
Monday Morning Readers Round-Up

Monday Morning Readers Round-Up

Now that we are media darlings, the Consumerist tip line has been flooded with pleas of help, reasonable complaints and the ravings of lunatics… and, as usual, we want more!

How-To: Join the Consumerist Groupthink

How-To: Join the Consumerist Groupthink


• Buying a wedding dress on Craiglist is cheap, but you also have to factor in the cost of removing the boob padding. [Another Fucking Wedding] “Wedding dress redux”

Snagging Prime Dates With Frequent Flyer Miles

Snagging Prime Dates With Frequent Flyer Miles

Like a dog trying to kiss its own reflection in a pond, using frequent flyer to fly when and where you wants can leave you wet and unsatisfied.

Monday Morning Reminder: Send Us Your Fourth Of July Maimings!

Monday Morning Reminder: Send Us Your Fourth Of July Maimings!

Happy Independence Day! Ben and I are taking it easy and sleazy over the next couple days, so today will be a half day and tomorrow will be a null day. However, we will undoubtedly stumble back to work with bloodshot eyes and throbbing brow on Wednesday morning and then, more than ever, we will need your tips to regurgitate on the site verbatim with a minimum of commentary in order to make our Gawker imposed quota.

Party Girl Gets Great Snort Sack from Beatnik Bags!

Party Girl Gets Great Snort Sack from Beatnik Bags!

When we saw party girl Carrie at one of Gawker’s hot, sexy Manhattanite parties, we — attached in tandem, belly to flabby belly, by the rusty staples of the artificial and obnoxious royal ‘we’ — made our way over to her to make our move.

Mo’ Moen In Customer Service, Please

Mo’ Moen In Customer Service, Please

Anyone ever noticed that the companies that offer the best customer service are always the ones that almost no one will ever have to call because they’re just too damn good? For example, Moen — a company that makes chrome kitchen faucets and other long-lasting plumbing fixtures.

Monday Evening Reminder: We Are The Monsters of Rock!

Monday Evening Reminder: We Are The Monsters of Rock!

Beware Used Media Fleet Cars

Beware Used Media Fleet Cars

As Jalopnik learned this weekend at Chrysler’s Proving Grounds, don’t buy a lemon that’s been sucked on by a reporter. As they romped and frolicked through Michigan backwoods, one thing was for certain, that the other journalists were grinding their cars into dust.

Beg and Plead in AOHell

Beg and Plead in AOHell

Despite having to deal with a complete and total (and now fired!) cock, Vincent Ferrari still managed to get his AOL account canceled in under 7 minutes. Vincent’s special his account was picked up by the blogosphere, then the MSM. But he’s also special because, as people have written us time and time again, a 7 minute cancellation phone call is actually an example of stellar, speedy service from the likes of AOL. Some customers, a bit meeker than Vincent, literally have to resort to begging.

American Apparel Waffles on Flip Flops

American Apparel Waffles on Flip Flops

According to one of our American Apparel moles, the infamous flip flops they were selling, made in Thailand, not by hardworking Mexican imports given fair wages, health benefits and all the Blackberry PDAs they can eat… have been pulled.

Monday Afternoon Reminders: All The Best Stories Are Yours

Monday Afternoon Reminders: All The Best Stories Are Yours

The Consumerist doesn’t write itself. Booze does. And when booze fails, under the murderous unblinking gaze of grim sobriety, reader tips takes the yokes off of our trembling shoulders and helps pull the site along.

Under Crescents and Scimitars, USBGeek Delivers

Under Crescents and Scimitars, USBGeek Delivers

Exhaling plumes of velveteen smoke from his hookah, propped up against an Ottoman, surrounded by Turkish succubi fluidly gyrating in diaphanous silks, Consumerist J.K. dreamed of a better world… a world where USB gadgets at hot, affordable prices would be delivered to Istanbul with an affordable shipping option.

Monday Morning Reminder: Your Stories Are Better Than Ours

Monday Morning Reminder: Your Stories Are Better Than Ours

Due to gross incompetence in tagging last week, we’re leaving off our usual bullet point list of reader stories: either the site’s tagging system has suffered a thrombosis along with last week’s quadruple Movable Type heart attack or both Ben and myself really spaced out on tagging reader stories last week. Considering we both spent the vast majority of it drunk in NYC, the latter is as distinct a possibility as the former.

American Apparel Flip Flops Over Human Rights?

American Apparel Flip Flops Over Human Rights?

We have lots of tipsters: free-thinking contraantidisestablishmentarianists at the retail counter slyly noting down their bosses’ every insidious transgression against the American consumer; once soulless fat cats who have rediscovered their humanity, dramatically hurled their baby blood martinis to the floor and written us about the Mephistophelean dealings being made in Corporate America as a sort of moral atonement.

Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf: The Best Coffee Chain of All TIME

Okay, it’s official: Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf is the best coffee chain ever. From Consumerist Ben, this flabbergasting story of corporate caring:

Monday Morning Reminder: Another Gory Week of Consumerism

Over the last week, you told us about UPS deliveries that took over a year and Dell’s weekly promises to ship an imaginary product. You complained about McDonald’s breakfasts and lousy T-Mobile CSRs. The IRS sold all your personal records to the lowest bidder. Soho moved to American Warehouse. Bayer sold you a little bit of AIDS in your aspirin. Citibank lost your data again, Vonage fucked you, Office Depot gave you the run around. You found sexy home made porn on your friend’s hard drive and emailed to tell us about it. And there was a hell of a lot of crappy flying going down.

Be a Customer Service Ninja

Be a Customer Service Ninja

Inspired to by Mike D’s Vonage story, Austin writes in a hot tip for all of looking to pole vault low-level CSR and reach the Valhalla of customer service.