The Honest Company, co-founded by actress Jessica Alba, built its billion-dollar reputation on the fact that its products are created using natural, nontoxic elements. But a newly filed class-action lawsuit claims the company hasn’t been as honest as its name would lead one to believe, accusing the organization of deceiving consumers by selling items that actually contain unnatural and ineffective ingredients. [More]
cleaning products
Save Money By Making Your Own Window Cleaner
Many store-bought window cleaners have labels that list hard-to-pronounce chemicals as ingredients, but you don’t need that stuff to keep your glass clean. You can save a little money by making your own window cleaner. [More]

Shiny Suds! Creepy Singing Bubbles Watch You Shower
Oh, those helpful, singing, dancing scrubbing bubbles! They frolic through your shower and make all a-sparkle! But what happens after the cameras stop rolling? Let’s see. Looks like some of these bubbles don’t want to leave, but remain as chemical residue, and watch you shower… The video is an amusing piece of animated propaganda from Method to drive interest in the Household Labeling Act, which would require cleaning products to list all their ingredients on their labels. [More]

Please Enjoy This Complimentary Billy Mays Remix Video, Our Gift To You With Each Order
What’s better than Billy Mays? Remixes of Billy Mays? We agree. And guess what? We’re tripling the offer inside. Yes. That’s right.* *These are all probably NSFW.
The Cleanest of the Clean
There are lots of cleaning products out there, but which ones actually clean? Here’s a list of seven cleaning products that Good Housekeeping magazine claims really get the job done: