It wasn’t a dead mouse or a dishrag, but a Pittsburgh Burger King customer claims to have found something just as disgusting on his burger: ants.

Man Claims Burger King Sandwich Was Covered In Ants

Subway Customer Claims Dead Rat Came Free With His Spinach-Filled Sandwich
There’s just something about frogs, spiders and rats that make our skin crawl, especially when they come free in our bags of lettuce, grapes, frozen lemonade, and now, as one Oregon man claims, a Subway sandwich. [More]

NYC Officials Take Three Trains Out Of Service After Subway Riders Spot Bedbugs
The mere mention of the “B” word and any New Yorker will visibly flinch at the thought of those voracious, teeny tiny minions from hell itself and the havoc they can wreak on a person’s life, damaging property and disturbing one’s social status. So it’s safe to say no one’s excited to hear that bedbugs (ugh) have been riding alongside commuters and tourists alike on one of New York City’s subway lines. [More]

Restaurant Manager Fired For Making Food While Barefoot In Plain View Of Customers
Everywhere you turn it seems there’s a cell phone waiting to capture your every move, whether it’s your roommate chronicling the epic blob of food on your face or a savvy customer catching a restaurant worker in the act of doing something that’s just plain gross. To wit: A cellphone pic of a taco restaurant manager in Iowa preparing food while barefoot is causing quite the stir. [More]

FDA Memo: Sushi Salmonella Suspected Of Sickening 90
According to an internal memo that was sent around the Food and Drug Administration offices, a salmonella outbreak that’s spread throughout sushi restaurants in 19 states and the District of Columbia could be responsible for making at least 90 people sick. The FDA and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention are investigating the outbreak, which has sent seven people to the hospital. [More]

Don’t Worry, That’s Just Bread Mold On Your Tampon
Normally, Danielle wouldn’t have pulled her Kotex tampon out of the applicator for inspection before using it. I mean, who does that? One happened to fall out of the applicator, though, and that’s when she saw them. The splotches of blackish mold. “Makes you wonder how many times things like this happen to tampons and we don’t have a clue,” she wrote. Um, yes. [More]

Ex-McDonald's Employee Records Mouse Stuck In Burger Buns
A fired employee of a Philadelphia McDonald’s gave a news station a cell phone video of a mouse stuck in hamburger buns and says he shot it while he was on the job. He says it was common to find mouse droppings on bread in the three months he worked there, and that management knew about the problem, telling employees to brush off the droppings before they served customers. [More]

TripAdvisor Gives Up On "Dirtiest Hotels In America" List
Well, this is depressing. Travel review site TripAdvisor has chosen to abandon the genius idea of releasing a “Dirtiest Hotels in America” list. Why? They want to “focus on the positive.” What the hell? Who wants to read about a bunch of clean hotels full of happy people? Bah humbug! [More]

Man Who Drank Glass Of Fat Walks Off Can Of Soda
The same guy who drank a glass of fat to demonstrate the lard-inducing effects of soft drinks is back. This time he shows how long you have to walk to burn off the calories from a can of soda. It takes three miles! That’s the distance from Union Square to Brooklyn in New York. [More]

Researchers Say Dog Waste Bacteria Hovers In Cleveland, Detroit Air
Colorado University researchers say something is in the air in Detroit and Cleveland, and it’s nothing either city can be proud of. Their findings say bacteria found in the air in those cities most closely resembles that which is found in dog poop. [More]

Dunkin' Donuts Worker Allegedly Adds Nasty Ingredient To Cops' Coffee
Two police officers in Boston grew suspicious when they ordered coffee at Dunkin’ Donuts and witnessed the worker slink out of sight to make their drinks. They turned their attention to a monitor with a camera in the back room and saw the worker allegedly add nasal mucus to their coffee. [More]

SouperSalad Store Shuts Down After Blade Found In Salad
Waiter, there’s a blade in my salad. Albuquerque health inspectors slapped a red dot of shame on a SouperSalad restaurant after they followed up complaints from a diner who said he found blades in his greens. [More]

Florida Identity Thief Suspect Hid Goods In Body Cavity
A suspected identity thief in the Sunshine State hid stolen items where the sun don’t shine. [More]

Why Is Abercrombie Selling Push-Up Bikinis To 7-Year Old Girls?
The Sociological Images blog has sparked an online furor over Abercrombie Kids, which markets its products to children ages 7-14, selling a line of push-up bikinis. Is this an age-appropriately targeted product, harmless dress up, or just the latest in the race to capitalize on the gross and premature sexualization of our youth? [More]

DNA Links Grocery Clerk In Tainted Yogurt Case
Not only was there semen in the yogurt, but DNA testing has linked it with the same pushy grocery clerk who gave the free sample to the shopper who complained about it. [More]

Yep, There Was Semen In The Yogurt
The woman who reported to police last week that the free yogurt sample she received tasted like it had semen in it? Turns out she was right. Police have confirmed that the sample of Greek yogurt was tainted with semen. Results from DNA sample taken from the employee who handed out the sample are still pending. There’s something fishy about the free sample story though, according to the police report it doesn’t sound like there was an official sampling going on that day. UPDATE: The Smoking Gun has copies of the search warrant affidavit, police report, and a hand-written witness statement. [More]

Strange, This Yogurt Sample Tastes Just Like Semen
Earlier this week, a shopper in a New Mexico grocery store received a free sample of yogurt. She tasted it, then immediately spat it out on the floor and called the police. The woman told police that the yogurt tasted like it contained a “bodily fluid.” Specifically, semen. [More]