We know you might have been excited to hear that Domino’s was attempting to deliver pizzas in Japan with reindeer. Alas, the chain has shattered that vision, announcing that it’s giving up on that dream in favor of more traditional delivery vehicles. [More]
pizza delivery

Domino’s Has To Pay Customer $910 For Pizza That Was Never Delivered
It’s bad enough when you’re forced to wait an entire hour for pizza delivery — but can you imagine waiting 18 months for your food to show up? The horror. [More]

Domino’s Testing Pizza Delivery Robots In New Zealand
If the robot revolution is going to come eventually, at least our future overlords may arrive to enslave us bearing pizza: Domino’s is trying out a battery-powered delivery robot in Wellington, New Zealand, calling it “the world’s first autonomous pizza delivery vehicle.” [More]

Late Pizza Delivery Driver Calls Customer Morally Bankrupt And Fat
Pizza Pizza is a chain restaurant that some readers outside of Canada might remember faintly from a line in a Moxy Fruvous song. No? All you need to know is that it’s a pizza chain, it delivers, and it has a 40-minute guarantee. If your pizza arrives in 41 minutes, it’s free. Simple enough: unless the driver gets mad about it. [More]

Domino’s Launches Custom-Built Chevy Pizzamobile With Built-In Ovens
Pizza delivery is a tricky business. You have to get a pizza from the restaurant to the car, let it sit in the car for a while, then get it from the car to the customer, all without tilting the box so the cheese slides off. Delivery drivers normally use their own cars for this… but what if there were a purpose-built car designed to keep food warm and advertise Domino’s in traffic? [More]

Crowdfunding Page Seeking Tips For Pizza Delivery Guy Hits $20K In Donations
He didn’t get the $7 tip he was forced to return for delivering pizzas, but now it seems a pizzeria worker who was stiffed the first time around by a Massachusetts car dealership will be doing just fine: A GoFundMe campaign set up by a stranger who saw the video and was outraged has hit $20,600 (as of Friday afternoon) in donations in just two days. [More]

Car Dealership Workers Demand Pizza Delivery Guy Return His Tip, And The Internet Is Displeased
Everybody wants to go viral, but for workers at one car dealership in Massachusetts the dream of Internet popularity went totally awry after a video posted online appears to show employees stiffing the pizza delivery guy out of his tip. [More]

Everyone Wants To Believe Photo Of Domino’s Worker Delivering Pizza Directly To Bed Of Hungover Man Is Real
There are some things on the Internet that are just too good to be true, I know, but oh man, I really hope this isn’t one of them: A guy reportedly in the death grip of a truly heinous hangover wasn’t feeling like answering the door to get his Domino’s pizza delivery, but it all worked out because of a brave worker, unafraid to see a lazy customer in his skivvies, watching James Bond movies. That is, if this all really happened. [More]

College Students Pitch In To Tip Delivery Driver $1,268 For Two Pizzas
Tipping a lot for pizza isn’t unusual — how else can one adequately express thanks for delivering a cheesey piece of heaven? — but in most cases, “a lot” means maybe $10. But when a bunch of college students pooled their resources to make one pizza guy’s night, they managed to drop a pretty hefty chunk of change on just two pizzas, giving him a $1,268 tip. [More]

3 Things We Learned About Delivering Pizza Above The Arctic Circle
If during this past winter you hesitated to order pizza delivery because you felt bad dragging the pizza guy/gal out in the frigid weather, the story of what it’s like to deliver hot food in the country’s northernmost town may make you realize that your local Domino’s driver doesn’t have it so bad. [More]

Domino’s Pizza Delivery Man Shoots, Kills Would-Be Robber While On The Job
It can be tough out there for delivery guys and gals, as the job description makes it necessary to carry around cash, sometimes in large amounts. That makes delivery workers a prime target for ne’er-do-wells, and a bit of a scary situation for anyone caught unawares. One Domino’s pizza delivery man was prepared enough to shoot and kill someone apparently trying to take his cash. [More]

Should An Apology Credit Make Up For The Screwed-Up Order?
Ryan and his wife wanted to munch on pizza while watching Game of Thrones, because that’s a pretty great way to pass an evening. They ordered from Domino’s, but the wrong pizzas arrived with the wrong toppings pretty late. When they complained, they received a credit for a replacement order…that didn’t replace the items they had ordered. [More]

Climbing The Pepperoni Ladder: 90% Of Domino’s Franchise Owners Started As Deliverymen
Ah, the humble pizza delivery guy — bringing hot cheese and sweet satisfaction to the door for Americans everywhere. But lest you think it’s a dead-end job or something for pimply teenagers just to make some extra cash, Domino’s would beg to differ. The company says about 90% of its franchise owners either started out as deliverymen or in similar entry level positions. [More]

Please Don’t Shoot At The Pizza Delivery Guy If You Think Your Pie Is Too Small
Among the myriad acceptable ways to resolve a complaint with a pizzeria, you won’t find listed “Pull out a gun and begin shooting.” Someone should have told this to the man in Minnesota who is now facing second-degree assault charges for doing just that. [More]

Is It OK To Lower My Tip When Pizza Hut Hikes Delivery Fee?
We’ve established that pizza delivery fee hikes don’t necessarily go to the driver and thus should not be considered part of the tip. [More]

Domino's Uses Pizza Tracker To Track You, Deliver Forgotten Soda
Do you ever wonder whether post-transaction customer satisfaction or feedback surveys get lost somewhere in the ether, and have no impact on the local branch of the company you’re dealing with? Thomas didn’t think that his feedback mattered all that much, but his local Domino’s surprised him with a nearly instant response to their Web feedback.

Pizza Delivery Superhero Thwarts Purse Snatching
Pizza Delivery just got its own caped crusader. An orange spandex leotard painted across his doughy frame, additionally dressed in ivory tights and tunic, Cameron Evans of Galactic Pizza keeps the streets of Minneapolis safe from the superstitious and cowardly lot that prey upon the fine, upstanding pizza consumers of uptown.