Two years after an Oregon bakery refused to bake a wedding cake for a gay couple, the state’s Bureau of Labor and Industries says the business discriminated against the two women and as such, will have to pay up to $105,000 in fines. [More]
let them eat cake

KFC Workers Attacked By Cake-Wielding Maniac
Angry fast food customers are choosing to go after employees at Yum! Brands restaurant chains with some bizarre weapons. First there was the Taco Bell worker who took a hot sauce-laced soda to the face and now comes a report of a KFC that had to call the police on a cake-thrower. [More]

How To Cut A Round Cake So The Leftovers Won’t Dry Out
On the occasions when you are allowed to have your cake and eat it too (which I never understood because of course if you own a cake, you should eat it, otherwise what’s the point in having it?) and don’t manage to serve it all up in one sitting, you might stow the leftovers in the refrigerator. But if it’s a round cake, those two exposed cuts can leave the cake dry and stale after a night spent uneaten. WHAT TO DO? [More]