ice cream

Snoqualmie Recalls All Ice Cream Made This Year Due To Possible Listeria Contamination

Snoqualmie Recalls All Ice Cream Made This Year Due To Possible Listeria Contamination

Snoqualmie Gourmet Ice Cream distributes its ice cream, gelato, custard, and sorbet in some states in the western half of this country. That sounds delicious, but the company has issued a surprisingly extensive recall: it is recalling all of the tasty frozen desserts that it has produced this year. Yes, from the beginning of 2014 until December 15. [More]

Color-Changing Ice Cream Is Kind Of Freaky – But We’d Still Try It

Color-Changing Ice Cream Is Kind Of Freaky – But We’d Still Try It

Get out of here plain, boring white-colored vanilla ice cream, there’s a new, more vibrant vanilla in town. Or, at least, that’s the hope one physicist and entrepreneur has with his newest invention: invention: Color-changing ice cream. [More]

(WCPO News)

Walmart: Ice Cream Sandwiches That Don’t Melt After 12 Hours Outside Just Have Less Cream

You see an ice cream sandwich and think, “Mmm, ice cream sandwich!” But wait — it’s been sitting out for more than 24 hours… and it’s still recognizable as an ice cream sandwich. Something seems freaky here. [More]

The meltiest of times. (@karen_g)

A Tale Of Two Uber Ice Creams: It Was The Best Of Times, It Was The Meltiest Of Times

I scream, you scream, we all want to make loud noises over that frozen dessert made of sweetened milk fat. So hearing that Uber is offering an on-demand ice cream delivery in certain cities today is no doubt quickening many hearts. But at $5 a pop, is the stuff even good? [More]

Mystery Solved: Cherry Garcia Greek Froyo Has Less Protein Because It Has More Delicious Fat

Mystery Solved: Cherry Garcia Greek Froyo Has Less Protein Because It Has More Delicious Fat

Yesterday, we compared the nutrition information of two different versions of frozen yogurt from Ben & Jerry’s and found something kind of strange. Even though promoters of Greek yogurt usually brag about its higher protein content, that isn’t the case with the frozen version. Ben & Jerry’s got back to us, and now we have the answer. [More]

Oh Look, A Countertop Ice Cream Sandwich Machine

Oh Look, A Countertop Ice Cream Sandwich Machine

Here at Consumerist, we enjoy bringing you the very latest in useless appliances that are glorified toasters or waffle makers. Cupcakes? Pies? Dog treats? Pretzels? Hot dogs? If you’re really into any of these products, you can find a dedicated electric countertop cooker for them. Should you? We don’t know, but now there’s an electric ice cream sandwich maker that you can set on your counter as well. [More]

(Ryan Fennell)

Police Seek Man Who Smacked Ice Cream Truck Driver With Fudge Bar

Perhaps kicking off the summer in his own way, a man in South Carolina reportedly hit an ice cream vendor with a piece of his own merchandise. The suspect’s daughter was the customer, but her father believed that the driver hadn’t given the girl all of her change. He took up her cause, struck the driver with the ice cream, and drove off. [More]

Mystery Solved: Mounds Easter Egg Ice Cream Is Really Old

Mystery Solved: Mounds Easter Egg Ice Cream Is Really Old

A few weeks ago, we shared with you a Holiday Creep mystery. A reader discovered Easter-themed ice cream on the shelf at Walmart, making us wonder: was it still on the shelves from 2013, or just early for 2014? The way things are going in retail, we couldn’t be sure. We wrote to Walmart corporate, and they didn’t answer. Then we got a response from the freezer case. So to speak. [More]


Dueling Ice Cream Vendors Resort To Violence

Summer is almost over, but ice cream turf wars are heating up. Heating up? Did I really just say that? Anyway, when two trucks tried to sell frozen treats in the same area of midtown Manhattan, things got ugly. Even though one was selling frozen yogurt and the other ice cream. [More]

(Paxton Holley)

3 Ice Creams You Could Be Eating In Your Flying Car Someday

I remember when I first had Dippin’ Dots, after waiting in line for what felt like forever at a baseball stadium, just to get a taste of the “Ice Cream of the Future!” (exclamation point my own). It tasted like magic and dreams and I was Judy Jetson, careening through the cosmos with nitrogen-blasted flavor pellets on my tongue. Now that Dippin’ Dots aren’t so much of a thing anymore, what’s a futuristic dessert lover to do? [More]

Truth in advertising.

Ice Cream Company Knows What You’re Here For: You Want Nutrition? Eat Carrots

As the saying goes, if you don’t read the amount of calories, fat and sugar contained in a food, none of that counts and you can eat as much of it as you want. Well, that might at least be the mindset behind one Wisconsin ice cream company’s slogan, “You want nutrition? Eat carrots.” [More]

(CBS Denver)

Colorado Dad Goes Out For Ice Cream, Thwarts Robbery

Staying with her dad for the weekend, a Colorado girl wondered why it took so long for her dad to run to Safeway for some ice cream. When he got back, she asked him what the delay was all about. “I had to break up a robbery,” he said. Yeah, right. But unlike when your dad kids about being a superhero, it was true! [More]


Trading That Old Quarter For An Ice Cream Cone May Not Be Such A Good Idea

You see this sign offering ice cream cones for only a quarter and it sounds like a pretty flippin’ awesome deal. But then you notice that the store is only looking for quarters from 1964 or earlier, and if you have one of those lying around, you might want to consider just how much you value ice cream. [More]

Evil Ice Cream Truck Stalks Competition, Offers Customers Free Treats, Gets Arrested

Evil Ice Cream Truck Stalks Competition, Offers Customers Free Treats, Gets Arrested

If you come at the ice cream truck king of Gloversville, N.Y., you best not miss. When another mobile ice cream vendor dared wander onto his territory, the owner of a local frozen treat franchise wouldn’t stand for it. Police say that he tailed a rival’s truck, offering free ice cream to anyone who tried to make a purchase from the other vehicle. The ice cream man was determined to be the only turkey in this straw. [More]


Ben & Jerry’s Brings Complaining Customers To The Factory To Talk It Out Over Ice Cream

Complain to most food companies and maybe you’ll get an apology or a coupon. But Ben & Jerry’s recently decided it wanted to meet face-to-face with some unhappy customers, so why not just bus them up to the factory for the day? [More]

New Breyers Recipes: When Ice Cream Is 'Frozen Dairy Dessert'

New Breyers Recipes: When Ice Cream Is 'Frozen Dairy Dessert'

When is ice cream not ice cream? When it’s a “frozen dairy dessert.” Recently, Breyers made changes to some of their ice cream flavors. These changes were drastic enough that the products are still tasty, but can no longer legally be called “ice cream.” Do most consumers know the difference, or even care? We don’t know yet, but observant Consumerist tipsters noticed the label change, and they noticed the growing list of unfamiliar ingredients in a familiar food. [More]

Ben & Jerry's Ice Cream Suing Ben & Cherry's Pornos Because, Well, Duh

Ben & Jerry's Ice Cream Suing Ben & Cherry's Pornos Because, Well, Duh

Perhaps some companies might not mind sharing similar names with a porno series, but when you’re America’s ice cream sweethearts, that’s just not gonna fly. Ben & Jerry’s ice cream is suing the company behind “Ben & Cherry’s” X-rated DVDS for besmirching its reputation with its “hardcore pornographic” fare. [More]

I Want My Trans Fats Back: Consumerist Readers Speak Out About Recipe Changes

I Want My Trans Fats Back: Consumerist Readers Speak Out About Recipe Changes

Last week, we asked you, the members of the Consumerist Hive Mind, what prepared food items you’ve abandoned or fallen out of love with due to a recipe or ingredient change. What we learned from reading the responses: Consumerist readers love their junk food almost as much as Consumerist editors do. [More]