Getting new glasses can be a stressful and expensive endeavor, but doesn’t have to be. You might be familiar with the optical shops at your local Walmart or Costco, but there are even more affordable options that you may not be aware of. If (like me) you’re fearful of having your lenses made and fitted through an online order, there are even options for you. [More]

Google Glass Debuts Frames That Fit Prescription Lenses (That You Might Actually Want To Wear)
Admit it, the first thing you might think upon seeing Google Glass is, “But those frames, ugh!” Then there’s the constant comparison to Geordi LaForge — your average person may not be going for that look. To appease the style seekers out there as well as those who actually need real glasses to see, Google has unveiled new frames that can fit prescription lenses. [More]

Walmart: Sorry Your Glasses Got Scratched During Repair, But It’s Not Our Problem
Ronald’s wife needed to get her glasses repaired, so she took them to Walmart. Walmart is convenient and has an optical department, after all. Even though she just came in to have a screw replaced, she left with a large scratch on her glasses. Unfortunately for her, the store manager insists that they’re not responsible for any damage that might happen to your glasses while they’re being fixed. [More]

Lenscrafters Not All That Great At Giving Me Non-Broken Glasses
Derek lives quite a distance from Lenscrafters, but he went there for his latest glasses because he always has. That’s fair enough. What he didn’t expect, though, was to find an understaffed shop that was seemingly unable to get his glasses right, and unable to even give him a call to save him a trip when they broke his waiting glasses. [More]
Steps To Cut Costs For Glasses And Contacts
It can be expensive to keep your sight straight. Thankfully there are ways to keep down the costs for glasses or contact lenses. [More]

After $700 Spent And 2 Months Waiting, I Kind Of Expected To Have My Glasses By Now
Where are Joseph’s glasses? He’s been waiting for more than two months for the high-index specs he ordered to show up. Normally, this process takes less than a week. When he contacts Lenscrafters, he’s shuffled around, given excuses, or actually hung up on: not appropriate treatment for someone who has just dropped $700 in your store. [More]

Libbey Offers Stemless Wine Glasses, Flawless Service
Mark bought a set of a dozen stemless wine glasses made by Libbey, but discovered that one of the red wine glasses was missing when he unboxed it. He contacted Libbey to see about obtaining a single replacement glass. This was no problem for Libbey: they promptly sent him another set of twelve glasses to make up for the oversight. [More]

CPSC Says Lead Wizard Of Oz Glasses "Are Not Children's Products"
A recent study commissioned by the AP showed that dozens of decorative glasses featuring superheros (like Wonder Woman and Superman) and movie characters (like the cast of Wizard of Oz), have “up to 1,000 times more” lead than is currently allowed for children’s products. The AP asked the CPSC to issue a recall. The CPSC’s response? The glasses are not children’s products. [More]

Costco Rated Top Store To Buy Your Eyeglasses
Costco isn’t just a place to buy enough toilet paper or cereal to supply a small army; it’s also the place where you’ll find the best deals on eyeglasses, says a new study from our fitter and trimmer siblings at Consumer Reports Health. [More]

Lenscrafters Breaks Your Glasses, Offers 50% Off New Pair
Be wary when someone offers to clean your glasses for free. Two different readers on opposite sides of the country wrote to us in one 24-hour span with Lenscrafters horror stories. They describe perfectly good glasses ruined after an offer of a nice cleaning from the eyewear giant. [More]

Lenscrafters' Guarantee Is Kind Of Crappy Unless You Complain To Corporate
What does it mean to you when you hear that a company “guarantees” a product? Does it mean, “if this thing breaks, we’ll sell you a new one at half price?” Justin tells Consumerist that’s what means at LensCrafters, and he finds that very disappointing. He now refuses to go back there for his glasses in the future. Would you? [More]

The Lenscrafters Sales Vortex Will Not Let You Just Buy Frames
Ryun writes that his long search for the perfect eyeglass frames led him to Lenscrafters, but the store’s sales tactics left him confused, embarrassed, and without the frames of his dreams. Was he wrong to walk out on the chain when they pulled out sales tactics he wasn’t comfortable with? [More]

Luxottica Customer Service Is Just As Broken As Your Sunglasses
As we noted last week, Luxottica is the company behind pretty much all eyewear on the market these days, and you know what that means when it comes to customer service: if you don’t have to compete to keep your customers happy, why bother? That’s why Patricia is facing a ridiculously high repair fee, but can’t get through on the provided phone number to tell Luxottica to cancel the repair. In fact, every time she calls she’s put on hold and then disconnected. [More]

Got A Shrek Drinking Glass? McDonald's Will Pay You $3 For It
McDonald’s is upping the ante in its recall of the not-so-collectible Shrek drinking glasses. Although the four glass designs were recalled officially on June 4th by the CPSC, McDonald’s has announced that starting tomorrow you’ll be able to bring them back to the restaurant, fill out a refund form, and get a $3 refund per glass. [More]

BJ's Charges For "Free" Replacement Glasses, Then Loses Them
Keith’s daughter wears glasses, and recently a pretty mundane thing happened–her glasses broke during gym class. No problem, though: he bought the glasses at BJ’s Optical, where replacement insurance is included on childrens’ glasses. Except the “free” replacements somehow cost $39 under this insurance plan. And BJ’s took several weeks to lose the frames on their way to or from the site where the glasses are actually made, then start the whole process over again. Keith is not satisfied. [More]

Optician Takes 2 Years Of Bungled Prescription Very Seriously
WHO: Specsavers
WHAT: A little girl suffered blurred vision, headaches, and nausea for two years after opticians mixed up the prescriptions for her left and right eyes. When the mother took the glasses back, the staff told her it was a normal reaction to the new glasses and would soon pass.

It turns out X-ray glasses don’t work, at least not the ones this guy in Korea was selling. [Korea Times] (Thanks to Andrew!)
More cheap online eyeglass sources for the focus-challenged among us: Optical4less and Goggles4U. Yeah, they sound like scam sites, but Kevin Kelly vouches for them. [Cool Tools]