Okay, everyone, did you get your Halloween cards addressed two weeks ago like marketers wanted you to? Good! Put those aside for the next seven weeks or so, because it’s time for your next occasion that requires cards: Thanksgiving. [More]
thanksgiving creep

Plan Your Thanksgiving Centerpiece Before Labor Day
I feel conflicted. On the one hand, the gradual creep of the beginning of “fall” means that we get Pumpkin Spice Lattes before Labor Day, and…well, that’s pretty much the only advantage I can think of, but I like lattes. Stores have to fill shelves with something now that back-to-school season is over in most of the country, but it’s still August. That is far too early to be thinking about Thanksgiving decorations. [More]

Two Whole Aisles Of Thanksgiving Decorations Out At Dollar General
If just ceramic turkey figurines aren’t good enough for the Thanksgiving table that you’re obviously preparing three months in advance, maybe you can use some other decorations. Perhaps fall-colored oven mitts, holiday-themed dish towels, pumpkin picture frames, owl figurines, turkey window decals, or turkey figurines. [More]

Oh, For Gobble’s Sake, Thanksgiving Decorations Are Out Already
If you’re the kind of person who likes to start getting their Thanksgiving table ready several months in advance, you’re in luck. Just stop by reader Shaun’s local Stop and Shop grocery store and you can start sticking ceramic turkeys anywhere in your house that you please. [More]