fast food

Restaurant Owner Defends Video Of Employee Climbing Out Of Ice Machine

Restaurant Owner Defends Video Of Employee Climbing Out Of Ice Machine

Is this another example of an unthinking fast food worker caught on camera doing something stupid, or is it all a misunderstanding that looks much worse than it is? [More]

Consumerist reader Michael noticed that his "22 oz." Arby's cup only holds 21 ounces of liquid. A quick look at the underside of the cup (see below) confirms that this cup can't possibly hold the amount of liquid advertised.

Is Arby’s Shortchanging Customers On Their Sodas?

There is no set-in-stone standard in the fast food industry for what constitutes a “small,” “medium,” or “large” drink, so sizes will inevitably vary from eatery to eatery. But if a company sells you a “22 ounce” soft drink, it best come in a container that can hold that amount of fluid. However, this doesn’t seem to be the case at Arby’s. [More]

(Raymond Bryson)

McDonald’s Franchisees Pinning Hopes On Monopoly & McRib

Sales at McDonald’s have been slipping in recent years, and the company has done everything from making major changes in leadership to revamping the Dollar Menu to offering chicken wings that largely sat uncooked in franchisees’ freezers. Facing forecasts of another down quarter, franchisees are hoping that a couple of old favorites will help point sales in the positive direction. [More]

This cup is not mouse-infested. We think. (Adam Jefferson)

Man Claims McDonald’s In Canada Served Him Mouse-Flavored Coffee

A man in Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada ordered a cup of coffee at McDonald’s during his commute to work, finishing the cup at the office. That was when he found the surprise at the bottom of his cup. It was not the good kind of surprise: he told the CBC that he found a dead mouse and some mouse droppings at the bottom of his coffee. [More]

McDonald’s Says It’s Going To Start Answering Your Questions With “Real” Answers

McDonald’s Says It’s Going To Start Answering Your Questions With “Real” Answers

Ever wondered just what goes in to your McDonald’s hamburger or what sets their French fries apart from others? Well, wonder no more, because the fast food joint is ready to answer your questions in a new campaign focused on bringing more transparency to its food process. [More]

(Jacki Vance-Kuss)

Why Are Fast Food Drive-Thru Lanes Getting Slower?

Whether you call them fast food joints or “quick service restaurants,” the underlying concept is the same: speed. So why, in an age when everything else is getting faster, are drive-thru wait times getting longer? [More]

(Morton Fox)

Burger King Tries To Fight McDonald’s Monopoly With Cheap Chicken Nuggets

Once again, McDonald’s is luring in customers with its Monopoly promotion, offering the promise of free food and prizes (but mostly resulting in game pieces you’ll forget to collect and then find a few months later in the bottom of your office drawer). In an effort to combat this campaign, Burger King is hitting McDonald’s where it hurts — right in the McNuggets. [More]

(Twitter: @elitedaily)

McDonald’s Japan Also Gets Into The Black Burger Game

Because there is nothing more appealing than a slab of dark gray meat on a dark gray bun, McDonald’s Japan has followed Burger King’s lead and introduced a burger that doesn’t look like anything you’d really want to eat. [More]

Chris Wilson

Jimmy John’s Confirms Credit Card Data Breach At 216 Locations

Months after it was first reported that payment systems at sandwich chain Jimmy John’s may have been compromised, the company is finally confirming that 216 of its stores were indeed hacked, putting customers’ credit and debit card data at risk. [More]

The McDonald's to Hungry Jack conversion chart.

Burger King Australia Will Honor Winning McDonald’s Monopoly Pieces

While fast food fans in the U.S. prepare to begin the annual ritual of collecting McDonald’s Monopoly pieces in the hopes of getting free food and other prizes, the promotion is already running in Australia. But rather than watch the competition benefit from this board game-themed campaign, the operators of Burger King’s Down Under operations are fighting back. [More]

McDonald’s Won’t Serve Pedestrian At Drive-Thru, So He Steals Customer’s Car

McDonald’s Won’t Serve Pedestrian At Drive-Thru, So He Steals Customer’s Car

For many of us, that brief time between placing your order at the fast food drive-thru and waiting for your food is a couple minutes to do a whole lot of nothing; maybe get your wallet out, change the radio station, check your makeup in the rearview mirror. One thing you’re probably not expecting is to be carjacked. [More]

Man Proves You Can Just Slap Together Every Taco Bell Ingredient And Still Please People

Man Proves You Can Just Slap Together Every Taco Bell Ingredient And Still Please People

We’ve joked in the past that Taco Bell will eventually just wrap every every ingredient in its kitchen and serve that meat/cheese/lettuce/sauce beast as its own menu item. They recently let someone try just that, and apparently the results were not awful. [More]

On the left, a map. On the right, chicken (via @DailyMirror)

KFC Customer Claims His Dinner Has Foretold The Outcome Of Scotland’s Independence Vote

While the United Kingdom stands poised on the brink of a possibly fractured future, one man says he already knows the outcome of Scotland’s vote on independence: It’s going solo, according to a piece of chicken he bought from KFC. Well, that’s decided. [More]

(Morton Fox)

KFC Workers Attacked By Cake-Wielding Maniac

Angry fast food customers are choosing to go after employees at Yum! Brands restaurant chains with some bizarre weapons. First there was the Taco Bell worker who took a hot sauce-laced soda to the face and now comes a report of a KFC that had to call the police on a cake-thrower. [More]

(Misfit Photographer)

Woman Attacked For Keeping Taco Bell Customer From Getting Breakfast

If you show up at a Taco Bell with only a few minutes to go before the deadline for placing breakfast orders, don’t get mad if a delay in front of you prevents you from getting the food you crave. And, more importantly, don’t pursue and then assault the customer you blame for preventing you from ordering breakfast. [More]

McDonald’s Tries Again To Trademark “McBrunch”

McDonald’s Tries Again To Trademark “McBrunch”

Given McDonald’s love of selling breakfast, and its even deeper affection for trademarking anything even vaguely food-related starting with “Mc,” it’s surprising to learn that the company is just now getting around to trying to stake its claim on the phrase, “McBrunch.” But the real question is: Does this mean a real brunch menu is on the way from McDonald’s? [More]

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Taco Bell Testing Biscuit-Shell Breakfast Tacos Because It Can

Once again proving that its definition of “taco” is “something placed in something else that is folded or at least vaguely U-shaped,” Taco Bell is now shoving a variety of breakfast meats inside a folded biscuit and calling it a taco in some test markets. [More]

A Times Square protestor being arrested this morning (photo: Pete Nagy)

Dozens Of Arrests Made In Fast Food Wage Protests Around Country

As we mentioned earlier this week, supporters of higher wages for fast food workers staged protests in cities all over the country today. According to reports, a number of these demonstrations resulted arrests. [More]