We recently wrote about the apparent reluctance of drivers to join auto insurance programs that could save them money in exchange for giving up some of their privacy. While many people want little to do with this sort of tracking, there are still a large number of consumers who don’t take such a hardline stance and are willing to consider ceding their privacy if they receive some benefit in return. [More]
Let’s make a deal

It’s Official: Former American Apparel CEO Dov Charney & His Pals Offer $300M For The Company
A report last week that said Dov Charney had teamed up with a financial backer to make a bid for his former company, American Apparel, has been confirmed. Though instead of offering up $200 million for the retailer, as orinaally reported, Charney and his ally have sweetened the deal, throwing $300 million on the table. [More]

Airbnb Wants To Get Into Bed With U.S. Landlords
Though there are surely tenants out there renting their apartments out on Airbnb without their landlord’s blessing, the short-term rental site wants to get on the good side of apartment owners around the country. To that end, it’s reaching out to a few large companies with a lot of properties to see if all sides can work out something beneficial to all involved. [More]

Bakery Robbers Demand Cash, Get 2 Doughnuts Instead
Early this morning, a pair of would-be bakery robbers walked into a bakery and demanded $20. The person staffing the counter, who happened to be the bakery owner’s 79-year-old mom, made them a counter-offer of two glazed doughnuts. They accepted. [More]

Sony & Viacom Closing In On Deal To Make Networks’ Content Available Via The Internet
I’m no weathervane (or AM I?!?) but it seems the wind is shifting in the land of TV content and Internet streaming. Sony and Viacom are reportedly close to a deal that would allow network programs from MTV, Nickelodeon, Comedy Central and the like to be carried on a system Sony’s working on. [More]

Shouldn't We Be Able To Negotiate On College Tuition?
If someone offers to sell you a life-changing product ranging in price anywhere from $10,000 to $250,000 — maybe more — chances are that most of you will at least attempt to negotiate that price down; only suckers pay sticker price. And yet, when it comes to a college education, it’s unheard of to call up competing institutes of higher learning to see if you can knock a few bucks off the MSRP. [More]

Microsoft Confirms $99 Xbox 360 For Those Who Love Pricey Monthly Subscriptions
Last week, it was rumored that Microsoft would be slashing the price on its Xbox 360 game console to a mere $99 with the asterisk that you also sign up for two years of its Xbox Live Gold online service. The company officially announced the offer today, and confirmed just how huge that asterisk is. [More]

Why Stock May Be Better Than Cash When It Comes To Work Bonuses
If your employer offers you a bonus with the choice between cash and company stock, you feel as though you’re on Let’s Make a Deal and don’t want to get stuck with the llama. [More]

Saved Money On Electronics By Haggling? Consumer Reports Wants To Talk To You
Surveys done by our corporate cohorts at Consumer Reports have found that around 50% of people who make an attempt at haggling end up getting some kind of a deal, even when shopping online. Now the editors at CR want to hear tales of successful haggling from consumers who’ve been able to bargain down the price at electronics retailers. [More]

Predatory Car Sales Tricks To Watch Out For
Effective car salesmen have a sizable bag of tricks from which to draw when moving in for the kill. To avoid falling prey to the ruses, you need to know how to spot them. [More]

Haggle With The Manager Of Lowe's, Get A Great Deal On A Fridge
Rissa writes in to let us know that you can get a great deal by haggling a little bit with the manager of Lowe’s. [More]