Long in the business of rescuing drivers and offering repairs on the spot, AAA now wants provide cars on demand for folks who find themselves in need of some wheels. [More]

AAA: Basically Everyone Has Experienced Road Rage
You grip the wheel a bit harder, you huff, and puff, and threaten under your breath to do awful things to the stranger who just cut you off, and then “HOOOOOOONK,” you lay on the horn for a solid 10 second. It’s called road rage, and most American drivers have experienced it, according to a new research report from AAA.

AAA Would Like To Remind You Not To Use Pokémon Go While Driving
While it might seem obvious that you shouldn’t have your phone in front of your face for any reason while you’re operating heavy machinery, AAA would still like to remind all those Pokémon Go players out there to keep their eyes on the road and not on the app. [More]

Nation’s Interstate Highways Celebrate 60th Birthday With Growing Congestion, Repair Backlogs
With record numbers of travelers set to hit the highways and byways of America this holiday weekend, it sounds like it’ll be quite a party out there on those roads. But according to a new report, it’s this kind of increased travel that’s putting a strain on the nation’s 60-year-old interstate highway system, causing congestion while needed repairs stack up. [More]

Holiday Travel Predicted To Hit Record High With 100 Million People Planning A Trip This Season
Santa Claus isn’t the only one polishing up his ride for the season: more than 100 million travelers are expected to take a trip for the holidays this year, which is a record number for the travel-heavy season. And, of course, it means sharing the roads and skies with more people than usual, which is always fun. [More]

42 Million Drivers Likely Grateful They’ll Be Paying Lowest Thanksgiving Gas Prices Since 2008
The roads are going to be crowded this Thanksgiving, with 42 million drivers expected to travel the highways and byways of the U.S. According to AAA, they’ll be enjoying the lowest prices at the gas pump for the holiday since 2008. [More]

Study: Car Infotainment Systems Remain A Distraction, Despite Voice Command Functions
While it’s handy to use voice commands to make phone calls or change the radio station in your car — instead of taking your hands off the wheel to do so — according to a new study, infotainment systems still provide a distraction for drivers. [More]

Cheap Gas Prices Could Mean Travel Headaches This Labor Day Weekend
While we’ve all been dancing around at the gas pump over the news that fuel prices are cheap nationwide right now on average and will keep dropping until it’s below $2 a gallon, there’s a potential down side to the cheap gas glory: an estimated 35.5 million Americans will hit the road for Labor Day weekend, spurred in part by the low cost of gas. More people driving translates into more cars on the road, which could mean you’ll be stuck playing car games while waiting for traffic to move. [More]

You Can Buy Gas For Under $2 Per Gallon In At Least 12 States Right Now
A few weeks ago, we heard gas prices would probably start dipping below $2 per gallon in many parts of the country as soon as this fall. And in some states, those low prices can already be found at some gas stations. But even so, given the price of crude oil right now, gas should be even cheaper, experts say. [More]

AAA: E-ZPass Users Targeted By Phishing Scam Demanding Money For Unpaid Tolls
Scammers can be tricky to identify, but when they target the experts, it makes spotting fakes a lot easier: AAA is warning E-ZPass users of a phishing scam circulating around right now demanding money for unpaid tolls, after one of its own pros received a suspicious email. [More]

Memorial Day Weekend Travel Expected To Reach Highest Level In Past 10 Years
The unofficial start to the summer kicks off in just over a week, and it looks like the 2015 Memorial Day holiday weekend will be the busiest we’ve seen in nearly a decade. The folks over at AAA estimate that 37.2 million Americans will hit the open road or board planes over the holiday weekend, an increase of more than 2 million travelers from last year. The auto club says the increase in vacationers is likely due to the lower fuel prices much of the U.S. has experienced over the past several months. [The Plain Dealer] [More]

25 States Could Have Sub-$2 Gas This Month
More than one-third of states already have some gas options that will cost drivers less than $2/gallon, and a new report says it’s possible that this could increase to half of the country in the coming weeks. [More]

July 4th Travel Traffic Expected To Return To Pre-Recession Levels
Planning on loading the car up and hitting the road or hopping on a plane to a sandy beach this Fourth of July next weekend? Hope you don’t mind being accompanied by a few million of your closest friends. [More]

Got A Flat Tire? More Cyclists Can Now Call AAA For Bike Help
Times used to be, if you got a flat bike tire or found yourself in trouble on the road while cycling, you’d never think to call AAA. After all, it used to be known as the American Automobile Association, emphasis on the automobile. But many state’s AAA clubs are now expanding roadside services to cyclists who need help as well. [More]

Would You Be Okay Ditching Metal Keys In Favor Of A Smartphone App To Start Your Car?
“Where are my keys? I had them right here. But where are they now? UGH I NEED TO FIND MY KEYS.” That’s happened to you probably, but what about losing your smartphone? Maybe not as often, and it’s easier to find what with that whole ringing/beeping and otherwise making noise feature. In the future, losing your keys might be tougher as the American Automobile Association predicts smartphone apps will replace traditional car keys. [More]

Americans Will Be Taking Shorter Holiday Jaunts To Save On Gas This Year
For those of us who don’t want to battle the burgeoning crowds at the airports or fork over big wads of cash for the right seat on the right flight this Thanksgiving holiday, there’s always the option of driving. And even though hitting the road isn’t a cost-free option, more Americans will be doing so this year than last year. [More]

Sometimes, It's Cheaper To Pay Shipping Than To Drive To The Store
It may seem like you’re saving money when you climb in your car to pick something up at the store, or use free site-to-store shipping. But when you take into account the total cost of owning and driving a car, sometimes ordering the item at home without leaving the couch is more economical, even if you do have to pay shipping. How does that work? [More]