A very familiar threat could be winging its way toward U.S. poultry farms, and it’s got the industry more than a little bit worried: there’s a new strain of avian flu speeding across Europe and Asia, forcing farmers to destroy tens of millions of infected birds. [More]

Survey Says: Supermarkets’ Turkey Giveaways Aren’t That Exciting To Younger Shoppers
Getting a free turkey to serve proudly on your Thanksgiving table used to be a source of great excitement for shoppers in the holiday season, and an easy way for supermarkets to attract more customers (who then buy more stuff when they’re in the store). But nowadays there’s a new demographic on the block that everyone’s trying to please, and a free turkey just isn’t going to cut it. [More]

Turkeys Decide This Thanksgiving Thing Is Not For Them, Escape From Moving Truck
Though Americans around the world will be giving thanks for the turkey on their table this Thanksgiving, let’s all stop for a moment to honor two birds that won’t be the starring event this year: a pair of gobblers escaped from a truck on its way to the slaughterhouse in Wisconsin, thus thwarting their holiday fate. [More]

Turkey Talk: What Do Labels Like “Young,” “Fresh” And “Natural” Actually Mean?
Whether you’re strolling down the supermarket aisle or perusing online grocers’ offerings ahead of Thanksgiving, you’re bound to see turkeys with a wide range of labels: “young,” “fresh,” “premium” and other distinctions that you may think you understand… but you probably don’t. [More]

It Ain’t Over Yet: Bird Flu Aftershocks Will Keep Egg, Whole Turkey Prices High
Though the bird flu crisis might be over now, the toll it’s taken on egg and poultry producers in the U.S. will continue for quite some time. Industry experts say egg prices will climb higher than previously predicted, and stay high through 2016. Meanwhile, frozen wholesale turkeys will also cost more this Thanksgiving than last year. [More]

Prices For Eggs, Turkey Meat Starting To Rise As Bird Flu Outbreak Continues
We’ve heard warnings that Thanksgiving turkey supplies could suffer a hit this season amid a severe outbreak of avian flu in the Midwest that began in April, and now it appears consumers will begin to see effects in their wallets. The prices for eggs and turkey meat are going up as more chickens and turkeys fall to the disease. [More]

Poultry Pros: Avian Flu Outbreak Could Impact This Year’s Thanksgiving Feasts
It’s still more than six months away, but amid an avian flu outbreak in the U.S. that’s doing some serious damage to poultry farms, some people are already having to think long and hard about Thanksgiving. Supplies of whole turkeys might not be able to keep up as well as usual with the holiday demand. [More]

Hormel Says Turkey Sales Will Suffer This Year Because Of Bird Flu Outbreak
In the midst of a major avian flu outbreak, Hormel says the fallout from the virus will mean it sells fewer turkeys this year, after losing 1.7 million birds on 28 farms in Minnesota. [More]

Food Bank Gets Butterball Windfall After Truck Carrying 25K Pounds Of Frozen Turkeys Overturns
As my Great Uncle Aloysius always used to say, one wholesale distributor’s loss is a food bank’s gain: After a semi-truck carrying somewhere between 25,000 and 30,000 pounds of frozen Butterball turkeys overturned on a California highway, spilling fuel in the process, a local food bank will reap the benefits. [More]

Butterball CEO: No, Our Turkeys Are Not Full Of Butter
Earlier today, we looked at the creation stories of more than a dozen famous company names, but we didn’t mention the curious moniker of the turkey company whose name has become closely associated with Thanksgiving. [More]

If You Don’t Want To Eat A Turkey, How About Getting One As A Pet?
Is there tofurkey destined for your dinner plate this Thanksgiving or are you looking forward to chowing down on the traditional bird? If you’re going the veggie-based route, maybe you’d be so inclined as to keep a turkey as a pet. While we’ll be eating 46 million of the birds across the country, a few hundred are making their way through the holiday as pets. [More]

Alternatives To Fire-Prone Turkey Fryers
A turkey fryer has never really sounded like a safe way to cook—there’s just something inherently stupid about the act of dropping a dead bird the size of a basketball into a vat of boiling oil, no matter how tasty the outcome. According to TheStreet.com, “Turkey fryers are a known cause of many fires, so much so that the National Fire Protection Association advises against their use.” TheStreet test-drives an alternative, the $129 Char-Broil Big Easy oil-less fryer, which Char-Broil describes as “Just like a turkey fryer, minus the boiling, hot oil and visits from your local firefighters.” According to TheStreet, it doesn’t leave the skin as crispy as a real fryer would, but otherwise works great.