When your salad comes with dressing and croutons, should a menu board calorie count include those toppings? Does a restaurant have to calculate and post the calories in a seasonal item like an eggnog latte? Restaurants and vending machine operators only have a few months to figure this out before the Food and Drug Administration’s calorie-count requirement becomes mandatory. [More]

Here Are This Year’s 9 Most Calorie-Filled Chain Restaurant Meals
You have to know that when you’re tucking into some huge plate of pasta, fried food, bread, sauce, cheese, and meat at a chain restaurant, that’s probably not healthy, but do you know how unhealthy? [More]

19 Adult Beverages With More Calories Than A Snickers Bar
Many of the largest players in the beer industry recently agreed to finally start including calorie counts on their bottles and cans. While some some fans of these adult beverages might have an idea of how many calories they’re drinking down, others may be in for a surprise. [More]

Would You Still Eat That If You Knew How Much Exercise It’ll Take To Burn It Off?
There are times when we feel like throwing caloric caution to the wind and just chowing down on whatever we darn please. But if the evidence is staring you right in the face, with cold hard facts about how much exercise it will take to burn off that food or beverage, would you change your eating habits? [More]

Study: Ordering Pizza Online Adds Up When It Comes To Calories And Cash
The appeal of ordering food online is obvious — it’s easy, you don’t have to talk to anyone and it’s perhaps less likely that your order will get screwed up with the list of toppings, extras or instructions entered in with your own two hands. But summoning grub with the touch of a button, especially ordering pizza, really stacks up the calories and drains the wallet, a new study says. [More]

Owners Of Nike+FuelBands Eligible For $15 Check Or $25 Gift Card Under Class-Action Settlement
Owners of Nike+Fuelband fitness trackers are eligible for a partial refund after Nike and Apple agreed to settle a class-action lawsuit that claimed the companies misled consumers about the accuracy of the wearable device. [More]

Taco Bell’s Unholy Cap’N Crunch-Coated, Cream-Filled Donut Concoction Going National
Today may be National Doughnut Day, but there’s another date lovers of fluffy, sweet indulgences might want to mark on the calendar: July 2. That’s when Taco Bell plans to take its Cap’n Crunch-coated donuts (or doughnuts, whatever) to the masses. [More]

Loosen Your Belt, It’s Time For The 9 Most Calorie-Filled Restaurant Meals Of 2015!
While fast food gets a lot of negative attention for serving up less-than-healthy burgers, fries, chicken, and McRib meat, Whoppers and Big Macs have nothing on many of the meals you’ll get at a typical chain restaurant. Just about every item on the latest list of casual dining calorie bombs would be enough for a full day on its own. [More]

Shrinking Soda Cans Mean Fewer Calories For You, More Profits For Beverage Companies
If you’ve taken a trip down the soda (pop, Coke, soft drink) aisle at your local supermarket in the last year you’ve probably noticed an increase of miniature cans being shilled by beverage makers. Although the diminutive cans might look like a novelty, they’re actually Pepsi and Coke’s revenue-producing answer to American’s latest health kick. [More]

FDA Issues Sweeping New Calorie Requirements For Everything From Vending Machines To Chain Restaurants
If new requirements from the Food and Drug Administration end up sticking, you could be seeing calorie counts for most things you eat outside the home — from vending machines to chain restaurants, movie theater popcorn to pre-made sandwiches at the grocery store. [More]

Unofficial Calorie Count For Arby’s Meat Mountain: There Are Worse Things You Could Eat
For the last few days, the Internet has become more than a little obsessed with the Arby’s Meat Mountain, a pile of protein including roast beef, ham, turkey, steak, bacon, brisket, chicken tenders, and various cheeses. While you might initially think that this would be off the calorie charts, an unofficial tally of the nutrition info shows that it’s not even in the range of many chain restaurant calorie bombs. [More]

How Does This Energy Drink Have More Sugar Than It Does Carbs? (Hint: It Doesn’t)
There’s a reason that “Sugars” is a subcategory under “Total Carbohydrate” on nutrition labels, as all sugars are carbohydrates but not all carbs are sugars. So how can this Amp Energy drink have nearly twice as much sugar as it does carbohydrates? Good question. [More]

The Consumerist Quiz: Test Your Fast Food Calorie IQ
Earlier this week we told you about the most calorific appetizers, entrees, and desserts at the nation’s biggest sort-of-but-not-really Italian chain restaurants. While most of those dishes were well into 4-digit territory, most of us chow down on fast food more than we do at casual dining restaurants. [More]

Is Cutting 6.4 Trillion Calories From Packaged Foods Worth Bragging About?
When you hear that any number is in the trillions, it’s like your brain just goes “Whoa, that is probably quite a big deal because a trillion is a super lot of things.” So when you hear that major food companies have trimmed out 6.4 trillion calories from packaged foods sold in 2012, it sounds like a big deal. [More]