Crazy Customer Makes Death Threat In GameStop, Gets Hauled Off By Police

A man in Michigan grew so angry that GameStop wouldn’t take back his Xbox without a receipt that he threatened to kill someone and went to get something from his vehicle. The GameStop clerk called 911, and “Four Troy police officers, armed with rifles, stormed into [the] Oakland Mall store” and subdued him. He had an illegal stun gun on him but no firearm.
When police arrived, they used a tactic called active shooter response, meaning a team of officers works to stop an immediate threat. [GameStop employee David Roman] said coworkers told him officers put employees and a handful of customers in a back room and threw the man up against a counter, handcuffing him.
The moral of this story: keep your receipts.
“Armed cops subdue angry shopper denied a refund at Oakland Mall” [Detroit Free Press] (Thanks to Kendra!)
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