
Reader Tip: Reduce Credit Card Interest Payments With Micro-banks

Reader Tip: Reduce Credit Card Interest Payments With Micro-banks

Reader Wandering Indian Monk wrote us in, linking to a little tip he wrote on his blog about how you might be able to reduce the interest you are paying on your credit card debt.

Monday Morning Reminder: We Want Your Tips!

Monday Morning Reminder: We Want Your Tips!

As always, The Consumerist needs you to fill our box with your long, hard tips. Or complaints, for that matter.

Monday Morning Reminder: Write Us!

Monday Morning Reminder: Write Us!

Just our Monday Morning Reminder that we want your tips, experiences, complaints, comments, suggestions, criticisms, naked pictures, death threats, bank account details… just about anything you’re willing to send us over at

Consumers Write: Gevalia Coffee Treats Customers Right

Consumers Write: Gevalia Coffee Treats Customers Right

Never Sneak into a Movie Again

Never Sneak into a Movie Again

Enter your zip code and Doublefeaturefinder finds movies near you scheduled to play back-to-back.

Monday Morning Reminder:

Monday Morning Reminder:

Just a Monday Morning reminder that Gawker has two starving bloggers to feed in The Consumerist and we simply can not feed both ourselves and Ben Popken’s Eraserhead-like progeny without hearing from our readers.

Bullfighter Fights Corporate Bullshit

Bullfighter Fights Corporate Bullshit

Dear Corporate Executives — please learn how to write. Having initially been a greasy, protoplasmic ooze poured into the mold of a stiff, starched suit, then imbued — Golem-like — with the spark of meaningless corporate business speak, you soulless automatons never seem to realize how meaningless phrases like “maximize initiatives” and “establish paradigm, COB” are to those of us who sprang forth from human loins.

Free Coffee At Starbucks Today

Free Coffee At Starbucks Today

We don’t usually say this… but go to Starbucks today. Grit your teeth as an obsequious minimum-wage hipster expects you to know the distinction between cup sizes written in three different languages, all meaning “big”. Resist the temptation to screw your thumbs through said hipster’s eye sockets. Because at least that coffee will be free today.

Monday Morning Reminder: Consumerist Wants Your Tips

Monday Morning Reminder: Consumerist Wants Your Tips

Just a reminder that if you’ve found a story you’d like to see here, have an anecdote (bad or good) about a company or just want to give feedback about the tone and direction of this site, The Consumerist wants to hear from you.

Belgians Scam Dutch Coke Bottle Deposits

Belgians Scam Dutch Coke Bottle Deposits

Software Syncs Crappy Non-iPods with iTunes

Software Syncs Crappy Non-iPods with iTunes

We don’t have an iPod. We have a first-generation Dell DJ. Compared to the design of the opalescent obelisk ubiquitously clutched in every hipster’s hand, the Dell DJ is striking. It looks exactly as if Soviet super-scientists invented a time machine, traveled to the future, copped on to the inherently socialist nature of the music trading scene, and — traveling back to their own era — attempted to make their own mp3 player out of a two-inch plate of Soviet-grade titanium tank plating. Fifty years later, found about a million of these in an abandoned Muscovite silo, dusted them off, formatted “Lenin’s Greatest Hits” off the hard drive and sold them as is, to idiots like probably-not-you but definitely-royal-‘we’.

Nifty-Thrifty Home Tips!

Nifty-Thrifty Home Tips!

Savvy saving and style pointers for around the home.

How-To Run A Viral Marketing Campaign

How-To Run A Viral Marketing Campaign

We’re not as hip as our editor, Ben Whatsisface [ed: Popken!]. How could we be? We live in Dublin, for Chrissakes. We don’t have a crewcut, we don’t have glasses. By extension, we probably don’t have his panache with the ladies, nor his disestablishmentarianist fervor.

HOWTO: Have Gay Shopping Sex

HOWTO: Have Gay Shopping Sex


How To Lower Your Cable Bill And/Or Self-Respect

Our luscious sisters over at Lifehacker have called our attention to this advice on lowering your cable bill:

The Secret Life of Jetblue Miles

mile redemption phone system, as there’s no online version, getting told by the phone system that call volume was too high and they should visit the website, waiting on hold for over thirty minutes, and speaking with multiple reps over two days, they wrenched out quite a few hidden details. Among them:

Shophacks: Use Excel to Ensnare Your Customer Service Reps in Their Own Nefarious Web

Shophacks: Use Excel to Ensnare Your Customer Service Reps in Their Own Nefarious Web

Like a crime scene investigator catching a serial killer, you keep meticulous records of every call you make to customer service. And then you lose the slips of paper (maybe you even scribbled on the backs of receipts, hm?). Instead of tossing your gumshoes, screw on your green plastic visor and bust out the Excel.

Consumerist Advice Needed: American Cell Phone Plans

John Brownlee here, yet again slipping out of The Consumerist royal ‘we’ to the chagrin of that credit-garnering overlord, Joel Johnson.