
McDonald's Worker Screams And Runs Away From Little People, Probably Shouldn't Be Assigned To Register

McDonald's Worker Screams And Runs Away From Little People, Probably Shouldn't Be Assigned To Register

When Ethan Wade, who has dwarfism, went into a McDonald’s in South Carolina recently to order some food, the cashier took one look at him and ran off, waving her hands in the air and shouting “Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh!” She kept shouting from the back, and another employee came up to tell Ethan that she had a phobia of little people. Said Wade:

An employee in the franchise office told Wade about what the woman had said. Wade said, “The employee had stated to her, ‘Imagine if you saw a snake or a spider, how would you respond?’ And that employee said she understood that. And I said, ‘That’s unbelievable. I am a human being.'”

The 30 Cent Store

The 30 Cent Store

You know times are tough when the Dollar Store needs to hold a 70% off sale. That should be a line in a blues song. Maybe it’s an art installation making commentary on the current strength of the dollar.

Restaurant Gives 25% Discount To Birthday Diners, Writes "Bug On Food" For Reason On Check

Restaurant Gives 25% Discount To Birthday Diners, Writes "Bug On Food" For Reason On Check

A restaurant in Dubai gave a 25% discount to a party of birthday diners after they found four bugs in their food. Says a restaurant official, “The guys thought being friendly and having a joke about the environment would relax the diners because it was a birthday, but unfortunately it didn’t.” We sort of think after the second or third bug, you should probably just comp the meal—and then shut down the restaurant for fumigation.

Au Bon Pain Now Serves "Boobs" With Your Mediterranean Veggie Wrap

Au Bon Pain Now Serves "Boobs" With Your Mediterranean Veggie Wrap

also managed to snag an order of boobs?

Bank of America Sends You 64 Identical Letters

Bank of America Sends You 64 Identical Letters

Reader Ted writes:

Love your website. I’ve been a fan for quite a while. I finally have a story of my own to add. A couple of weeks ago I called BofA to cancel the Automatic Payment Plan on my BofA Visa. I was taking advantage of a 0% balance transfer offer. The autopay plan would have paid off the entire balance in full at the end of the month. Today I received 64 individual and identical letters from BofA confirming the change to my account.

ConEd Asks You To Report Your Power Outages Online

ConEd Asks You To Report Your Power Outages Online

Graham says:

I heard a Con Ed commercial today on the radio, in the NY area. Thankfully, you may now report that you have no electricity, online.


Some deep thoughts about the existence of Lobsterfest and “the dreaded “market price,” which is so astronomical it can’t even be listed, and is at the manager’s cruel whim.” [Because I Told You So]

Ridiculous Tech Support Calls

Ridiculous Tech Support Calls

In his Circuits column this week, David Pogue shares some of the most absurd calls he listened to when he toured a tech support center.

I learned that when they say, “Your call may be recorded for quality assurance purposes,” that’s only partly true. They also record your calls so they can pass around recordings of the funniest ones.

Free Advice For RadioShack: Lock The Front Door Before Smoking Up

Free Advice For RadioShack: Lock The Front Door Before Smoking Up

Charlie writes:

Yesterday I did the unthinkable. I went to Radio Shack.

Complaint Remover Gets Rid Of "Negative Links," Including LOLCats

Complaint Remover Gets Rid Of "Negative Links," Including LOLCats

Complaint Remover is a special service that says it gets rid of “defamatory” and “negative links” on the internet for you:

The immediate goal of our service is to stop defamation by positioning links on the Search Engines and by appeals to law to remove negative information. We send cease and desist letters and if necessary, file legal actions against the perpetrators and Internet service providers contributing to the unjust defamation of our members.

Their site has an online chat function with a customer service rep and we decided to ask if they could help us take a crap all over free speech, and how much that would cost…

Hey Amazon: Cast Iron Frying Pans And Glass Don't Mix

Hey Amazon: Cast Iron Frying Pans And Glass Don't Mix

I’m sure you get a number of these, but here’s another one because I know I don’t get tired of them. A word of advice to anyone planning on making a purchase from that I overlooked myself; do not order anything glass with anything heavy, as they most likely WILL package them together.

Should You Buy A Monkey?

Should You Buy A Monkey?

Like so many of us, Stewart at My Family’s Money has always wanted to own a monkey. His reasoning is sound: “They are ridiculously awesome and having one as a pet would be even more awesome.” Stewart decided it would be a good idea to estimate the total lifetime cost of owning a monkey. We think he’s playing a little fast and loose with the numbers, but then again where do you go to get hard stats on monkey ownership? Not from our lazy Census takers, that’s for sure.

Discover The Fairsley Difference!

This fake ad-battle from “Mr. Show”—a big city supermarket chain squares off against a naïve local grocer—perfectly captures a certain type of aggressive, scorched-earth advertising style usually reserved for political campaigns.

Zubaz Pants Employees Have A Good Sense Of Humor

Zubaz Pants Employees Have A Good Sense Of Humor

So we obviously unleashed hell on the Zubaz site by linking to it yesterday, but the folks over there seem to have a sense of humor.

Steve Jobs Only Wishes He Could Price Like This

Steve Jobs Only Wishes He Could Price Like This

Erin writes, “I was searching for an iPod Nano on Google Products and this link came up!” That’s one hell of a markup there, anonymous web store with no branding and an empty “Contact Us” page. Our favorite part: “NOT FOR RESALE”—don’t even think about buying this and marking it up for your own store.

"This Is Verizon Calling To Confirm Your Appointment. We're Sorry We Missed You…"

"This Is Verizon Calling To Confirm Your Appointment. We're Sorry We Missed You…"

We found this photo on Flickr and were comforted to know that other people had not only thought of decorating their house for Verizon day, but had actually gone ahead with the plan.

Animals Bring Phishing Call To Life

Animals Bring Phishing Call To Life

Chris went ahead and added some animal pictures to make a video of that phone call between a scammer and a Southern gentleman. A weasel plays the Indian phisher, a houndog plays the gentleman, and a goose plays his wife. Go back to the post and watch it, it’s even funnier than the original.

Man Records Phishing Call

Man Records Phishing Call

You're not gettin' mah account number! –> A man in Virginia who apparently likes to record suspicious phone calls captured a very funny 10-minute talk with the world’s clumsiest phisher who called his house trying to get his bank account number. His local news station reports, “Howard says he recorded it because he wanted to help people by putting it on the news.”