
Tip or Sign the Slip?

Tip or Sign the Slip?

Tipping, a venerated system of checks and balances that rewards good service and punishes bad, is under attack, or is it evolution?

Monday Morning Reminder: It’s A Good Week To Write Us

Monday Morning Reminder: It’s A Good Week To Write Us

After a record week for readers’ emails, last week was a bit slower, with about half of the previous weeks’ 27 emails. I guess we’re bleeding you guys dry. Perhaps you don’t have what it takes to be a disgruntled consumer? We’re throwing down the gauntlet: can’t you guys find something to complain about?

HOWTO: Save at the Pump

HOWTO: Save at the Pump

Monday Morning Reminder: We Love Your Emails

Monday Morning Reminder: We Love Your Emails

Last week was a big week for reader tips: we posted over 27 of the damn things. God bless you, our gentle readers, for the hundreds of dollars worth of posts we were paid for yet didn’t have to compose. We will think fondly of you when mopping up the tamali and caviar spilling forth from the innards of our champagne-boiled lobsters.

Monday Morning Reminder: Feel Good Wankery

Monday Morning Reminder: Feel Good Wankery

Here at the Consumerist, we like saying this is your site a lot — the ballooing war cry that tickles an avalanche of tips and complaints from the glaciers of your consumer dissatisfaction. Not only does it allow us to get paid for your hard work, but it also happens to be a good example of feel good wankery that’s actually true. A lot of times, we think of ourselves less as editors as moderators of a consumer awareness forum where customers (pleased, homicidal or indifferent) can share their experiences with one another. And we’re always pleased when we can actually help you get satisfaction, either by putting our paws into the mess ourselves or by giving your issue a wider audience of expertise.

Better Bidding for Hotel and Airfare

Better Bidding for Hotel and Airfare

A few days ago, we chatted about,an online forum for people to share bidding strategies on travel auction sites like Hotwire and Priceline.

Monday Morning Reminder: Feed The Sharks

Monday Morning Reminder: Feed The Sharks

It’s that time again: knees bent, faces blubbering against your belly, our pathetic plea for your consumerist tales.

Fight The Power! Email Your Verizon Ringtone To Yourself.

Fight The Power! Email Your Verizon Ringtone To Yourself.

Now that Verizon has defined the list of prohibited ring tone terms for their network, everyone who wants a ringtone of someone screaming “Sit on my face with your teabagging ruby red bag!” is going to have to learn to make their own. Jamster can no longer supply.

Sahara East Charges Service To Reactionary Idiot

Sahara East Charges Service To Reactionary Idiot

You know we love listening your complaining, guys. Hell, that’s what this site is about — the masturbatory gratification of the American consumer’s own sense of entitlement! So keep sending us your complaints and we’ll keep on posting them!

Shopping in the Valley of the Amazons

Shopping in the Valley of the Amazons

Amazon Marketplace is awesome but perils lurk among the shadows of the the merchant’s stalls…

Left Coasters Buy East Coast Phones For Better Nights And Weekends?

Left Coasters Buy East Coast Phones For Better Nights And Weekends?

George H. sent us this little note, suggesting a possible way to get better nights and weekends time from your cell phone:

Bitching Gets Comcast Fixed

Bitching Gets Comcast Fixed

Empower thyself, consumer. Jonathan writes:

IRS Consumes, Regurgitates Tax Return

Are all IRS agents soulless goons? Apparently not!

Monday Morning Reminder: We Want To Be Your Superhero

Monday Morning Reminder: We Want To Be Your Superhero

We’re going to be trying something new at the Consumerist. We’d like to help you guys out more. Whether that’s doing some research to get you a hard-to-get phone number to resolve a customer service issue, point you in the direction of consumerist services or agencies that can help you, or even interceding on your behalf. We’ve been making some stabs over the last week at doing just that and we’d like to experiment more with helping you guys out in your blackest night going forward.

Send Us Your Tax Nightmares!

Send Us Your Tax Nightmares!

Awaiting April 17th is like waiting for a circumcision, the only comfort being that, two months from now, you might get a small portion of your foreskin back. So we’d like to take the next few days here at The Consumerist to concentrate on tax stories… specifically, your tax stories.

My Mom On Buying A Cell Phone In The States

My Mom On Buying A Cell Phone In The States

John Brownlee here. I just want to tell you all that I love my Mom. A four foot eleven firecracker who followed her recent stroke up with a healthy regime of climbing up twenty foot ladders to chainsaw branches down from the roof, she’s a hell of a girl.

Monday Morning Reminder: Complain To Us!

Monday Morning Reminder: Complain To Us!

We can never get enough complaints. Well, we can when they are about us: every one of those huffy “I’m offended!” emails you guys send to us puts a mortal pang into the ichorous core of our black, black hearts. After all, certainly every individual has a god given right to walk out of the house every day and be confident that they will not have their delicate sensibilities ruffled. We understand that; we relate. We appreciate your concerns!

Pottery Barn FUBARs, Does The Right Thing

Selena R. ordered a custom martini shaker for her mother’s birthday from Pottery Barn. Selena writes: ” I waited 6 weeks before I got pissed.” You’re a better man than I am, Gunga Din. However, despite the fact that Selena had to wait over two months for her martini shaker, she’s actually walked away from Pottery Barn’s fubar a loyal customer.