Perhaps the fresh Spring air has inspired you to strike back against the clutter and filth you might have allowed to accumulate around your living space in the bustle of the last several months. While looking to go on a cleaning rampage and make a fresh start, you can find ways to do the job more cheaply and efficiently. [More]

Before You Leave Town, Take Care Of Items On This Checklist
When it’s vacation time, it’s easy to lose track of necessities in the mad rush to get out the door. You’ll thank yourself later if you take some time to plan out your needs and take care of them before you leave. [More]
Use Minimal Green To Keep Your Lawn From Yellowing
If you’ve got a lawn, you’re well aware of the eternal struggle to keep it looking like an idyllic pasture rather than a ragged, balding wasteland of neglected dreams. Your first instinct is to go crazy with watering and high-cost fertilizers, but those methods don’t always keep lawns looking pristine. [More]
5 Creative Uses For Common Items
It’s empowering to discover alternate uses for regular household items. Explore these secrets and you can save yourself trips to the store to get things you thought you needed but actually can do without. [More]
Avoid The Microwave For More Appealing Leftovers
One of the best ways to save money on food is to eat everything you prepare rather than trashing your leftovers and moving on. The drawback to eating the archives is that most of the time they won’t taste as good as they did the first time. Microwaves and toaster ovens tend to dry food out and alter its texture. [More]
Save Money By Making Your Own Window Cleaner
Many store-bought window cleaners have labels that list hard-to-pronounce chemicals as ingredients, but you don’t need that stuff to keep your glass clean. You can save a little money by making your own window cleaner. [More]
A Trick To Tell You When And How To Flip Your Mattress
You’re supposed to flip and rotate your mattress periodically to keep it from getting lopsided, but it’s easy to forget about the chore. It helps to find a method that helps you keep track of when you last flipped it and which way you’re supposed to plop it next. [More]
Protect Your Home From Water Leaks With A Sensor
Unless you’re in the habit of strolling through your basement hourly, you probably wouldn’t be able to catch a water leak until it’s already significantly damaged your flooring. A way to stay on top of any problems is to install a water sensor. [More]
How To Mix Your Wall Paint To Create The Perfect Color
You’ve spent hours sorting through paint sample cards to pick the color that seems just right, only to get home, slap some of it on your wall and decide it’s too light or dark. Instead of getting rid of the rest of your paint and starting over, you can make a tweak and nail the shade you were looking for. [More]
5 Tips For Keeping Your Carpet Clean
You walk all over it, spill drinks on it and rub crumbs into it to make them disappear. Your carpet is bound to get dirty, but you can keep it looking fairly new if you make a regular effort to clean it up. [More]
Home Improvement Projects To Warm Up Cold Rooms
If some alchemy of floor plan design, insulation and ventilation makes one room in your home colder than all the others, you can even things out by installing a supplemental heating system. A quick home improvement project can make the room more livable. [More]
Make A Compost Pile And Your Garden Will Thank You
If your plants could talk, they’d beg you to create and maintain a compost pile. After some initial work to set things up, it becomes second nature to dispose of certain food scraps and yard clippings to your pile, converting the junk into rich soil. [More]

Cheap Products That Can Improve Your Life
Minimalists who get by with as few creature comforts as they can sometimes make everyday activities more difficult than necessary. Some small splurges more than pay for themselves with the way they make things easier. [More]

Reducing Clutter With Minimal Effort
It’s nice to be able to cut down on clutter that’s overtaking your living space, but it’s a pain to go through the effort of actually organizing everything. What you need is a way to make things look better while spending as little as time and effort as possible. [More]

Keeping Your Garage Floor Skidmark-Free
Your garage floor doesn’t have to be a Jackson Pollock painting of tire skids and stains made by grease, oil and other car fluids. You can keep things looking fresh by taking some steps both before and after things get ugly. While there aren’t a lot of practical reasons for keeping the surface clean, doing so is a helpful step before you sell or rent out your home. [More]

Peroxide Is The Batman Utility Belt Of Your Medicine Cabinet
Hydrogen peroxide isn’t just for bleaching hair or sanitizing wounds. A veritable magic potion with widely varied uses, the substance can assist you in ways you might not have considered. [More]

How To Clean And Maintain Leather Furniture
Leather furniture is attractive because it looks classy, doesn’t stain easily and becomes more distinguished as it gets used more. Leather’s durability, though, can make owners take it for granted and forget to clean and maintain it. [More]