An interesting wrinkle to story about the house infested with thousands of snakes: when the previous owners bought it, they were told the owners before them “made up a story that there were snakes” in there to get out of paying their mortgage. The real estate agent also told them “every precaution” had been taken to make sure there was no snake problem. Unfortunately, the snakes turned out to be very real indeed. [More]
garter snakes

Realtor Slices Price On Snake Infested Home
Sounds like a ssssteal. A beautiful five-bedroom house in Idaho for only $109,000. It comes with a tiny catch: The house is infested with thousands of live, writhing garter snakes. [More]

This Isn't A Frozen Green Bean, It's A Chunk Of Garter Snake
Remember the animal head that a Houston family found inside a bag of frozen Pictsweet green beans? The family was convinced that the animal was a snake, though experts thought that it was a frog. Maybe they were right after all, and the animal was a snake…because a different part of a snake was found inside another bag of Pictsweet green beans in Wisconsin. What part? Well, it’s not the head, and it’s not the end, but it was conveniently cut to the same length as the green beans. [More]