In January, federal regulators announced they had put a stop to an apartment rental scam in which homes (that may not exist) are listed online with the sole purpose of tricking prospective renters into paying for “credit checks” that will never be done. Now, the operators of the scheme must pay $762,000 to put an end to the Federal Trade Commission’s allegations. [More]

Police: Hairstylist Used Pepper Spray On Dissatisfied Customer
In yet another example of why it’s important to be cautious when enlisting services from strangers online, a New Jersey woman says a hairstylist she hired on Craigslist pepper-sprayed her in the face when she expressed dissatisfaction with the results. [More]

Why You Should Go To Wawa If You Want To Fall In Love With A Stranger
Not having luck on those swipe’em or leave’em dating apps, or striking out at the bar? While we can’t guarantee you’ll fall head over heels in love with a stranger at a convenience store, there are those out there who point to popular roadside stop Wawa as a hot spot for romantic activity. [More]

Used Cars Can Be Victims Of Identity Theft, Too
When shopping for a used car, buying from a private party in your real-life social network or who you found through an ad is cheaper than going through a dealership, but has some dangers that you may not think to look out for. There are small-time dealers who pretend to be individual sellers, and here’s another thing to keep in mind: cars can be victims of identity theft. [More]

A Legitimate Car Seller Will Not Ask For Payment In Amazon Gift Cards
As gift cards go, Amazon gift cards are pretty flexible: they’re available in any amount and can be used for a wide variety of merchandise. You can even use them to buy imaginary cars. At least, that’s what happened to a Michigan man who thought that he was buying a car that was in Montana, but was in fact sending four thousand bucks into a scamtastic void. [More]

More Police Departments Institute Safe Zones For Craigslist Trades
We often share stories of trades and sales that originate online, are completed in person, and go terribly awry, like. After one town in Pennsylvania designated a Craigslist Transaction Safe Zone, other areas have joined in. Sure, it’s nothing beyond inviting people to participate in swaps in the police station parking lot, but maybe having a designated community trading spot will catch on. [More]

Rejoice! Cat Accidentally Sold Along With Mattress Is Home Again
Because not every lost pet story has a happy ending, fans of Camo the Mattress Cat will likely be incredibly relieved to hear that the beloved pet accidentally sold along with bedding on Craigslist has been reunited with his owners. [More]

Town Creates Nation’s First “Craigslist Transaction Safe Zone”
While the vast majority of purchases made via Craigslist go down without a problem, those don’t make the news; it’s the rare case of people getting scammed or attacked that earns the headlines. In an effort to reduce the chance of those sorts of incidents, one Pennsylvania community has created what it claims is the nation’s first Craigslist Transaction Safe Zone. [More]

Scam Artist Tries To Play Landlord, Collect Rent For House He Doesn’t Own
A woman in California was about to put down a $1,500 deposit on the house she’d just been shown by a nice young man who was managing the rental property for his dad. Luckily, she told her real estate agent pal about her new digs before she was scammed out of her hard-earned cash. [More]

Court Allows Company To Ask Amazon To Identify Negative Reviewers
While courts have held that companies have to prove an online review is libelous before it can be forcibly deleted, there is still a question about whether anonymous review-writers have a right to remain unnamed. A federal judge in Washington state recently decided that one company can request that Amazon provide information about users who left questionable reviews about the plaintiff’s products. [More]

If You Want Willie Nelson’s Former Tour Bus, It’s Currently Being Sold On Craigslist
Are you a fan of the Red Headed Stranger? Do you have $65,000 and a driveway long enough to park a 1983 Eagle bus? Then, oh man, we know of a place where you can part with that money. [More]

There’s A Potentially Itchy Black Market For The Recalled Fitbit Force
After Consumerist played a large role in getting the Fitbit Force recalled, I set up a Google alert to let me know when news about the product hits the Interweb. Since the official recall almost six weeks ago, I sort of expected to see a decrease in mentions of the product. I didn’t expect to see sales listings from a small, disingenuous Fitbit Force black market. [More]

You Can Buy The Vice President’s Old Cadillac, Signature Biden Jokes Not Included
Whenever I think of Vice President Joe Biden, I imagine him either on a train or telling a somewhat awkward joke in a totally inappropriate setting. But it turns out he also drives cars on occasion, along with his usual train riding and jokemaking duties (and also being VP, etc), one of which is now reportedly for sale by its most recent owner. No jokes are included in the deal though, so you’ll have to provide your own. [More]

Craigslist “Emergency” Taco Bell Delivery Request During Snowstorm Ends With A Full Stomach
When there is booze involved, there are many situations you may find yourself in that you normally would not get into. Say, there’s a certain cuisine you only crave when drinking. But what happens if a snowstorm foils your tipsy plans? Turn to the Internet, like one Baltimore Craigslister did yesterday in his quest for Taco Bell. [More]

This Diamond Ring Might Be A Good Deal If You Don’t Mind Incurring The Wrath Of Sauron
Can someone please help a guy out and buy the $1,800 engagement ring he’s selling on Craigslist so he won’t have to cast it into the fiery pit from whence it came? Because we’ve seen how tough it is to get into Mordor (you can’t just walk into that place, you know) and we wouldn’t wish it on anyone. [More]

You Could Pay $395 For An “Upcycled Shelving Unit” Or Just Find A Ladder & Stick Boards On It
Start clearing out your garages, sheds, basements and anywhere you might be storing a ladder you don’t need: Apparently there are people willing to pay $395 for an “upcycled shelving unit” that consists of two boards on a ladder. Or at least, someone on Craigslist thinks there’s a market for such “furniture.” [More]