visitors have been accused of leaving their initials behind — and of course, taking a selfie to capture the moment of vandalism. [More]

Another Chicago Uber Driver Accused Of Sexually Assaulting Passenger
While Uber claims to have recently bolstered its security and safety policies, reports of drivers allegedly assaulting passengers continue to make headlines. [More]

Fake Airport Security Screener Tricks Women Into Pat-Downs
The world has enough problems with actual, inept TSA agents who have never heard of our nation’s capital. We don’t need jerks posing as airport security just to molest female travelers. [More]

Stealing Tide Is Still Enough Of A Problem That This CVS Has Theft-Protection Devices On The Stuff
We’ve written in the past about what a highly-prized item Tide laundry detergent is for thieves looking to resell the stuff on the black market, but now we’ve got photographic proof that stores aren’t taking the shoplifting threat lying down. [More]

Drunkenly Groping A Cardboard Display Woman Will Get You In Trouble
Can we just say right off the bat it’s a better a cardboard woman than a real one? A convicted sex offender in Pittsfield, Mass., has been fined after he reportedly kissed and fondled a cardboard cut out of a woman at a Rite Aid. [More]