Two weeks ago we were the first to tell you about the possibility of Macy’s joining the ranks of premature Black Friday openings, alerting employees it might throw open its doors as early as 8 p.m. on Thanksgiving. Now the department store chain has not only confirmed that most of its stores will open early, but that these storee will remain open for 24 hours. [More]

Deals Are Better On Thanksgiving Than On Black Friday, And I Hate Everything
Here at Consumerist, we’ve been vociferously against Black Friday creep, the slow slide of the first official day of holiday shopping frenzy back into Thanksgiving Day. Last year, we supported retail employees who were against opening on Thanksgiving, and humbly suggested that retailers just go ahead and move Black Friday back a week. No one is listening to us. [More]

Butterball Introducing Male Turkey Talk Line Operators For The First Time This Year
“How long do I cook it? “Where do I stuff the stuffing? Do I cook it inside the turkey?” “What is a turkey?” These are all questions a first-time turkey chef might have when the big day arrives. The holidays: when people who perhaps are unfamiliar with cooking wield basters and eye their fowl foes, when help is only a phone call away at the Butterball Turkey Talk help line. And this year, there could be male voices on the other end. [More]

Two Whole Aisles Of Thanksgiving Decorations Out At Dollar General
If just ceramic turkey figurines aren’t good enough for the Thanksgiving table that you’re obviously preparing three months in advance, maybe you can use some other decorations. Perhaps fall-colored oven mitts, holiday-themed dish towels, pumpkin picture frames, owl figurines, turkey window decals, or turkey figurines. [More]

How Dave’s Coffee Saved One Customer’s Thanksgiving
When Consumerist reader and New Jersey resident Brian lost power for nearly a week following Hurricane Sandy, he also thought his plans to craft some homemade coffee ice cream for Thanksgiving had gone kaput too. [More]

Retailers Squeezed $25 More Out Of The Average Shopper With Extra Thanksgiving Sales
The Black Friday creep seems to have paid off for retailers (even as it casts a dubious shadow over Thanksgiving), as shoppers shelled out about $25 more per person during this year’s Thanksgiving-centered sales last week. Of course in many cases, Black Friday wasn’t even limited to just Friday, with plenty of retailers hosting sales and opening their doors on Thanksgiving. Overall, shoppers spent about 13% more than we did last year. [More]

Remember To Send Us Your Black Friday Photos And Horror Stories
Given the sheer number of people who will be out and about this weekend, it’s inevitable that some of you will have experiences ranging from the ridiculous to the horrifying to the horrifyingly ridiculous. But don’t just keep them to yourself, share them with Consumerist. [More]

If You Don’t Want To Eat A Turkey, How About Getting One As A Pet?
Is there tofurkey destined for your dinner plate this Thanksgiving or are you looking forward to chowing down on the traditional bird? If you’re going the veggie-based route, maybe you’d be so inclined as to keep a turkey as a pet. While we’ll be eating 46 million of the birds across the country, a few hundred are making their way through the holiday as pets. [More]

Costco Thanksgiving-In-A-Box Is Great If You Can’t Cook, Don’t Especially Like Your Guests
Do you have a less than a dozen Thanksgiving guests coming over, but zero culinary skills? Sure, you could go out to eat, or you could order a dinner from a caterer. But if you have under $100 to spend, pick up a pie, and have guests who you either don’t like or who have unsophisticated palates, Costco’s frozen dinner in a box is the holiday dinner option for you. Next year. Because this year, it’s apparently sold out. [More]

Get Fueled Up Before Turkey Day: National Average Gas Prices Could Hit Record High
Gas prices have been slowly falling on average around the country as the summer season ended and the fall ushered in its usual lower prices. This week many areas have been seeing prices drop cent by cent, but that could all change on one of the season’s biggest travel days, Thanksgiving. [More]

Survey: Target Beats Walmart For Cheaper Thanksgiving Dinner
Over the past decade, Walmart has quickly become the biggest seller of groceries in the country, but that doesn’t mean it’s the cheapest. In fact, a new survey says that shoppers would save money this year by hitting up Target for their Thanksgiving feast. [More]

3 Reasons Why 350,000 Signatures On A Petition Won’t Change Target’s Mind About Opening On Thanksgiving
For the second year in a row, a Target employee has managed to secure hundreds of thousands of names on a petition asking Target to rethink its plans to start its Black Friday sale on Thanksgiving night. And for the second year in a row, Target is politely declining the suggestion and moving ahead as planned. [More]

Butterball Facing Animal Abuse Allegations Just In Time For Thanksgiving
Another Thanksgiving, another controversy starring its big bird, the turkey. An animal advocacy group is leveling claims at Butterball again, accusing the turkey-centric company of abusing and neglecting birds at some of its locations. Tis the season, after all, and no one wants their main course to come from an unhappy turkey. [More]

Moving Black Friday Up A Week Could Save Thanksgiving
We don’t know when the warm water finally started to boil, but it’s safe to say that Black Friday now begins shortly after dinner is served on Thanksgiving. But rather than continue to fight this trend, we think that the only way to restore Thanksgiving is to have Black Friday sales begin a weekend earlier. [More]

Americans Will Be Taking Shorter Holiday Jaunts To Save On Gas This Year
For those of us who don’t want to battle the burgeoning crowds at the airports or fork over big wads of cash for the right seat on the right flight this Thanksgiving holiday, there’s always the option of driving. And even though hitting the road isn’t a cost-free option, more Americans will be doing so this year than last year. [More]

Plan Ahead If You Want To Snag Seats Together On The Plane For Holiday Flights
Times used to be, you’d show up at the check-in desk with carry-on bags full of liquids, check your heavy suitcases for free and politely ask if you could sit next to your husband/girlfriend/son/best pal Liz. But with window and aisle seats now selling for an extra fee, how’s a family supposed to make sure they can stick together up in the air this Thanksgiving? There are a few things you can do to tip the seating odds in your favor. [More]

Gobbling Down Your Turkey Dinner Will Cost You A Bit More This Thanksgiving
It’s almost time to head to turkey town and gobble away, America. But those regal birds will cost you a bit more this year, as the price of turkey has been rising this year. Then there’s all those other fixins, and before you know it, the average consumer will spend about 1% more for Thanksgiving dinner than last year. [More]

Thanksgiving Flights Will Be Packed & Even More Expensive This Year
Things we are grateful for: Turkey, mashed potatoes, loved ones and post-feast naps. Thing we are not grateful for: Crowded airports, packed airplanes and fares that cost an arm and a leg just so you can get home in time to argue with your uncle about politics. Steel yourselves, fellow travelers. This holiday season sounds like it’s going to be a doozy. [More]