It’s not a bird, it’s not a plane, and it definitely isn’t Superman: Oscar Mayer is adding a drone to its Wienermobile fleet, one that the company says will drop hot dogs on hungry, Earthbound customers below — one wiener at a time. [More]
oscar mayer

Oscar Mayer Wants To Put All The Love In One Place With Bacon Dating App
Sometimes, you just know it right away… your pulse quickens, your throat tightens, your stomach rumbles — ah, the heady feeling you get when you’re looking at your dream plate of bacon. Love for another human can be pretty great too. To bring together “bacon soulmates,” Oscar Mayer is touting a new dating app for pork lovers called “Sizzl.” [More]

Oscar Mayer Wienermobile Slides Off The Road, Crashes Into Pole In Pennsylvania
Although its human passengers are just fine, the bad news is that one of Oscar Mayer’s Wienermobiles is in rough shape after a crash in Pennsylvania. The good news? The company has more than one hot dog vehicle. Whew. [More]

Oscar Mayer Wants To Buy World’s Largest Catsup Bottle Because The Wienermobile Is Lonely
One can only imagine how lonely it must be to live the life of a super-sized food item, one whose sole purpose is to advertise, not to be actually consumed: Long days filled with gawkers pointing out how big you are, with no one ever really getting you. But do you know who could understand what it’s like to be say, the World’s Largest Catsup bottle? The Wienermobile. And vice versa. [More]

This Oscar Mayer Turkey Is Spicier, And There’s Less Of It
Sure, extra spices really add something to a prepared food item. Do they add enough to justify making packages a whole ounce lighter? Well… in the case of this Oscar Mayer shaved turkey that got slightly spicier but lost an ounce, the answer is “probably not.” [More]

How To Wake Up To The Sounds And Smell Of Bacon Without Entering The Kitchen
Bacon is taking over the world. And just to prove bacon’s true power Oscar Mayer invented a way for devout bacon lovers to wake up to the rich aroma and sizzling sound of the breakfast staple without actually, you know, cooking it. [More]

Oscar Mayer Figures Serving Up A PR Stunt With Bacon Will Get The Public To Bite
Here at Consumerist, we’ve seen more than our fair share of PR stunts designed to lure us in and think “Gee, that product really is great!” But when said promotion involves bacon we already know we love the product and so it works. Oscar Mayer is betting on the general public’s love of meat with its new promo featuring a comedian who’s trying to barter his way across the country with only a trailer full of bacon to get by. [More]

Kraft: We'd Rather You Go 23% Hungrier Than Pay A Few Cents More
Yesterday, we showed you photographic evidence of how the Grocery Shrink Ray had zapped one reader’s Oscar Mayer Lunchables packages from 4.4 oz. to 3.3 oz. Turns out he wasn’t the only reader who was less than thrilled about the change. [More]

Lunchables Fall Victim To The Grocery Shrink Ray
Consumerist reader Mike has been noshing on Oscar Mayer Lunchables — you know, the pre-packed meat/cheese/cracker things — for years. To him, they were a dependable way to have a quick and cheap bite to eat for lunch in the office. That is, until they felt the ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZAAAPPPP! of the patented Grocery Shrink Ray. [More]

Oscar Mayer Lifts Veil Of Secrecy On Ingredients With New Line Of Meats
Pink slime backlash is seeping into all things meat related. If a consumer is going to eat some meat, companies are figuring out that hey, maybe they’d like to know what exactly it is that’s going into their bodies. Which is why Oscar Mayer has announced a new line of meats with no artificial preservatives, flavors or colors. [More]

Oscar Mayer Wienermobile Crashes Wedding
Rolling advertisement that it is, the driver of an Oscar Mayer Wienermoble couldn’t resist stopping by an upstate New York wedding this past weekend, delighting the wedding party and guests and providing a delightful photo opportunity. [More]

Ball Park & Oscar Mayer Square Off In Court Over Who Has The Best Wiener
“Let the wiener wars begin.” That’s what a judge in a legal battle between the nation’s two biggest hot dog brands declared earlier today, as the makers of Oscar Mayer and Ball Park franks each accused the other of misleading and deceptive advertising practices. [More]

Kraft Cutting Salt From Oscar Mayer Bologna, Other Products
Perhaps feeling a bit bloated, Kraft Foods Inc. announced earlier today that they’re cutting down on the amount of salt used in a number of its most popular products. [More]

Hot Dog War: Ball Park Franks Sues Oscar Mayer Over Taste Test Claims
Sara Lee, maker of Ball Park Franks, has sued Kraft, manufacturer of Oscar Mayer hot dogs over advertising that claimed that the Oscar Mayer Jumbo Beef Franks beat Ball Park and ConAgra Foods’ Hebrew National hot dogs in a national taste test. Turns out, it wasn’t that simple.