Costco Rated Top Store To Buy Your Eyeglasses

Costco isn’t just a place to buy enough toilet paper or cereal to supply a small army; it’s also the place where you’ll find the best deals on eyeglasses, says a new study from our fitter and trimmer siblings at Consumer Reports Health.
In the latest issue of CR Health, Costco emerged at the top of their ratings of eyeglass retailers, including large chains, independent local optical shops, and private doctors’ offices.
The savings at Costco were pretty significant, with a median price of $157/pair. Compare that to median prices of $211 for independent shops and $212 at eye doctors’ offices.
From CR Health:
In fact, Costco Optical earned the highest score for overall satisfaction among chains. It also was the only retailer that we surveyed that stood out in another area: lack of problems, such as loose lenses, distorted or blurred vision, or damaged frames, in the first few weeks after purchase.
If Costco’s not an option for you, CR Health recommends checking out the independent stores and doctor’s offices. They might be more expensive than the warehouse store, but they scored pretty well across the board on service and quality and might end up costing you less than other higher-profile chain stores.
Shopping for eyeglases [CR Health]
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