Time Magazine’s Brad Tuttle, who writes the Cheapskate Blog, is a little late to the back-to-school tips train (or is he early for next year?) but makes up for the tardiness with some zingers in his 10 ways to save on school piece.
money saving tips

Make Your Own Green, Cheap Cleaning Products
When McGyver wants to clean his kitchen, he doesn’t need any fancy Clorox or 409. Give him some baking soda, vinegar and lemon juice and he’ll create a clean-up bonanza of the likes the world has never seen. And he’ll catch seven bad guys and utter a catch-phrase quip, all before the commercial break.

Parents, Start Your Back-To-School Shopping In Your Junk Drawer
Parents head out to the same stores every year to load up on the same school supplies, so you’d think after their kid reaches sixth grade or so they’d have enough leftovers laying around the house to negate the need to stock up.

College Freshmen, Avoid These Money Traps
Personal finance blog Poorer Than You warns new college students to be on the lookout for money-sapping, credit-ruining traps.

Students Can Use Internet To Rent Textbooks Rather Than Buy Them
The college textbook racket is a cruel exploitation of a captive market, and book prices seem to rise faster than Google stock.

The Book: One Of Many Money-Wasting Traps To Avoid
Given all its recent layoffs, the Baltimore Sun knows a thing or two about slashing budgets. So its money-saving tip slide show rings with some authority.

How To Weasel Your Way Out Of Picking Up The Check
C’mon, admit it. You don’t like to be the one who picks up the check when you’re out at lunch with your friends. You probably avoid going out to lunch with office pals just to avoid the potential hazard of getting stuck with the check.

Look Out For These Ways Money Slips Down The Drain
Like water swirling a drain, it’s in your money’s inert nature to flow away from you. Blogger Fabulously Broke identifies several ways in which people waste funds without realizing what they’re doing.

Students, That College I.D. Is A Universal Coupon
One great thing about being in college is everyone — including businesses — expects you to be poor. Thus, your student I.D. is good for a range of discounts, ranging from movies, restaurants, museums and sundry services. Wisconsin’s WSAW 7 cobbled together a list of 10 such targets.

Cloth Diapers Can Save You Money If You're Willing To Work For It
Parents, if you can get over the “ick” factor of reprocessing cloth diapers after your baby does sickening things to them, there’s a financial benefit in it for you. Blogger GreatDad describes how “fathers can save money with cloth diapers” over the more costly disposable variety.

You've Got To Spend Money To Save Money — Wait, What?
In the all-out, hyperfrugal rush to save on whatever you can, however possible, it’s easy to overlook the fact that you’re not saving anything if you’re buying garbage. Maryland’s ABC 2 News checks in with a story that reinforces such thinking, with this post on ways to save more in the long run by spending more now.

Three Recent Books That Help You Live Like A Cheapskate
Frugality is all the rage in the bookstore aisles these days, and Sarah Beckham of the Austin American-Statesman has sifted through the masses of butchered trees to point out three that may be worth a look to help you trim your budget.

Bail Yourself Out By Draining Water Costs
If Kevin Costner’s epic cinematic vision is to be trusted, water will only continue to get more rare and pricey, even as we move closer to a world of melted polar ice caps.

Cut Down On Medical Costs With These Tips
One way to cut down on all your medical costs is to go exclusively to Dr. Mario, an impersonator of whom is pictured.

AARP Tells You How To Love Your Money The Old-Fashioned Way
It’s not such a great time to be heading into retirement, which may be a reason prospective retirees may want to glance through the AARP’s 50 Ways To Love Your Money PDF.

A Cheap Trick To Help Potheads Save On Water Bills
The suspiciously named Mr. Brown Thumb from Chicago Now’s Chicago Garden blog offers a simple but valuable tip for gardeners looking to cut down on their water and soil use: Don’t waste water-sucking dirt to fill your enormous pots.

Rural Texans, Other Ranch Folk Can Save Money With Wind Power
Rancher types can say “blow me” to their electric bills, installing windmills that snag them federal tax credits that help them generate their own electricity.

How To Save On Those Wallet-Defiling Horrors Known As 'Weddings'
In our debt-plagued society it’s somehow appropriate that couples demonstrate their love for one another by staging elaborate ceremonies that plunge them into financial setbacks from which no dollar dance will reprieve them.