Two of the consumer news themes of this week have been terrible things happening to United Airlines passengers and live scorpions lurking where they shouldn’t. Why not bring these themes together? A man on a flight from Houston to Calgary over the weekend says that he was stung by a scorpion that fell out of an overhead bin onto his head. [More]

Swarm Of Bees Gets Loose In Parking Lot Of Walmart, Sends 3 Customers To Hospital
The Oklahoma Walmart Bee Invasion began with a routine transaction. No, Walmart isn’t selling bees now: two beekeepers met up in the store’s parking lot to complete the sale of three hives of around 10,000 bees each in a public place. Instead, the bees got loose, stinging people in the parking lot. Three people had severe enough problems that they were transported to the hospital. [More]

You Can Buy The Right To Name A New Moth Species
Calling all lepidopterists: if you’re obsessed with moths, now is your chance to name a newly discovered species whatever you want (might I suggest The MBQ?) — all you need is enough money to outbid the other moth fans out there. [More]

Oh, Good: Four More Reports Of Iron Cross Blister Beetles In Salads
Last week, we shared the mildly disturbing news that four different people in three states had found a particular species of potentially toxic beetle in their organic salads. Those were just the people who found their way to a bug-identification community on Reddit: how many more beetles were out there lurking in America’s salads? The answer, we learned this weekend, is at least four. [More]

This Toxin-Emitting Beetle Is Not A Crunchy Salad Topping
Small animals love vegetables, and so do people. Sometimes small animals end up harvested along with vegetables, slip through safeguards in the system, and end up in our bowls. Usually, these are harmless, but what if they aren’t? Four people in different places have found potentially toxic beetles in their salad greens, and we really, really hope that there aren’t more out there lurking in more salads. [More]

The Polar Vortex Is Annoying, But It Could Be Good For Your Backyard
Sure we’re all sick of winter. The crazy Polar Vortex has been wreaking havoc across the country and we’re ready for it to retire. But even with all the negatives the cold front has brought, including billions of dollars lost to canceled flights, it could be saving the government billions of dollars when it comes to containing invasive insects. [More]

Don’t Worry, The Caterpillar You Found In Your Dinner Is Totally Safe To Eat
Unless that’s what they set out to eat in the first place, people aren’t thrilled to find insects in their food. Reader V. and his family are vegetarians, and were even less thrilled than most people to find a worm in their package of frozen edamame from Trader Joe’s. When he wrote to complain, the company was pretty transparent about what the critter was and how it ended up in their dinner. The company gave a refund. But V. found the company’s assurance that the critter was safe to eat insensitive. [More]

Strawberry Frappuccinos No Longer Vegan, Contain Ground-Up Bugs
A few years ago, we happily passed on the news that a change in Starbucks Frappuccino flavors meant that you could get some flavors in a vegan formulation. But now, if you’re a Frappuccino lover who eschews eating animals, you’ll have to stay away from the strawberry variety from here out. The good news is that the newest base doesn’t contain artificial red food dye. The bad news is that’s because it’s been replaced with cochineal extract, a dye made from dried, ground-up insects. [More]

Woman Buys Milk With Free Bonus Insects, Complains For Some Reason
American consumers are so ungrateful. An Indiana woman bought a gallon of Great Value house-brand milk at Walmart that included a delicious selection of flour bugs. She’s currently pregnant, so why didn’t she appreciate the extra protein? She declined the store’s offer of replacement milk, and wants a refund. [More]

New York Requires Landlords To Tell Tenants Of Bedbug History
Since New York is being eaten alive by bedbugs, the state government has stepped in to make landlords disclose a one-year history of bedbug infestations at properties to prospective tenants. [More]

Bedbugs Spread Across America In Search Of Delicious Fresh Humans
New York City is experiencing a bedbug infestation, with the critters back in the news for munching on humans at a movie theater and even the Empire State Building. We expect to hear about bedbugs in densely populated urban areas like New York and San Francisco, but NPR reports that the critters are showing up nationwide. [More]

Nighttime Itching? Bed Bug Infestations Up 500% Worldwide
Call it the Twilight phenomenon. The EPA held its first ever “bed bug summit” last week, to discuss the rise in infestations of the tiny nocturnal bloodsuckers. There was talk of more ‘bed bug task forces’ in big cities, possible federal research into new technology such as steaming or freezing the bugs, and lots of icky close-ups of parasites.

Ocean Spray Contains Dye Made From Insect Shells
Did you know that the dye used to color Ocean Spray is derived from bug shells? Ocean Spray contains cochineal extract, made from, natch, the shells of the cochineal insect.

UPDATE: Applebee's Is Sorry About Huge Insect Leg In Salad
Remember that huge grasshopper-ish insect leg that Reader Stacie pulled out of her mouth while eating an Applebee’s Apple Walnut Chicken Salad? After her story was posted to the Consumerist, Stacie was contacted by Applebee’s and finally got the apology that she wanted.
Insects Love Apples
Whilst browsing the Apple forum, looking to find a solution for why my MagSafe connector wouldn’t actually charge my MacBook Pro anymore (solution? “Buy a new one!” Thanks, Apple chuckleheads.) I came across this remarkable cry for fumigatory technical support and the accompanying video illustrating his problem: insects living inside his monitor.

Aunt Jemima Worm Horror
Poor Aunt Jemima can’t catch a break. First she is created whole cloth to remind middle class white children how nice it was back when our families could afford slaves. Then she has to serve her ungrateful, illusory masters meal worms.