Last year, the Arizona Diamondbacks introduced the world to the D-Bat Dog, a $25, 18-inch corn dog stuffed with cheese and bacon. This year the baseball team has decided to go a more sugary route, introducing the Churro Dog, which is essentially, a churro wrapped in a doughnut. [More]

Free Donuts Tomorrow Morning At Krispy Kreme
Krispy Kreme is opening what the company claims is its 1,000th store on Tuesday morning and to celebrate it’s giving away free donuts to first 1,000 customers at each location worldwide. [More]

Krispy Kreme Celebrates “Day Of The Dozens” With Glazed Doughnut BOGO Deal
A quick glance at the calendar and you will see that day is December 12 — or, if you’re into celebrating numbers and dates it’s 12/12. Krispy Kreme is celebrating this “Day of the Dozens” with free doughnuts, because who doesn’t like free fried dough and sugar? [More]

Two-Time Krispy Kreme Challenge Winner Can Somehow Run 4 Miles & Eat 12 Doughnuts Without Barfing
While I could maybe probably run four miles and definitely eat a dozen doughnuts, I couldn’t accomplish both in the same day, much less the same hour. That’s why it’s somewhat amazing that a two-time Krispy Kreme Challenge winner has managed to run two miles to Krispy Kreme, stop and eat 12 doughnuts, then run two more miles in only an hour. And without losing the contents of his stomach, to boot. Or not to boot. You get it. [More]

Krispy Kreme Handing Out Free Doughnuts On Halloween To Anyone In A Costume
Want a tasty treat but don’t want to spend any money? Dust off that witch hat/set of cat ears/football jersey/train conductor outfit and head to Krispy Kreme on Halloween for a free doughnut of your choice. You’ve gotta be in costume in the store, and it’s gotta be Oct. 31 only. Though feel free to wear a costume any day of the year that you like. [via Krispy Kreme on Facebook] [More]

Don’t Call It A Cronut: Dunkin’ Donuts To Start Selling A Cross Between A Croissant & A Donut
In a world where you can get a cease and desist letter to stop you from even thinking of calling a croissant/doughnut crossover a cronut, Dunkin’ Donuts knows it has two choices: It can either ignore the (fading) fad of frankenpastries, or it can just play this thing completely straight and call its new croissant-like doughnut/doughnut-like croissant what it is… a croissant donut. [More]

Police Chase Down Stolen Doughnut Truck [Insert Obvious Joke Here]
Police chasing after doughnuts — am I stuck in one of Uncle Larry’s jokes? No, not this time: Someone stole a van full of doughnuts and led police on a merry chase for it through Portland, OR, before cops were able to apprehend the suspect and make him drop a pilfered pastry he was apparently munching on during the pursuit. No doughnut left behind. [More]

Krispy Kreme Makes Homer Simpson Jealous, Delivers Massive Box Of 2,400 Doughnuts
So you picked up a dozen tasty doughnuts for the office this morning; that probably made you feel like a pretty good co-worker, right? Well Krispy Kreme officially put your measly 12 toruses of delicious dough to shame, by delivering a single, gigantic box of 2,400 doughnuts to a public relations firm in the United Kingdom. [More]

Krispy Kreme Announces Special ‘Ghostbusters’ Doughnuts For Movie’s 30th Anniversary
Prepare to feel old: Ghostbusters hit theaters 30 years ago (June 17, 1984 to be specific). Now prepare to feel old and maybe hungry: To celebrate that anniversary, Krispy Kreme has announced it will sell two Ghostbusters-themed doughnuts from Sept. 29 through Oct. 31. [More]

Police Recognize The Guy Who Beat Them In Doughnut Eating Contest As Robbery Suspect, Arrest Him
It’s one thing to return to the scene of the crime, but to show up at an even packed with law enforcement after spending months on the run from police? That is just a behavior in its very own category. [More]

Bakery Robbers Demand Cash, Get 2 Doughnuts Instead
Early this morning, a pair of would-be bakery robbers walked into a bakery and demanded $20. The person staffing the counter, who happened to be the bakery owner’s 79-year-old mom, made them a counter-offer of two glazed doughnuts. They accepted. [More]

Doughnut Shop Bans “Rude” 4-Year-Old Boy For Asking Woman If She Was Pregnant
Little kids ask questions. Unfortunately, they don’t always realize that their questions may be insensitive or inappropriate. Lots of adults let kids slide for their occasionally tactless queries, but the mother of one 4-year-old says a local doughnut shop is taking a hard line regarding her son’s behavior. [More]

Krispy Kreme Offering BOGO Deal On Dozen Doughnuts In Honor Of “Hero Day”
As that ancient Babylonian proverb goes that we know so well, “When someone inspires you, give’em doughnuts.” Krispy Kreme must be reading the same ancient tome, as it’s announced that in honor of “Hero Appreciation Day” today, customers who buy a dozen doughnuts will get another dozen free to give to whoever inspires you. And whoever that is better be hungry. [Krispy Kreme] [More]

Doughnut Ice Cream Sundaes Coming To Krispy Kreme This Summer…In Japan
Here in the United States, hot donut shop Krispy Kreme might stick a little bit of coffee in its pastries, but otherwise lets outside companies do strange and wonderful things with its food, like using a doughnut as the base for a Sloppy Joe sandwich. In Japan, the chain puts together its own unreal and slightly nauseating creations. Like the Doughnut Sundae. [More]

Police Set Up A Sting To Catch Guy Impersonating A Cop To Get Discounted Donuts
It might seem like a giggle and a half to pretend you’re a police offer to get a discount on donuts, but rest assured, cops take it very seriously. Not donuts, impersonating the police. Well okay, also probably donuts but they’re delicious so who can blame’em? [More]

Is The New Donut, Bacon, And Egg Sandwich At Dunkin’ Donuts Any Good? Not Really
If there’s anything we love at Consumerist, it’s feats of fast-food audacity. We’re not sure that the Glazed Donut Breakfast Sandwich at Dunkin’ Donuts even qualifies, though. Not anymore. Sandwiches on a donut might be a departure for Dunkin’, but everyone else has been putting burgers on them for years now. Yet some brave souls had to try it for themselves and find out. [More]

Cheerwine-Filled Krispy Kremes Are Back, Tennessee Can Bite In Too
The lovechild of a bottle of Cheerwine soda and a Krispy Kreme doughnut is back for seconds. It’s the Cheerwine-filled Krispy Kreme! The doughnut maker has brought back these two classic Carolina flavors that were such a hit last year for a one-monthly only run starting in July. And this year they’ve expanded the deploy zone to also include Tennessee. [More]