
Behold: Laser-Etched Food

Behold: Laser-Etched Food

Look at this picture that Kellogg’s UK posted on its Twitter feed. That’s a bunch of Corn Flakes that have been laser-etched with the Kellogg’s logo. This is the best marriage of food and language since alphabet soup.

Guy Who Invented Spider Currency Wrote Fake McDonalds Memo

Guy Who Invented Spider Currency Wrote Fake McDonalds Memo

This will probably come as a surprise to no one, but the fake McDonalds memo that went viral last month was written by David Thorne, the same guy who tried to pay for a bill with a drawing of a spider. He is a very silly man.

Best Buy: -$50 Off Camera Anti-Sale

Jameson snapped this photo of a camera “sale” at an Illinois Best Buy.

Buy Some Batteries, Get a Razor (Or Is It The Other Way Around?)

Buy Some Batteries, Get a Razor (Or Is It The Other Way Around?)

Salman spotted this bizarre battery giveaway when he was shopping at his Chicago CVS:

$12.6 Million Seems Like A Lot For A TV, But Think Of The Savings

$12.6 Million Seems Like A Lot For A TV, But Think Of The Savings

Unbeatable Sale, Inc. is offering a deal on a 47-inch HDTV befitting of its name on Amazon. The company is charging $12,555,000 for the TV which seems a bit outrageous until you consider the following factors:

Chipotle Says Their Food Does Not Cause Underwear Blood

Chipotle Says Their Food Does Not Cause Underwear Blood

South Park managed to combine the late Billy Mays, the unfortunately still around Ghost Hunters, and the beloved Chipotle chain in their latest episode, with surprising results.

Ralph Lauren Is As Weirded Out By This Ad As We Are

Ralph Lauren Is As Weirded Out By This Ad As We Are

Fashion advertising has a long tradition of lying, but this comically stupid Ralph Lauren ad seems to have confused the human anatomy with a box of Pocky. Unfortunately, Ralph Lauren doesn’t want to be mocked for its own advertising, so it started sending out DMCA takedown notices to blogs who have posted the ad—both Boingboing and Photoshop Disasters have been ratted out to their ISPs. Blogspot took down the pic from Photoshop Disasters while it investigates, but Boingboing has posted it a second time.

World's Worst Logos

World's Worst Logos

As part of our stand against Christmas Creep, we want to celebrate the actual upcoming holiday by lobbing some pretty frightening images at you from the website Your Logo Makes Me Barf. Take this alarm sign, for instance. The obvious chills come from recognizing what they’re walking into, but then you notice the kid figure and the term “young alarm” and, wait, wtf?

Microsoft's Launch Party Video Is Surprisingly Offensive!

Microsoft's Launch Party Video Is Surprisingly Offensive!

Okay, now we get the appeal of hosting a Windows 7 launch party. There’s lots of f[bleep]g involved. Lots and lots of it at the skeevy white guy’s party, it sounds like. Watch the clip below to see how much better you can make a corporate video by adding a few well-timed bleeps.

"So Sue Me, Jackass!" Provides Random Legal Advice In Humor Book Format

"So Sue Me, Jackass!" Provides Random Legal Advice In Humor Book Format

Here’s a new book that focuses on those random questions people always have about how the law pertains to everyday activities. You know, things like starting your own online porn site, burying a pet, or selling your ex-boyfriend’s things on eBay.

Fake McDonald's Letter Is Totally Fake, Burger Pusher Confirms

Fake McDonald's Letter Is Totally Fake, Burger Pusher Confirms

Mickey D’s down under wants everyone to know that the parody McDonald’s letter making the rounds is indeed prankaliscious. Corporate Communications Manager Bronwyn Stubbs writes:

SNL Gold Skit Original Ad Revealed

SNL Gold Skit Original Ad Revealed

Here at Consumerist, we love gold. Precious, glowing, brilliant, sexy gold. You might be familiar with the Kristen Wiig crazy Monex gold skit on SNL, but have you seen the original Monex commercial it was based on? We present here both the original and the parody for your viewing and comparing pleasure.

(Parody) New Profit Center For Australian McDonald's: Fraud?

(Parody) New Profit Center For Australian McDonald's: Fraud?

Note: This memo is a parodic spoof.

Microsoft Wants You To Host Your Own Windows 7 Launch Party, Really

Microsoft Wants You To Host Your Own Windows 7 Launch Party, Really

Everyone likes hosting launch parties, right?! What? No one likes them? They’re not real parties—just promotional events dreamed up to move units? But Microsoft told me that it’s okay to host my own launch party! It’ll be cool! Just look at these two married couples hanging out and gabbing like a box of birds about how much they love Windows 7.

Honegar And 29 Other Dumb Inventions From The Mid-1900s

Honegar And 29 Other Dumb Inventions From The Mid-1900s

LIFE magazine has published a list of 30 dumb inventions from the middle of the 20th century. There are some profoundly stupid ideas on display here (baby cage, anyone?).

Caution: Product Warning May Cause Laughter

Caution: Product Warning May Cause Laughter

The combination of human stupidity and modern litigiousness has resulted in some fantastically funny product warning labels. MainStreet rounded up a few in their Ridiculously Funny Product Warning slide show. A few highlights:

Man Sues Bank Of America For $1.78 Trillion Billion Dollars

Man Sues Bank Of America For $1.78 Trillion Billion Dollars

Dalton Chiscolm has sued Bank of America and its board, and wants “1,784 billion, trillion dollars” in return for being subjected to what the judge describes as “inconsistent information from a ‘Spanish womn’ [sic]” as well as allegedly misrouted checks. In addition, Chiscolm wants another $200,164,000 in damages. We’re not sure why that amount is separate, but who knows how a mind like Chiscolm’s works?

Kmart Doles Out Helpful Customer Service Survey Suggestions

Kmart Doles Out Helpful Customer Service Survey Suggestions

A Reddit poster spotted this sign at the Penn Plaza Kmart, asking you to log onto its feedback survey website and rate it a 9 or a 10.