
Ohio Woman Indicted For Using Starbucks Job Applications To Commit ID Theft Worth $115K

Ohio Woman Indicted For Using Starbucks Job Applications To Commit ID Theft Worth $115K

The last thing anyone needs when they’re out of work is to worry about the safety of the personal information they put on a job application. But the U.S. Attorney in Ohio has indicted a woman on allegations that she used this sensitive info to falsely obtain credit cards and run up a $115,000 tab. [More]

Starbucks Says Rising Cost Of Coffee Beans Won't Mean Higher Prices For You

Starbucks Says Rising Cost Of Coffee Beans Won't Mean Higher Prices For You

Even though the cost of coffee beans — which we’ve been told are required for the production of coffee — is on the rise, Starbucks says it won’t be jacking up the price of the java it serves up to millions of caffeine fiends every day. [More]

English Professor: I Was Booted From Starbucks Over Bagel Linguistics

English Professor: I Was Booted From Starbucks Over Bagel Linguistics

For some customers, Starbucks’ very particular lexicon is a source of anxiety and possibly even anger. But it wasn’t having to order a “venti” or a “tall” that drove a NYC college professor into an argument at a Manhattan Starbucks over the weekend. Instead, it was her refusal to tell an employee what she didn’t want on her bagel. [More]

So This Is What Starbucks' Not-Coffee Coffee Looks

So This Is What Starbucks' Not-Coffee Coffee Looks Like

Yesterday, we wrote about the new Starbucks drinks made from a base of unroasted coffee beans that are being tested right now in the San Diego area. Consumerist reader Josh popped by his local ‘Bucks and was able to snap a pic so those of us outside Ron Burgundy-Land could see what “coffee that doesn’t taste like coffee” looks like. [More]

Starbucks Testing Unroasted Coffee 'Refreshers'

Starbucks Testing Unroasted Coffee 'Refreshers'

For everyone who says Starbucks coffee “tastes burnt,” the java giant has heeded your complaints — and perhaps gone too far. The ‘bucks announced yesterday that it has begun testing a beverage made from green, unroasted coffee beans. [More]

Man Spends 24 Hours Inside A 24 Hour Fitness

Man Spends 24 Hours Inside A 24 Hour Fitness

In just the last few months, writer Bayan Rabbani has tested his own limits — as well as those of the employees — with his 24-hour outings to Walmart and Starbucks. Now, he’s gone to the next most logical location: 24 Hour Fitness. [More]

Stupidest Man In Canada Cuts In Front Of Cops To Rob Starbucks

Stupidest Man In Canada Cuts In Front Of Cops To Rob Starbucks

Another tip to anyone wishing to hold up a Starbucks: Not only is it a bad idea to go ahead with the robbery if there are police officers in the shop at the time, but you should probably not cut in front of the cops in order to start your hold up. [More]

Score Free Coffee Grounds At Starbucks For Your Compost Heap

Score Free Coffee Grounds At Starbucks For Your Compost Heap

Living in the big city and not having access to any sort of garden of my own, composting is the last thing on my mind when I step into a Starbucks. But for those of you who could use some material for your compost heap, the coffee giant will apparently hand over their used grounds free of charge. Just ask the 94-year-old man in Texas, who does this every single day. [More]

Starbucks Offers Free Slow WiFi

Starbucks Offers Free Slow WiFi

Now that every Tom Dick and Harry knows about it and has jumped on, the free wifi at Starbucks has now, not particularly surprisingly, become the free slow wifi at Starbucks. [More]

Mom Sues Starbucks After She Spills Hot Tea On Her Baby

Mom Sues Starbucks After She Spills Hot Tea On Her Baby

It’s not surprising that a parent who accidentally scalds their child with hot tea would end up in a courtroom. But it isn’t usually the case that said parent is the plaintiff, suing Starbucks for doing what they do best — or at least do a lot of — serving hot beverages. [More]

Starbucks & AT&T Survive First Day Of Free WiFi

Starbucks & AT&T Survive First Day Of Free WiFi

So yesterday was Day 1 for Starbucks’ new 1-click free WiFi service at its coffee stores around the nation. And while some had wondered whether or not the java giant and its WiFi provider, AT&T, would be able to keep up with the increased demand, it looks like all went relatively well. [More]

Starbucks Morning Receipt Gets You Afternoon Iced Grande For $2

Starbucks Morning Receipt Gets You Afternoon Iced Grande For $2

Starbucks Treat Receipt deal is back, which means that if you bring in a receipt from before 2pm you can get any any iced grande drink after 2pm for $2. [More]

Why Your Starbucks Barista Hates You

Why Your Starbucks Barista Hates You

I always assume everyone hates me, but here is some confirmation from an angry Starbucks barista whose name is not Egon, but who prefers to be referred to as such. [More]

Starbucks Employees Are Cheating If They Are Foursquare Mayors

Starbucks Employees Are Cheating If They Are Foursquare Mayors

Reader Robert writes in to point out that according to Foursquare’s FAQ, any rogue Starbucks baristas that are mayors of their locations are cheaters.

For those of you who are confused, Foursquare is this thing you put on your phone. When you go somewhere, you “check in” and you get credit for being wherever you are. If you are the person who checks in the most at a location, you get to be the “Mayor.” Starbucks gives coupons for this honor, but some people are annoyed because the employees are always checking in (because they work there), and are sort of impossible to beat if you are just a customer. [More]

Papa John's Somehow Tops Customer Satisfaction Survey

Papa John's Somehow Tops Customer Satisfaction Survey

While Domino’s has scrambled to re-imagine their pizza recipes and Pizza Hut continues to basically give away their pizzas for a pittance, it was Papa John’s who apparently made the best impression on eaters in the last year. The Kentucky-based chain has topped not only its pizzeria rivals, but all fast foods in an annual survey of customer satisfaction. [More]

Starbucks To Offer Free 1-Click WiFi To All Starting July 1

Starbucks To Offer Free 1-Click WiFi To All Starting July 1

For anyone who has ever wanted to sit at Starbucks and browse the Internet but either wasn’t an AT&T customer or didn’t feel like ponying up for access, the company has some happy news for you. [More]

Discounts For Foursquare Mayors Causing Headaches For Starbucks?

Discounts For Foursquare Mayors Causing Headaches For Starbucks?

Starbucks’ position on baristas taking up valuable “Mayor” spots on Foursquare has been made known to us. They’re “taking it seriously,” but, c’mon, they say, Foursquare is open to anyone. [More]

Pentagon Spent Over $773,000 To Open A KFC/Taco Bell In Guantanamo Bay

Pentagon Spent Over $773,000 To Open A KFC/Taco Bell In Guantanamo Bay

While the U.S. government is getting rid of fast food options for soldiers in Afghanistan, meanwhile they spent quite a bit of cash to make sure troops stationed at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, could pick up a Double Down or a Chalupa without having to have a care package sent from home. [More]