
"This Sprm Croisnt Sure Is Messy!"

"This Sprm Croisnt Sure Is Messy!"

Okay, we promise not to post anymore stupid receipt stories… unless another one is sent our way that makes us laugh, and then we’ll probably just quicklink it since this post completes the rule of three. A reader ordered a “Supreme Croissant” from Jack in the Box and saw that it was abbreviated in an unfortunate manner on the confirmation screen—and then printed on the receipt too. “When it came up on the ‘confirmation screen’ at the order board, I thought, ‘Gee, there have to be at least three better ways to abbreviate ‘supreme’.'”

Home Depot Also Enjoys Printing Dirty Words On Receipts

Home Depot Also Enjoys Printing Dirty Words On Receipts

Oh look, Americans also enjoy putting shocking phrases on receipts. Yesterday’s UK restaurant surprise reminded one of our interns of a receipt sent in a few weeks ago from Brad in California: “got this receipt from home depot today…. look closely just below the total and you will see something surprising…. lol.” Probably NSFW, unless you work at Home Depot or Joe Delucci’s Italian Restaurant.

Stephen Colbert Weighs In On McDonald's Sponsored Report Cards

Stephen Colbert Weighs In On McDonald's Sponsored Report Cards

Stephen Colbert interviewed Susan Pagan, a mother offended by McDonalds’ sponsorship of her daughter’s elementary school report card, for his segment “People Destroying America.”

The Web Betrays Importer Of Digital Photo Frames

The Web Betrays Importer Of Digital Photo Frames

Brian found this funny juxtaposition of a news story and a “deal” on a digital photo picture frame on

Restaurant Gives Patron Feedback

Restaurant Gives Patron Feedback

Here’s proof that bad customer service, like haggling and buyer’s remorse, is a universal human condition. A woman in Brisbane, Australia saw an ad for 50% off the bill at Casa Flamenco, a local restaurant, so she and some friends went out for dinner. The experience wasn’t good—untrained waiter, mediocre food, small servings, long wait time, and despite the half-off coupon the meal was surprisingly expensive for the value. The woman—a restaurant marketer—wrote a polite email to the restaurant with some professional feedback and suggestions on how to improve service.

Sprint Invents New "Concerned Department"

Sprint Invents New "Concerned Department"

It’s good to know Sprint is taking your concern very seriously these days. When Peter tried to get a corporate discount for his company, Sprint told him sure, then told him no because he already had a discount with them. He wrote back and pointed out that he was told the corporate discount would be in addition to the existing one, at which point he received the following helpful email.

Men's Wearhouse Can't Help You, Get Out

Men's Wearhouse Can't Help You, Get Out

Clint at Seattlest went shopping for a suit for his wedding. The wedding isn’t until August, but he and his beyonce just wanted to see what Men’s Wearhouse had to offer. Mostly, they had to offer a really rude sales clerk who told them to get out of her store and come back in the summer when they were ready to shop.

British Store Stops Selling "Lolita" Beds For Little Girls

British Store Stops Selling "Lolita" Beds For Little Girls

Woolworths in London has pulled its Lolita bed from its online store after complaints from parents. A Woolworths spokesman said, “What seems to have happened is the staff who run the website had never heard of Lolita, and to be honest no one else here had either. We had to look it up on Wikipedia.

CompUSA Sign Maker: Funny Or Just Dumb?

CompUSA Sign Maker: Funny Or Just Dumb?

Tyson from New Hampshire writes,

On my way to pick up a replacement hard drive I swung into CompUSA first to see if I could get a lucky deal (that wasn’t marked up right before going on sale) from their going out of business sale…

Amazon Tells Customers, "Surprise, You're Pregnant!"

Amazon Tells Customers, "Surprise, You're Pregnant!"

Amazon sent out some unexpected bundles of email joy earlier this week, when it let unsuspecting couples know that not only did they have a baby gift registry, but that someone had bought them something off of it. Julee writes, “I was shocked to find out we were expecting a child. So was my husband. And that someone had been stalking us online early enough in the process to know to buy us a gift!” She asked her married friends and found out that they, too, had received similar good news. Babies for everyone! Hooray!

Great Ad Campaign For… A Cemetery?

Great Ad Campaign For… A Cemetery?

These three hilariously morbid print ads are for Mount Pleasant Cemetery in Toronto, by Canadian ad agency ACLC.


“The Astrologer” magazine shuttered in December 2007 due to “unforeseen circumstances.” Hmm. [Neatorama]

Holiday Stress Drives Tim To Shout "Fuck Off!" At Customer

Holiday Stress Drives Tim To Shout "Fuck Off!" At Customer

Here’s the strange, sad tale of Short-Tempered Tim at New World Video Direct in Brooklyn, NY. When Nicholas called NWVDirect a week or so ago with questions about an extended warranty for his new plasma TV, he got terse answers from a generally unhelpful man on the other end. The call was abruptly disconnected. Undaunted, Nicholas called back and got the same man, so he asked to speak to a supervisor, which is when things started to spiral out of control at the NWVDirect call center.

Christmas Cracker Contains Dead Mouse

Christmas Cracker Contains Dead Mouse

See, this is why we don’t pull apart “crackers” on Christmas in the U.S.—a New Zealand woman found a dead, partially decomposed mouse in hers earlier this week during her family’s Christmas celebration. “I had said to my granddaughter ‘what’s the smell’ and we couldn’t work it out until we pulled the cracker.” Then: Merry Christmas! There’s a dead mouse in yer lap! “It ruined my appetite for the rest of the day,” she told her local paper.

Creative Sends Out Crazy Support Email/Sales Pitch

Creative Sends Out Crazy Support Email/Sales Pitch

A reader sent in this funny and bizarre customer support email from Creative—it’s a weird combination of broken English, pre-written paragraphs from macros (which, oddly, still have grammatical errors), Byzantine instructions for resetting and reformatting the broken device, and then five attempts to sell other products and services at the end.

Woman Asked To Leave After Shopping At Walmart For 72 Hours

Police escorted a woman home after she was shopping, eating, and sleeping in a Georgia Walmart for three days straight. She blended in with the general Christmas madness and sustained herself by eating at the on-site Blimpie. When asked by employees at the end why she stayed for so long, she said, “I’m shopping.”

Amuse Yourself And Others With Merchandise Stickers

Amuse Yourself And Others With Merchandise Stickers

We don’t actually recommend you go into stores and put these stickers on merchandise you haven’t bought, or outdoors on poster ads that you didn’t place. But it’s still fun to look at them and imagine all the great places they would add value to a merch display. The “Actual Size!” stickers are more absurd, but their potential for hilarity is much higher: “80% of public advertisements would be greatly improved by an ‘actual size!’ claim, from 8.5×11 “Regina Spektor Live In Concert!” flyers to ten-foot PS3 banners to airline ads in the subway with pictures of 747s.”

AT&T Doesn't Work In Area It Advertises

AT&T Doesn't Work In Area It Advertises

AT&T has a new campaign advertises how it “works in more places like,” and then lists a fictional place that’s a mashup of three cities. The ads are appearing in the tunnels and trains of Washington DC Metro, a real place, where AT&T really doesn’t work. Only Verizon works down there. Commenter XianZomby writes, “I think before ATT works on getting their wireless network in places that don’t exist, they should focus on getting their cell phones to work in places where they advertise cell phone service.”