Acknowledging that some Uber customers are using their account to hail rides for people other than themselves, the ride-sharing service has announced a “Family Profile” option that lets multiple Uber passengers bill to the same credit card. [More]
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Lost Lucky Lottery Winner Ruins All The Fun, Turns Out To Be An Undercover Agent
There was a feeling in the Internet air yesterday, one of solidarity, of coming together as a species in the face of a daunting mystery, and now that’s all over. There’s good news and “Aww, man, really?” news about the guy who’d won $75,000 in the lottery but only walked away with $75: He’s been found! The other news: He’s an undercover California lottery agent. The other, other news: Such a job exists. [More]

How The Heck Do I Decide Whether The New iPads Are What I Want?
While the smartphone market has become much more diverse in recent years, Apple’s iPad still dominates the tablet business in the U.S. Today, the company announced the latest iteration of the full-sized iPad — the iPad Air — along with an improved iPad Mini, hoping to continue this dominance. But many consumers aren’t fully informed of how these devices compare to already available Android and Windows tablets. [More]