Man Spends 24 Hours In A Walmart, Lives To Tell The Tale

Over at, Bayan Rabbani shares all the details — good, bad, and ugly — of the 24 consecutive hours he spent wandering around — making friends, eating food, getting a manicure — in a Super Walmart in Texas “with absolutely no regard for my hygiene or sanity.”
Bayan began his Jack Bauer-like experiment at midnight on a Wednesday, not exactly peak hours at the W.
“I was literally two minutes in, and already panicking,” he recalls. “Look at the desolation of this aisle — what the hell was I going to do in the store for 24 hours? I was certain that come 2:00 or 3:00 a.m., I would bail.”
At some point in the evening, Bayan claims to have blacked out, only to wake up with his face down on the table of Walmart’s McDonald’s just before 7 a.m.
To keep himself amused, he made suggestive remarks to an elderly woman in the produce aisle and attempted to convince a shopper that Redbox uses the color red because it’s owned by communists.
After his manicure, Bayan headed over to the bank where he opened a bank account he’ll never use. Then it was on to distract himself with the Wii, some energy drinks and more McDonald’s.
It wasn’t until almost 22 hours into his adventure that he caught the eye of store management and was called to the front of the store.
“When I told them my mission, they just laughed and told me not to get into trouble,” he writes.
Looking back now with the hindsight of several weeks, Bayan waxes poetic:
I’m not exaggerating at all when I say that Walmart really started to feel like home. I know it had been only 24 hours, but I couldn’t imagine not being there. I finally understand those prisoners who have been imprisoned for decades. It really is difficult to leave a place that you have become familiar with. I’m still jittery.
The Walmart Experiment: 24 Hours Locked Inside a Super Walmart []
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