Do you have a craving for Easter candy? Good news! You can start preparing for the holiday, which is on Apr. 16 in 2017, because Easter treats have been on store shelves for over a week now. [More]
easter creep

Forget About Christmas: Let’s Move On To Valentine’s Day And Easter!
Yeah, there’s a holiday later this week or something. Retail stores don’t care about that anymore: they’ve got seasonal department shelves to fill, and most people who need garlands and lights have probably already bought ’em. What’s the next holiday? Valentine’s Day? Easter? Yeah, let’s move on to that. [More]

Easter Creep Spreads To CVS, Looks Delicious
Since shortly after Christmas Day, we’ve been tracking the spread of Easter Creep across the country. That’s when chocolate eggs and plastic bunnies hit store shelves before all of the unsold Christmas decorations are off the clearance shelf.

Up And At ‘Em, Easter Bunny: Chocolate Eggs Hit Shelves
This isn’t the earliest that we’ve ever seen it on the shelves, but we want to let our loyal readers know that Easter candy is now available at selected grocery stores nationwide. How do we know this? Our loyal readers have spotted the displays and reported back. [More]

Easter Creep Brings Us Creepy Bunnies In Mid-December
We thought it was bad (well, okay, we thought it was awesome) when a reader sent us photos of special Easter candies on display at Kroger in early December back in 2011. While the Reese’s Peanut Butter Egg and Cadbury Creme Egg are magical and should be available year-round, we can’t say the same for these terrifying bunnies. [More]

Are These Easter Ice Creams At Walmart Very Late Or Very Early?
Update: Mystery solved. At this point in the year, we can’t be sure whether an Easter item still on store shelves is early for Easter or just lingering months after the holiday. That’s the mystery of the Mounds Eggs that Micah found on the shelves of a Walmart in Georgia. [More]

Now At Walgreens: Stocking Stuffers For Your Easter Stocking
If a sign advertising “stocking stuffers” is up in March, does that make it incredibly late or incredibly early for Christmas? Is it Christmas Creep or plain old laziness? Maybe it’s something else altogether: it could be that Walgreens is trying to synthesize an all-new holiday tradition. [More]

Valentine’s Creep Is So Last Week— This Stop & Shop Is Bringing The Easter Bunny In Early
We were shocked — shocked! — when readers started sending us photographic evidence of stores stocking Valentine’s Day items even before Christmas. But apparently one Stop & Shop decided to take that as a challenge and has upped the ante with Easter Creep. Yes, Easter. As in springtime, bunnies and the next major holiday after Valentine’s Day. Yikes. [More]

Yep, The Easter Candy Is Out Already At Safeway And Kroger
In 2008, we published the first reports of Easter candy in stores on December 31. In 2009, they were spotted on shelves on December 23. Last year, the first appearance crept back to December 16. This year, our first reports came from Safeway and Kroger stores as early as December 2. [More]

In Which I Suggest A Timeline For Various Holiday Shopping Seasons
If you think they call me Holiday Cat just because I have some things to say about the handful of weeks from Thanksgiving through New Year’s, you are mistaken. I’m a feline for all seasons, and as such I have a few suggestions on when stores should start selling various holiday-themed products without setting off holiday creep alarms. [More]

Smuggler Hid Cocaine Inside Easter Eggs
You know this “Easter Creep” thing is out of control when a coke smuggler thinks Christmas time is the perfect time to start hiding his precious white powder inside Easter Eggs. [More]

The Easter Bunny Continues To Creep Into Father Christmas' Candy Territory
While most of us are in the full throes of dancing sugarplum dreams and peppermint bark binges, it seems the Easter Bunny (or at least Cadbury) is not to be deterred in his efforts to overthrow the Christmas candy season — a seasonal creep we have come to call “Premature Resurrection.” [More]
Forget Christmas — It's Already Easter At Kroger
Christmas is about a week away, with New Year’s following hot on its heels. And then there’s Valentine’s Day about seven weeks after that. But forget about all that junk because spring is apparently in the air at Kroger. [More]

Easter Creep: Now Right Next To The Tampons
At an unidentified drug store last week, reader H. found something strange next to the tampons: a display of Cadbury Creme Eggs. Whoever decided to pair these products together is some kind of marketing genius, considering the kinds of chocolate cravings that some women get during their Special Time. But there’s nothing unusual about having the Easter candy out early. Why, at some Walmarts, it’s been out for a month now. [More]

Yes, Walmart Already Has The Easter Candy Out
The place: Walmart. The date: December 23, 2009. The endcap display at Bob’s local store: Easter candy.
Hug your loved ones close, my dears, for the apocalypse is nigh.