Remember the Chipotle restaurant in Dallas where customers captured video of mice falling from the ceiling and scurrying across the floor? That was a few weeks ago, and now the restaurant is temporarily closing so experts can evaluate the building. [More]

Movie Theater In California Closed Until Tomorrow Due To Alleged Bed Bugs
It’s been a long time since we’ve heard any reports of bedbugs munching on people while the people munch on popcorn in a movie theater. Almost exactly four years, to be exact. A movie theater in a rural area of California will stay closed until Thursday after extensive de-bugging began over the weekend. However, the theater won’t confirm whether the mysterious insect infestation is bedbugs. [More]

NYC Officials Take Three Trains Out Of Service After Subway Riders Spot Bedbugs
The mere mention of the “B” word and any New Yorker will visibly flinch at the thought of those voracious, teeny tiny minions from hell itself and the havoc they can wreak on a person’s life, damaging property and disturbing one’s social status. So it’s safe to say no one’s excited to hear that bedbugs (ugh) have been riding alongside commuters and tourists alike on one of New York City’s subway lines. [More]

The Best Way To Rid Your Home Of Bed Bugs Is Definitely Not Setting It On Fire
Anyone who’s ever been plagued by bed bugs knows how the little critters can turn your world into an awful, creepy crawly nightmare. But while one man didn’t mean to set his home on fire while trying to rid the house of bed bugs, trying to heat up the suckers with a hair dryer, space heater and heat gun accomplished just that. [More]

Restaurant Stays Open But Admits: “Yeah, We’re Infested With Cockroaches Right Now”
It’s rare that a restaurant would even want to publicly acknowledge it has a pest problem — after all, no one wants to associate bugs with the food business — however, a California eatery has gone so far as to not only inform its patrons that it’s been infested by German cockroaches, but it also reported itself to the county health department. [More]

This Walmart Offers Really, Really Fresh Meat
When a Florida woman shopping at her local Super Walmart saw a large rat in the meat case, stampering across the shrink-wrapped packages, she knew that no one was going to believe her. She insisted on snapping a photo with her mobile phone. “[I] told my mom I wasn’t leaving without one,” she told a local news station. [More]

Priceline Upgrades You To Reportedly Bedbug-Infested Hotel
Ordinarily, it would be a good thing if Priceline upgraded your bid for a 3.5-star hotel to a 4-star bid. This sometimes happens when a classier hotel accepts your bid. It wasn’t much of a bonus for Lissa, though. She wanted to avoid a certain 4-star hotel because user reviews in various places complained of bedbug infestations, so she bid only on 3.5-star establishments. Of course, this bid landed her at the allegedly infested hotel. It took her several hours of customer service hell to get out of the situation, which is still better than being chomped on by bedbugs. [More]

How Do I Stop The Mice From Sneaking Into My Honda Pilot?
Jennifer’s brother’s family loves their 2006 Honda Pilot. But there’s a bit of a problem. Mice also love it. And if you check around, there’s a bunch of other Honda Pilot owners complaining about mice infestations. How do you keep the mice out? [More]

We Were Told Snake Infestation Was "Made Up"
An interesting wrinkle to story about the house infested with thousands of snakes: when the previous owners bought it, they were told the owners before them “made up a story that there were snakes” in there to get out of paying their mortgage. The real estate agent also told them “every precaution” had been taken to make sure there was no snake problem. Unfortunately, the snakes turned out to be very real indeed. [More]

Realtor Slices Price On Snake Infested Home
Sounds like a ssssteal. A beautiful five-bedroom house in Idaho for only $109,000. It comes with a tiny catch: The house is infested with thousands of live, writhing garter snakes. [More]

Bedbugs Spread Across America In Search Of Delicious Fresh Humans
New York City is experiencing a bedbug infestation, with the critters back in the news for munching on humans at a movie theater and even the Empire State Building. We expect to hear about bedbugs in densely populated urban areas like New York and San Francisco, but NPR reports that the critters are showing up nationwide. [More]

Save Money On Head Lice Removal
You’re a good Consumerist. You make your own kids at home. You grow your own lice in a coffee can you found on the street. You dump the lice on the kids’ heads before you send them off to school. After all that, the last thing you want to do is spend a fortune on lice removal treatments, right? You’re in luck: the New York Times says you don’t have to spend a lot of money de-lousing your itchy little child. [More]

Mouse Builds Expensive Nest Inside ATM
A mouse snuck into an ATM at a gas station in eastern Oregon and made what had to have been an adorable little home out of sixteen $20 bills. Nobody knows how Scrooge McMouse got into the ATM, but after giving the station attendant a good scare, he was fished out of his money pit and set free.

Help, There Are Bugs In My Kitty Litter!
Dawn is freaked out because when she got up this morning, she found bugs in her cat’s litter box. She called the company that makes the litter to ask them what to do, and they offered coupons but no real explanation. “Maybe some of your readers have had the same experience and could help me figure out what to do,” she writes. “Thanks!”

Craigslist-Bought PS2 Doubles As Roach Motel
Posting on a Gametrailers Forum, gamer VictoriousOne tells a horror story of buying a PS2 on Craigslist, played it for weeks until it broke, then opened it up to find a bunch of roaches inside.

Nighttime Itching? Bed Bug Infestations Up 500% Worldwide
Call it the Twilight phenomenon. The EPA held its first ever “bed bug summit” last week, to discuss the rise in infestations of the tiny nocturnal bloodsuckers. There was talk of more ‘bed bug task forces’ in big cities, possible federal research into new technology such as steaming or freezing the bugs, and lots of icky close-ups of parasites.

A Days Inn in Cleveland, Ohio, has bedbugs, a mother of four found out when the Red Cross put her family there for the night after her house burned down. Yes, it’s another bedbugs-in-hotels story, but this time there are pictures! []