Before you head to Yosemite or Yellowstone for your next trip, you might want to check the price of admission: the National Park Service is hiking entry fees at 130 locations in order to raise money it needs to fix trails, bridges, and buildings visitors use every day. In some cases, prices will double, or even triple. [More]
sticker shock

Is A $362 Charge For A 20-Minute Uber Ride Ever Acceptable?
On the one hand, paying almost $400 for a 20-minute ride home sounds a bit absurd, even on Halloween. But if you know ahead of time that a car service’s rates have rocketed and accept the ride anyway, can you justify complaining about the price later? [More]

6 Costs College Students Can Probably Skip Before Heading To School
If they haven’t already, college-age kids are probably bombarding their parents with requests for all the dingles, dangles and doodads that seem to go along with heading off to school. But there are plenty of ways to cut costs and winnow out unnecessary add-ons because let’s face it, you’re just going to end up sending extra “grocery” (read: beer) money later anyway. Snip expenses while you can or it’ll be a long four years.* [More]

San Francisco Backs Off On Law Requiring Retailers To Post Info On Cell Phone Radiation
Back in 2011, the city of San Francisco rustled up an ordinance that would require cell phone companies to post information telling consumers about the potential dangers of radiation in retail stores. The industry fought back, claiming the law violated its free-speech rights, and after a court held up an injunction against the law, the city has decided to throw in the towel. [More]

Many Insurers Changing Prescription Categories So Customers Pay More For Already Expensive Meds
Patients across the country who rely on drugs that are already expensive to treat complicated conditions like cancer and rheumatoid arthritis are in for an unwelcome uptick in costs for those meds, as many insurers are changing things up in order to charge customers more. [More]

Adventures In Crazy Birth Control Pricing
Rebecca experienced the wrath of the birth control pricing gods on a Walgreens visit, discovering that the generic version of her pill, Yaz, was suddenly more expensive than the name-brand version. She braved her insurer’s customer service hell to track down some answers but only got more confusion. [More]

FCC May Require Text Warnings Before You Get "Bill Shock"
The FCC is considering requiring cell carriers in the U.S. to do something their European counterparts already have to do: send customers text warnings when they’re about to incur massive charges because they’ve used up all their included minutes or are about to hit a roaming zone. [More]
Turkey subs from Subways in Manhattan now cost $11.03! [East Village Idiot]

iPhone/AT&T $3,000 International Roaming Bill Serves As Cruel Warning
International data roaming charges are out-of-control expensive and can be difficult to dispute, should you accidentally rack them up. It’s not uncommon to be slammed with a $3,000 bill from just looking up a few websites on the go in Europe. We’ve written about it before, actually.

AT&T Giving iPhone Users A Case Of Sticker Shock
New iPhone users are gasping as the first bills arrive and they read numbers that are significantly higher than they thought they’d be.