
Stone Brewing Co. Discovers Its Beer Mustard Is Missing The Beer

Stone Brewing Co. Discovers Its Beer Mustard Is Missing The Beer

In addition to pale ales, Stone Brewing Co. sells mustards and sauces made with beer. Last week, in a blog post titled “MustardGate 2010,” the company announced that it recently discovered its mustards were beerless. (Or as they describe it, those mustards are “instant beer mustards–just add beer!”) The real mystery is what happened to the beer; the brewer says the kegs sent out to the mustard company were sent back empty. [More]

Brand Fail: Not Just Bagels

Brand Fail: Not Just Bagels

They may want to think about a new name. (Thanks to Andrew!) [More]

Relive Your Fondest Retail Memories With New Graphic Novel

Relive Your Fondest Retail Memories With New Graphic Novel

Have you worked retail? You might be amused by a new book called Hello Do You Work Here?, a collection of illustrated true stories about crazy-making customers. [More]

This Japanese Ad Will Initially Confound You

This Japanese Ad Will Initially Confound You

See if you can guess before this Japanese ad is over what the product is they’re actually advertising. Go on, I dare you. [More]

Old Thermos Ad: Use Our Product Or Your Baby Will Die!

Old Thermos Ad: Use Our Product Or Your Baby Will Die!

I know we all like to laugh at old homemaker ads, like where bad coffee will make your husband have an affair or the wrong douche will let the communists win, but here’s one that pushes it a step further. How? Dead babies. As the scary ad explains, a thermos keeps filthy germ-ridden flies away from the milk, and keeps the milk cold, and that means the milk won’t kill your baby. If you don’t buy this thermos, you may as well make your baby into terrible tasting instant coffee and use it to drive your husband into the arms of his secretary, because that’s what you deserve. [More]

Try New Tylenol Cheesesteaks

Try New Tylenol Cheesesteaks

Curing a headache shouldn’t be a headache. That’s why there’s new Tylenol Cheesesteak Rapid Release pain-relievers. It’s a delicious Philly Cheesesteak whose savory juices have been doused in the Paracetamol you love, but without the hassle. Plus a cheesesteak! [More]

Buy Solar Power System, Get Free Gun

Buy Solar Power System, Get Free Gun

“Buy solar. Get a gun.” Perfect for off-the-grid survivalists, Bland Solar and Air Inc has a new deal offering every customer who buys a 3kW+ solar system a free firearm. Best. Cross-promotion. Ever. [More]

Hallmark Pulls Card With Audio Clip Over Accusations Of Astronomical Racism

Hallmark Pulls Card With Audio Clip Over Accusations Of Astronomical Racism

It’s so hard to understand each other in this life. First there was that unfortunate honey bun mixup, and now Hallmark is trying to prevent a bunch of press conferences from happening (too late!) by pulling a graduation card from shelves. Why? Because either Hoops or Yo-Yo–I don’t know which character is which–spouts shockingly racist insults and threats when you open the card. Well, maybe. [More]

Dunkin' Donuts Robber Says He Was Just Asking For A Honey Bun

Dunkin' Donuts Robber Says He Was Just Asking For A Honey Bun

Be sure to always enunciate clearly when you’re placing an order, so that you don’t accidentally rob the cashier. That piece of advice comes from a man in Massachusetts who was charged for attempted armed robbery of a Dunkin’ Donuts back in April. He now claims that the cashier misunderstood him. What he really said was that he wanted a honey bun, not “Give me the money, I have a gun.” [More]

BP Tries To Clean Up Coffee Spill

BP Tries To Clean Up Coffee Spill

What would happen if BP spilled a bunch of coffee on their conference room table? Pretty much the same thing if they spilled a whole bunch of oil in the Gulf of Mexico. This Upright Citizen’s Brigade theater sketch spoof explores the delicate mapping between the two scenarios, and the delightful comedy that ensues. Kevin Costner’s voice, or a reasonable facsimile, guest stars. NSFW for one naughty word. [More]

Colbert Visits The Consumer Reports Labs

Colbert Visits The Consumer Reports Labs

Stephen Colbert nearly breaks some plates, puts aluminum foil in the microwave, and hits on some sexy spinning robot ladies when he visits the Consumer Reports labs in part 2 of the series. He also asks the head of testing, “How did the Bible rate against the Koran?” [More]

Watch Jane Lynch Make Fun Of The iPhone 4

Watch Jane Lynch Make Fun Of The iPhone 4

Jane Lynch is a funny woman, so even though a parody of the iconic (and now dead) Mac vs. PC ads is a little tired, it’s fun to see her going all Sue Sylvester on the iPhone 4. If you enjoy spoofs of ads and want to see why Jane Lynch dislikes Gizmodo as much as Steve Jobs, take a look. [More]

Video: If A Pop Starlet Used Drunken Whore Powers For Penny Pinching

Video: If A Pop Starlet Used Drunken Whore Powers For Penny Pinching

Frugaliciousdef parodies Kesha’s Tik Tok in this half-awful, half-genius, totally mesmerizing music video about clipping coupons and shopping for deals.

"This Is Not A Test" – Subway Says It Definitely Will Start Tessellating Cheese July 1

Subway has officially confirmed what we reported last week based on leaked internal documents: they’re gonna start tesselating their cheese on all their sandwiches starting July 1st. Hot damn, summer in the city. [More]

Subway To Start Tessellating Cheese July 1?

Subway To Start Tessellating Cheese July 1?

Three years after the protests began, it seems Subway has finally listened to its customers and will start tessellating cheese on its sandwiches, according to what appears to be an internal weekly newsletter. [More]

Clark And Dawes Comedy Team Skewer European Debt Crisis

Clark And Dawes Comedy Team Skewer European Debt Crisis

Making poor lending decisions is by no means uniquely American. In case you haven’t heard, the Europeans are going through a debt crisis of their own right now, and it’s bound to have an impact on America’s economy. Seems that several broke countries have lent massive amounts to other broke countries and nobody can pay each other back. Bailouts are inevitable, but where is the money going to come from? Some other broke economy! And round and round it goes. Comedy team Clarke and Dawes take the piss out of it all in a mock business game show. [More]

16 Items They Only Sell At Chinese Walmart

16 Items They Only Sell At Chinese Walmart

BuzzFeed has compiled 16 photographs of things they only sell at Chinese Walmart. We have chosen three of our favorites. [More]

Perhaps The Weirdest Craigslist Room Rental Ad Ever

Perhaps The Weirdest Craigslist Room Rental Ad Ever

Ok, we’re sure it isn’t technically the weirdest one ever, but the abruptness with which the weirdness takes over at the end of the ad is noteworthy. [More]