It appears Indiana likes New Hampshire’s style, as the state’s Hoosier Lottery has introduced a bacon-scented scratch-off ticket of its own. But unlike previous bacon-themed lotteries designed to tempt your olfactory system, this one actually includes the savory meat in the list of prizes, with a 20-year-supply of bacon at stake for players. [More]
![[Insert joke about literally bringing home the bacon here]](../../../../
Indiana Lottery Debuts Bacon-Scented Scratch-Off Tickets, Prizes Include 20-Year Supply Of Bacon

Seattle Couple Realizes After Three Months They’ve Got A $1M Powerball Ticket
You know how they say, “You can’t win if you don’t play?” That’s true, but you also can’t really win unless you remember to check your ticket. That was the case for a Seattle couple who bought a Powerball ticket, left it in the car for months and then decided to check it after all. Turns out they’d won $1 million. [More]

Lost Lucky Lottery Winner Ruins All The Fun, Turns Out To Be An Undercover Agent
There was a feeling in the Internet air yesterday, one of solidarity, of coming together as a species in the face of a daunting mystery, and now that’s all over. There’s good news and “Aww, man, really?” news about the guy who’d won $75,000 in the lottery but only walked away with $75: He’s been found! The other news: He’s an undercover California lottery agent. The other, other news: Such a job exists. [More]

Lottery Officials Looking For Guy Who Won $75K But Walked Away From Gas Station With Only $75

New Mexico Man Sues Over $500K Lottery Ticket Dubbed A Misprint By Officials
A New Mexico man who saw his champagne wishes and caviar dreams dashed by lottery authorities who said his winning ticket was actually a misprint is now suing, claiming he’s owed the $500,000 prize that appeared on his scratch card. [More]

Guy Who Bought Lottery Tickets To Break $100 Bill Wins $10M
When’s the last time you went out to grab lunch and ended up a millionaire? It’s been at least a few years for me, but only a few days for a Massachusetts man who bought a couple lottery tickets to break a $100 bill so he could get some sandwiches. [More]

New Hampshire Lottery Offering Bacon-Scented Scratch-Off Tickets
What’s better than the smell of bacon? The smell of bacon bringing you a bunch of money. Because with a scratch-off lottery ticket, even if you don’t bring home the big win, you get to smell bacon. Mmm, bacon. [More]

Man Who Thought He’d Won $500K Told His Lucky Ticket Is A Worthless Misprint
Although I’ve never won a large sum of money myself, I imagine that the experience of hitting it big with the scratch-off lottery would go something like this: Blink, blink, rub eyes, blink, rub eyes, blink, scream and call my mom. So picturing that scenario followed by the ultimate letdown of no money is maybe the saddest thing ever. Stupid lottery ticket misprints. [More]

Lottery Winner Wears A Bright Yellow Bear Costume To Collect $85M Reward, As One Does
Look around at all the lottery winners you’ve seen on TV in the United States — a smiling person, human in features, not covered in bright fur. We are tamer than tame when compared with the tradition of dressing up in crazy costumes to claim lottery winnings in China, like a guy who just wore a huge, bright yellow bear costume to pick up his check for $85 million. [More]

Man Forgets About Lottery Tickets, Finds $2.9M Winner In His Truck
Maybe there’s a trick to having a winning lottery ticket — perhaps if you ignore your tickets and don’t check to see if they’re winners right away, they’ll suddenly turn into millions of dollars in prize money. That’s what happened to a New York auto shop owner who found he’d had $2.9 million sitting in his truck, waiting for him to collect. [More]

Everyone Wants To Be The Guy Who Bought Two $1M Lottery Tickets In Three Months
How many $1 million dollar lottery tickets have you bought lately? None? Then you’re right there with the rest of us lagging behind an Indiana man who somehow managed to win not one million-dollar jackpot, but two in a span of only three months with his lucky buys. [More]

Two Men Throw Away Winning $1M Powerball Ticket, Sue Lottery Commission To Get The Money
Just imagine realizing that you’d won a million dollars — after you’d already thrown away the ticket. No one’s gonna believe that one, right? But two New Jersey men say they’ve got proof they won, after throwing out their tickets in error, and they want their Powerball money. [More]

Want To Win The Powerball? Maybe You Should Move To West Virginia
I know, I know. Just last week I told you to move to Wisconsin, and I stand by that. But if you want the magic fairy dust that apparently brings big money, maybe you should pack up and set down roots in West Virginia. Because that’s where the Powerball fairy lives. [More]

Is It Better To Accidentally Throw Away $1.25M In Lottery Tickets Or To Never Have Won At All?
Imagine you’ve been playing the exact same set of numbers for years on end, because you know, without a doubt, that these numbers are the numbers — the digits that are destined to bring you fame and fortune or at least, fortune. So would you rather learn you were right along but lost $1.25 million due to a twist of fate, or just never win at all? [More]

Couple Wins The Lottery Three Time In A Month, Must Be Time Travelers
Have you ever won the lottery multiplee times in one month? I haven’t either, not even once, which means that the couple who scored on three lucky lottery wins in one month must have figured out time travel, gone to the future to pick the right tickets, then come back to this time to collect. That is the only logical explanation. [More]

Convenience Store Clerk’s Mistake Delivers $10M Lottery Jackpot To Lucky Customer
Ah, luck! That elusive phenomenon that money can’t buy and no one can ever count on to stick around. It shows up where it wants to, like in a simple mistake a convenience store worker made when selling a customer a scratch-off lottery ticket. That slip brought a $10 million jackpot to the lucky store patron’s doorstep. [More]