Deli meat slicers are expensive pieces of equipment, and useful ones if you want to run a sandwich shop. Police in Indiana are looking for someone who cut through the ceiling of a Jimmy John’s sub shop and took a meat slicer, the store’s video surveillance system, some aprons, and… that’s pretty much it. [More]

Schemer Claims Subway Manager Needs Bail, Scams $200 From Employee
Combining the juvenile tradition of pranking fast food restaurants with the “your relative is in jail” wire fraud scam, someone managed to trick employees at a Subway restaurant to fork over $200 to a complete stranger. [More]

Police Using GPS ‘Darts’ To Track Suspects, Prevent Dangerous High-Speed Chases
It sounds like something straight out of a movie: A suspect’s vehicle blows past a police car, tires screeching as it speeds away. But instead of hitting the gas and starting a high-speed chase that could endanger everyone involved — including innocent bystanders — police in one Colorado city can now fire GPS tracking “darts” at fleeing vehicles. [More]

Police Charge Arson Suspect Based On Records From His Pacemaker
How would you weigh the choice to have a pacemaker implanted if you knew that information from the device could be used against you in a criminal case? A man in Ohio is having his own cardiac rhythm used against him as he faces charges of aggravated arson and insurance fraud. This week, he pleaded not guilty to those charges. [More]

‘Handy’ Cleaning App Linked To More Than 50 Thefts In NYC
It might be convenient to summon a cleaning service with the tap of your smartphone, but police in New York City are warning that convenience could lead to theft after dozens of customers using the house-cleaning app Handy reported being burgled. [More]

Drug Dealer Hiking The Price Of Pot? Don’t Call The Police
“Is your drug dealer ripping you off?” That’s a question police in Australia jokingly posed this week, after a woman called authorities to complain about a recent “outrageous” price hike on marijuana in her neighborhood. [More]

Even Police Can Fall Victim To Card Skimming Devices
You might think that you’re too savvy to be tricked into slipping your credit card into a skimming device that steals your account info, but you’re probably not. Just ask the Indiana State Police, whose troopers were fooled by one skimmer, and who are now using the incident as a teachable moment for everyone. [More]

Man Wants Police to Apologize For Confusing Sock Full Of Kitty Litter With Meth
Quick! Do you have a sock filled with kitty litter sitting in your car? We’re not going to ask why you’d have such a thing (that’s your business), but you may want to remove it, lest law enforcement mistake it for methamphetamine. [More]

DC Mayor Says Arresting Pot Smokers At Inauguration Won’t Be A Priority
If you’re hoping to grab one of 4,200 free joints that will be passed out by a pro-marijuana legalization group on Inauguration Day, The Man probably won’t be focused on hassling you for smoking up, Washington D.C.’s mayor says. [More]

Uber Driver Reportedly Saves Woman From Human Trafficking
When you see a headline containing the phrase “Uber Driver” it’s rarely good news. In the past, the ridesharing company’s drivers have faced accusations of assaulting, overcharging, and stranding passengers, but today we have a welcome change of pace. Police in California say one Uber driver actually helped to save a teen from a human trafficking ring. [More]

Police Want To Find Out If Amazon Echo Recorded Evidence Of Homicide
The issue of who can access information stored on your electronic devices has become increasingly controversial in the last year, with authorities obtaining search warrants to unlock smartphones for everyone in an office building, courts ruling that police can force smartphone users to give up their devices’ passcodes, and federal lawmakers trying to force weakened encryption on consumers. Now, police investigating a homicide are hoping to get a look under the hood of Amazon’s Echo speaker to see if its virtual “Alexa” assistant might have recorded evidence of a murder. [More]

A Handy Guide To This Year’s Biggest Post-Christmas Mall Brawls
All across the country, mall shoppers took Boxing Day way too literally this year, with high-profile skirmishes, arrests, and evacuations occurring at shopping centers in nearly a dozen states. [More]

Activists Emphasize Walmart’s Crime Problem In TV Ads Airing In 4 Cities
A number of Walmart stores around the country have been called out for being the epicenters of disproportionate levels of criminal activity and calls to the police. Now a union-backed labor advocacy group is using this information against the nation’s largest retailer in an TV ad campaign highlighting Walmart’s alleged high crime rates — and its cost to local taxpayers. [More]

Walmart Employee Arrested For Attempts At Killing Coworkers, Setting Store On Fire
Authorities don’t know exactly what led a 24-year-old Walmart employee of an Arizona Walmart store to turn on her coworkers, but say that she had a series of potentially deadly plans for them that fell through. What began as a dispute inside the store could have turned tragic when she returned with a rifle, ammunition, a knife, and a torch. [More]

9 Things We Learned About Walmart’s Relationships With Local Police
Walmart just shared its quarterly results with investors and with the world, and its sales and profits are up. Great news! Only a lot of the chain’s profits have come because of aggressive cost-cutting, and its cutbacks in security have meant increases in petty and violent crimes that can be a burden on local law enforcement. [More]

Noodles & Company Apologizes After Police Officer Denied Service At DC-Area Restaurant
Noodles & Company has apologized after a uniformed police officer said she was denied service at a D.C.-area location, saying the company does not “tolerate any form of discrimination.” [More]

The Police & Fire Departments Would Appreciate It If You Didn’t Call 911 About Pokémon Go
Typically, most people try to avoid a trip to the local police or fire station, except apparently Pokémon Go players. [More]

Alleged Shoplifter Gets Caught, Guzzles Flea Medicine
A man at a Menards store in Michigan was caught carrying 19 boxes of K9 Advantix, a flea and tick preventive medication for dogs, past all of the cash registers, and security staff swooped in. Security staff accused him of shoplifting and contacted the police, but the suspect decided that he would rather go to the hospital instead. [More]