Quick! Do you have a sock filled with kitty litter sitting in your car? We’re not going to ask why you’d have such a thing (that’s your business), but you may want to remove it, lest law enforcement mistake it for methamphetamine. [More]
kitty litter

Cat Owners Who Value A Smell-Free Home Should Thank This Guy For Inventing Kitty Litter
Cat owners: There is a debt of gratitude to be paid. Every time you walk into a home with a cat that doesn’t smell like cat pee, and every night that you spend comfortably in your bed with your favorite feline friend snoozing cozily on your feet is all because of one guy, when you get right down to it. He is the guy who invented kitty litter. [More]

What To Do With Your Pet’s Poop
A typical dog creates three-quarters of a pound of poop every day, or 274 pounds a year, according to the EPA. (I’d guess my pups are far over that estimate.) And how’s this for scale? In the two cities of Fairbanks and Anchorage, Alaska, pups produce an estimated 20 million pounds of poop each year, while 200 million tons of kitty litter goes into landfills nationwide. You may not think the topic polite, but the reality is that all pet owners need to come up with options to manage their pet’s poop. So what’s the best way to deal with the stuff? [More]

Arm & Hammer Sues Fresh Step Because "Cats Don't Talk"
Seen those commercials of cats preferring Fresh Step to Arm & Hammer’s “Super Scoop?” Well, so has Arm & Hammer and they are very annoyed. [More]

Ultra Pet Rewards Loyal Customer Generously For Kitty Litter Complaint
Liz writes that she tried a different type of cat litter from UltraPet, the manufacturer of her regular brand. The new litter didn’t work as well as advertised, and she contacted the company about the issue. They offered her a refund or a free bag of her regular litter, but she couldn’t produce the original receipt. Liz didn’t expect that the company would send along something better instead. [More]

Help, There Are Bugs In My Kitty Litter!
Dawn is freaked out because when she got up this morning, she found bugs in her cat’s litter box. She called the company that makes the litter to ask them what to do, and they offered coupons but no real explanation. “Maybe some of your readers have had the same experience and could help me figure out what to do,” she writes. “Thanks!”